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Benoît Hamon

Subreddit dédié au soutien de Benoit Hamon, candidat à la présidentielle 2017 française. || Subreddit dedicated to supporting Benoit Hamon for the 2017 French Presidential Election.

Can someone help me write a letter to my 89 year old great grandfather from Québec?

I know this might get deleted because it’s not in French, and I couldn’t exactly read the rules to see if that is the case. But I really need your help!
My whole family is Canadian, but I’m first generation American. They all died or split off, so I’m the only one left to take care of my great grandfather. We don’t reside together, but both live in the same city. I visit him daily to feed him, but we can’t really communicate considering he is deaf and doesn’t know English. He can still read as I see him read this one book that is in French.
I would love to communicate with him. I’m not sure if he even really knows who I am. The letter wouldn’t be long.
Please someone help me translate a letter into French!!
This is so important to me.
Thank you!!
So y’all told me to use this translator. I’m going to post my letter and the translated version here. Some PMd me and point some of the translators mistakes out. I’m still going to put it here just in case they missed something.
Pepe (Peh-pay) is what I called him. I have no idea how it is actually spelled, but maybe you can recognize the sound as a certain French word? I don’t know what it means.
Dear Pepe,
I am that little girl you used to know. The one in the painting above your bed. I can’t speak French anymore, and I go by a different name, so I’m sorry if you were confused as to who I am.
When I make you food, you only eat it sometimes. I do not know if this is because of your appetite or if you do not like it. I would not be offended if you wanted me to make something else. Maybe a dish you remember from back home? When I was little you told me your mother was a wonderful woman, do you have a dish of hers I can try to make?
I am going to get a better job soon, and when I do, I will be paid more. I am going to take French lessons so that we can talk.
I remember you so fondly. We always went to the beach together, and you were always kind and patient with my brother. You understood his Autism and accepted him. I’m glad he got to know you in his short life.
I love you, Olivia
Cher Pepe,
Je suis cette petite fille que tu connaissais. Celle qui est dans le tableau au-dessus de ton lit. Je ne parle plus français, et je porte un autre nom, alors je suis désolée si vous avez confondu qui je suis.
Quand je vous prépare de la nourriture, vous ne la mangez que de temps en temps. Je ne sais pas si c'est à cause de votre appétit ou si vous n'aimez pas ça. Je ne serais pas offensée si vous vouliez que je fasse autre chose. Peut-être un plat dont vous vous souvenez de chez vous ? Quand j'étais petite, vous m'avez dit que votre mère était une femme merveilleuse, avez-vous un plat de chez elle que je puisse essayer de préparer ?
Je vais bientôt trouver un meilleur emploi, et quand ce sera le cas, je serai mieux payée. Je vais prendre des cours de français pour qu'on puisse parler.
Je me souviens très bien de vous. Nous allions toujours à la plage ensemble, et tu étais toujours gentil et patient avec mon frère. Tu comprenais son autisme et tu l'acceptais. Je suis heureux qu'il ait appris à vous connaître dans sa courte vie.
Je t'aime, Olivia
EDIT 2::
You asked for an update!!
submitted by toinygrl to Quebec [link] [comments]

Diego Maradona tribute megathread

Football legend Maradona has passed away at the age of 60. I am creating this thread to collect tributes from across the football world and beyond, if I have missed a tribute then please PM me and I will add it to the thread. I'll keep editing and updating it.
submitted by Tim-Sanchez to soccer [link] [comments]

SujDuJ - Nouvel an de WriteStreak, jour 6.xx : Je papote avec vous 2 (Nouveau poulpe + la communauté de l'Anneau + annonce conférence Zoom)

SujDuJ - Nouvel an de WriteStreak, jour 6.xx : Je papote avec vous 2 (Nouveau poulpe + la communauté de l'Anneau + annonce conférence Zoom)
Salut les amis ! 👋
Aujourd'hui je suis très en retard pour le sujet du jour. Pour tout vous dire, mon cerveau m'impose un drôle de rythme de vie : J'ai dormi 15 heures cette nuit, après avoir été réveillé pendant 30 heures. Maintenant, je suis réveillé depuis 20 bonnes heures et je ne suis pourtant toujours pas fatigué. 🤷‍♂️
Un humain, c'est étrange, vous ne trouvez pas ? ☺️
J'ai beaucoup hésité quant au choix du sujet du jour.
Je me suis dit que j'allais peut-être vous parler du fait que u/ibelasantos_ a fini sa transformation en semi-poulpe ! 😱
Terrifiant. 😨
Ou alors qu'il serait peut-être temps de continuer les histoires de WriteStreak. Parce que je m'amuse bien avec vous !
Mais d'un coup, BAM ! je me suis aperçu que ça faisait très longtemps que je n'avais pas juste papoté avec vous. Ça fait au moins un mois et demi ! 😮
Je vais faire ça, aujourd'hui. 👍
Comme vous l'avez sûrement remarqué, la bourse subit pas mal de remous en ce moment. Et vous connaissez sûrement la cause : une communauté de gens déterminés sur reddit. Incroyable, non ?
Eh bien, figurez-vous que ça m'a beaucoup fait cogiter (réfléchir). La dernière fois, je m'étais déjà étonné de voir la consistance des relations humaines sur ce subreddit.
Je crois qu'internet a profondément changé nos civilisations. Les gens n'ayant jamais connu la vie sans internet sont maintenant très nombreux. Peut-être que les relations hors internet se sont un peu dégradées. Je ne sais pas trop... En tout cas, il existe une vraie vie sociale sur internet donc je me suis privé jusqu'à l'année dernière. 😕
Les récents évènements m'ont persuadé d'une chose : Ne s'intégrer dans aucune communauté sur internet, c'est se couper d'une partie de la vie, en un sens.
On m'a beaucoup demandé pourquoi je fais ce que je fais sur reddit. Au début, c'était juste pour tester. Maintenant je le sais, je veux participer à la construction d'une communauté. Que ce soit pour l'apprentissage du français, d'une autre langue ou pour autre chose, l'important et que l'on ne fasse plus les choses seuls et que le puisse profiter de la force du commun. 💪
On est toujours plus forts à plusieurs, même pour apprendre des trucs.
Tout seul, je ne suis pas grand chose.
Quand je vais sur WriteStreakRU, sur WriteStreakKorean ou sur WriteStreakJP, je suis totalement choqué. C'est devenu vivant ! 🤯 A la base, j'ai créé ça juste pour rigoler dans nos histoires de conquêtes ! 😂
Quand je vais sur WriteStreakES ou sur WriteStreakEN, je trouve génial le fait d'assister à une telle évolution. 😮
Quand je vais sur WriteStreakGerman, eh bien...
je ne comprends rien. 😐
Bon, j'ai une stratégie pour créer cette communauté. Je vais utiliser une sorte de manipulation mentale ! 😈 héhéhé
Ma stratégie : continuer à vous offrir tous les meilleurs trucs que je peux vous offrir, pour que vous ayez de plus en plus envie de passer du temps ensemble. 😈 héhéhé
Ok, je ferais peut-être un très mauvais génie du mal. 🤓
D'ailleurs, petite annonce :
J'organise une conférence sur Zoom pour ceux qui veulent pratiquer leur français à l'oral. On pourra parler, comme ça ! Et vous pourrez entendre ma voix de princesse Disney pour la première fois ! 🤗
Ce sera Mardi 2 février à 10 pm EST (4 h du matin en France). Je me suis dit que ce serait une bonne idée de faire une conférence Zoom à 4 h matin. Il y a peut-être quelque chose que je ne comprends pas bien avec la notion de "temps". 🤔
Allez, bisous les copains, bisous les copines et bisous les bots ! 😘
À demain ! 😁

Just a reminder to all: if you didn't write yesterday, 1 is your streak. Please put your subject as "Streak [number]: [subject]."
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Beginners, this subreddit is for you. Don't hesitate to make mistakes. That's how you learn.As always, write whatever you like. If you don't have a topic, then use one of ours and it doesn’t have to be this one. Check out other Writing Topics on the left.
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289% Upvoted
submitted by MC_Eucaryote to WriteStreak [link] [comments]

Liberté d'expression, laïcité, Charlie Hebdo : un vade-mecum pour les subs étrangers ?

UN GRAND MERCI À TOUS ET TOUTES ! Pour rendre ce texte plus facilement partageable aux non-francophones, les informations relatives au message lui-même ont été mises en fin de texte.
EDIT : ajout de segments sur la stigmatisation des musulmans et Dieudonné, n'hésitez pas à apporter corrections et précisions si besoin.
French law is simple: people have rights, ideas don't have any.
What that means is that:
You can satirize, criticize, mock, do anything to ideas, symbols, etc. Only people are protected by the law. There are a very few exceptions to that principle, but religion is not one of them.
Three main exceptions:
  • Denial of crimes against humanity that have been sentenced as such by a french or international court (this, obviously, includes the holocaust). This law has been and is still discussed: some argue that the political power should not interfere in history discussions.
  • Glorifying terrorism (it's a very old law: 1881).
  • Insulting the national flag. This one is a very recent (2003) and controversial law - and its pretty limited: the Conseil d'État ruled that this law applies only to "disturbing the peace" ; insulting the french flag is allowed for those who "want to communicate, by doing this, political or philosophical ideas, or who do it as an artistic or creative act".
It would be a bad idea.
First, free speech doesn't make sense if it only works to please everyone. If a dictator forbids free speech, it's because he usually doesn't want people to say bad things about him, not because he's afraid of receiving compliments...
But most of all, in a society in which free speech should bow to your feelings, a LOT of things would be forbidden... including religions. For a lot of people in modern society, some principles are sacred: for instance the idea that apostates, women who have sex before marriage, or same sex couples aren't guilty of anything. The holy books of the three religion are therefore deeply offensive to them: they could just as well ask to forbid those writings...
There is no logical reason for which, in a society, some citizens should be considered more "holy" than others, or their feelings more important than those of others.
The limitations in free speech laws are only made to protect people - their safety, or their reputation. Not their ideas, nor their feelings.
Siné was fired from Charlie Hebdo after making, in a text, a remark on the marriage of Sarkozy's son with a jewish girl, suggesting he was choosing to convert to Judaism to marry a rich heiress. The chain of events is complicated (see the wiki page), and the Charlie Hebdo director from those years (Phillipe Val) who fired him is still very controversial.
The LICRA (association against racism and antisemitism) filed a complaint against him after this. Siné was acquitted of all charges.
To sum this up:
  • Siné was accused of stigmatization against Jews (people), not their religion (idea).
  • His being fired from Charlie Hebdo is the sole responsibility of the director of that period, not french laws.
  • France, through its judicial system, confirmed that Sine was free to say what he said.
Dieudonné is a talented stand-up comedian, which gradually made attacks on Jews his specialty - and as time went by, he became close to the far right (Soral, Lepen). There are two very different affairs about him.
Note that, in those two affairs, he was never accused of mocking the Jewish religion (idea), but of hate speech, racist insults and defemation against Jews (people), of glorifying terrorism, and of denial of crime against humanity.
  • The first affair is the one everybody heard of: the cancelling of his show. In 2013-2014, Dieudonné is presenting a new one-man-show, and some parts of it are considered borderline antisemitic. But wait for a trial to confirm that would have been long, and the politic power at that time (french minister Manuel Valls) didn't want to let the show still publicly attack Jews every night without doing nothing. So, through his departmental prefects (which obey to political power), he asked to stop the show for "trouble à l'ordre public" ("disturbing public order"). That's not really what "trouble à l'ordre public" is usually used for (it's mainly made for meetings judged dangerous), but it's still possible to do it for a show, through an unique case law of 1995 (case law, aka "jurisprudence", is decisive in french law). This decision opened a huge and violent debate in France, including between its different institutions (the administrative court of the city of Nantes canceled the canceling of the show, then the State Council canceled the cancel of the canceling of the show...). This decision is still debated today, and judged illegitimate by many.
  • That said, there is another affair, or several in fact, which are not known at all abroad: the fact that, on the same matter, Dieudonné was found guilty several times after proper trials. Between 2007 and 2020, he was convicted 11 times (for "call to hate", for "racist defamation", for "racial insult", for "apology of terrorism"...). Those convictions have been confirmed on appeal, and are not a french obsession: he has been also condemned for the same things in Belgium, in Quebec, and one of his french sentences has been confirmed by the European Court of Human Rights.
To sum this up:
  • Dieudonné was never convicted for attacks on Jewish religion, but for attacks on Jews, denial of crime against humanity, and glorifying terrorism.
  • He has been found guilty of this 11 times by french justice, but also by the judicial system of Belgium, of Quebec, and by the European Court of Human Rights.
  • Nevertheless, the political power of 2014 hasn't waited for a trial to stop one of his shows with antisemitic parts, and cancelled it in a way which, while still legal, was jugged abusive and problematic by a big part of french society, including some of its institutions.
Note, before anything else, that Charlie Hebdo is an independent newspaper: the French government doesn't decide what is published in it. They're read by only a very small part of the population. It only represents itself. And anyone is free to file a complaint against them.
That said, Charlie Hebdo, which is a critical and satirical left-wing newspaper (anti-far-right, antimilitarist, anticlerical, propalestinian...), and the heir of an anarchist-libertarian french press, has a long history in making fun (and even being plain rude/disrespectful) of anything and anyone. This includes all religions, and Islam is far from being the main focus, as shown by this statistic of the front covers of Charlie hebdo during the ten years that preceded the killings: https://i.imgur.com/1CeIQwU.png
For those who think they are harsher on Islam, here is an example of a recent cover they made about Christianity: https://p1.storage.canalblog.com/28/07/177230/82450171.jpg
The three main religions are in fact often targeted together: https://jewpop.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/charliehebdoproces.Jewpopjpg.jpg
And for those who think they are nicer to the jewish community, here is one of their drawing on Isreal killing children in Palestine: https://p6.storage.canalblog.com/62/81/177230/100527364_o.jpg
The main target of Charlie Hebdo, that said, is mainly far right politicians like Le Pen, not religion.
On decades and thousands of drawings, there are very few cartoons that have been considered racist. Their idea to be "bête et méchant" ("stupid and nasty") with everyone (the main equivalent, in the US, would not be The Onion, but more something like South Park) lead them to sometimes cross the line.
For instance with this drawing (which is not a cover) : https://www.actuabd.com/local/cache-vignettes/L450xH536/riss-aylan-382e8.jpg?1580041384
Don't think it got a free pass: this drawing, as well as some others, was heavily discussed at that time in French society. But no one filed a complaint: you still can, if you want to.
As far as France didn't forbid anything (just reacted to it), the French statement demanding the immediate stop of boycotts in an authoritarian tone was indeed clumsy, to say the least. That said, the statement was also highlighting the fact that those boycotts were a reaction to lies and distortions of words. This would not contradict free speech laws in France: defamation, in France like in any other country, is a limit of free speech.
The reaction to Erdogan words were only due to the fact that a president literally insulted another one, a thing which never happens in diplomatic relationships even between unallied countries. The last political leader to do so was Duterte, who insulted Obama. Obama reacted by cancelling their meeting - at that time, nobody thought it was an abusive reaction.
The Hijab in general is not forbidden in France: you can wear it in the streets, in a concert hall, at your job on certain conditions (see below), etc.
But there are two exceptions. Note that those exceptions concern ALL ostensible religious signs (hijab, cross, kipas):
  • State-run school (primary school, middle-school, and highscool - college is not concerned). The school is considered a neutral ground, in which children must forge their own opinion, without outside pressure, without religious influence or influence from their parents. This doesn't only concern religion, it's a global principle of neutrality (religious, commercial, and political neutrality, which concerns teachers, but also students depending of the context : during an election time, a child woudln't be allowed to come in class with a t-shirt promoting his favorite presidential candidate, for instance). While the definitive law on the subject is recent, it has its roots deeper in french history: public education in France was born in a pretty harsh fight against religious catholic schools, more than a century ago.
  • State workers. In France, regarding religion, the State is totally neutral (there is no State religion or official religion). Therefore, all its workers (teachers, cops...) must be neutral too, as they represent the State in their interactions with its citizens.
As for jobs, it can only be forbidden in two cases: 1) a clause in the internal regulations of the company can demand than employees in contact with clients (and only them) do not show any personal convictions signs (whatever they are: religious, political, etc.), 2) it can be forbidden for safety, hygiene, or security reasons. But an employer can not ask a employee to not wear it just because he doesn't like it.
Yes. And as much as all the other laws were designed for ALL religions, this one (which is very recent) is not. In concrete terms, this law forbids an individual to hide their face outside of certain contexts (for instance, it's allowed for sanitary reasons - the COVID mask is therefore not against the law).
This law was a reaction to niqab and burqa not as religious signs, but as political ones (the signs of a political/fundamentalist islam, associated with the Salafi movement). It was a huge debate here in France, and a lot of people, while being not very supportive of niqab, still think it was a bad move.
Note that France is not, by far, the only country to have forbidden these: Senagal, the Netherlands, Chad, Gabon, Austria, Cameroun and others have also forbidden them.
We have to be more cautious here, as the answer that follows isn't based on something as factual as law. The short answer is "yes": they are stigmatized. But not by caricatures...
Muslims in France are for most or them Arabs, children or grandchildren of North Africans immigrants from the sixties and after. Like all immigrant waves before them (Italians, Portugueses...), they experienced racism, but there are several differences. Due to the time of their arrival in France, they settled in brand new suburbs buildings, in places in which they were not mixed with other frenchs: those places became with decades deserted by the State (regarding public services), and have now to deal with high unemployment, drug traffic, and the criminality which results from it. This led to very harsh confrontation with the Police, which took bad habits: a black or arab frenchman as 20 more chances to be controlled than a white one, as a national 2017 study shows. In addition to that, the colonial past of France, and especially all that concerns Algeria (its colonization, the Algerian war), took a long time to be recognized as such by the State - and as much as Macron recently qualified Algerian colonization as "crime against humanity" and a "barbaric act", this national work is still in process.
All that explains the easiness with which a more radical Islam took roots in some of those places, when salafi movements expanded in Europe: for a lot of young people living there, who feel hated by the State and the rest of society, "being Muslim" is the only identity and pride left. Therefore any attack on it (or law lived as an attack) is extremely badly experienced. This come-back of the religion in public spaces and of its demands, in a country which just finished to deal with his century fight against Catholic Church claims, provoked a vivid reaction on the other side.
This defiance against Islam became a tool for the far right in order to gain votes, then from the right politicians (including some current ministers) wanting to keep those votes. Religious extremists and racist people in France now take profit of the same kind of ambiguity: religious extremists say any limitation of their religious expression (due to the limitations of french free speech laws) are in fact an attack on Islam and Muslims ("Islamophobia") ; and the Far Right implies that every Muslims is an extremist who doesn't accept the french laïcité (an idea which is sadly encouraged by recent polls - even if pools, and the ambiguity of their questions, should always be read with caution). This confusion is helped by the fact that the political left, which in France is historically the keepewatcher of laïcité (a true laïcité, not a preference for Catholic church), is sometimes awkward with the subject concerning Islam, as it doesn't want to attack a religion whom believers already live discriminations as Arabs. And all that confusion is of course not helped by the 20 terrorist attacks made in the name of Islam that France lived in the last 8 years...
To sum this up: yes, it's not exaggerate to say there is a stigmatization of Muslims in France. But it has not a lot to do with the free speech law, or with the caricatures of the prophet, and favoring that confusion is playing the game of religious extremists on french soil. Left newspapers like Charlie Hebdo want to continue to fight racism AND to attack religions: to treat Muslims as equals (to attack their religion as any other one), not to patronize them. That's up to each person to decide if they're doing it right...
For cynical economic reasons. But as much as it is not a matter of pride, nor logical in a war against terrorism, it can not be used as an argument to invalidate french version of secularism, which is only about the separation of church and State. The same way we cannot invalidate the secularism legislations of all the countries which presently deal with China just because China locks Muslims into camps (among other niceties)...
Macron's speech for the national tribute to the beheaded teacher. This speech is the reason a part of the muslim world started boycotting France, and asked for apologies, pretending he attacked Islam in it. There is no such things in his speech (he only talks about radical Islam, and the liberty to caricature):
Al Jazeera interview with Macron :
Hello tout le monde,
Comme pas mal ici, depuis une semaine, je passe mon temps à répondre aux mêmes questions, aux mêmes attaques mal informées ou fake news, aux mêmes comparaisons foireuses... Et quand je vais voir sur les subs étrangers, ce n'est pas mieux.
Je me demande du coup si ce ne serait pas utile de se faire un petit bilan, en anglais, auquel on puisse renvoyer, ou dont on puisse copiecoller des bouts pour répondre aux questions les plus habituelles. Même si au fond c'est une initiative qu'on aurait du prendre la semaine dernière, là c'est limite trop tard...
Le faire ensemble ici permettrait en tout cas de le corriger, de le sourcer, de peaufiner l'anglais, de le rendre plus objectif et froid, de vérifier les affirmations auprès des juristes s'il y en a parmi nous, etc. (EDIT : j'ai eu plein de retours pour la reformulation que j'ai appliqués, merci à tous, restons-en à présent à ce qui pourrait être factuellement faux (questions de droits, affirmations) ou fautes d'anglais objectives !).
Il y aurait encore d'autres choses, sur des objections que j'ai aussi pu croiser : le fait que l'antisonisme ait intégré la loi sur l'antisémitisme, par exemple, ou encore sur la fermeture d'Hara Kiri, une explication de la pensée du modèle laïque français et de pourquoi il diffère tant des autres pays (y compris les raisons historiques), un petit bilan de la stigmatisation dont peuvent souffrir les musulmans en France pour bien faire le tri entre les attaques à la religion et les attaques racistes (mais à documenter sérieusement)...
D'autres questions ont été proposées en réaction à ce post, comme ici et ici : si vous voulez vous y atteler et soumettre vos textes au jugement des autres: attention à rester court et factuel, et à ne pas chercher à "défendre" le pays, mais à simplement refroidir le truc en coupant court aux ambiguïtés possibles, y compris si ça met en lumière des failles et problèmes du côté français.
J'ai bien conscience que c'est délicat au sens où on a nous-mêmes des avis différents sur ces questions. Ça peut être aussi l'occasion d'en discuter.
Voilà ce qui me vient pour l'instant, par rapport aux questions qui nous sont le plus posées... (j'édite le texte ci-dessous en fonction de vos remarques).
EDIT: questions en suspend : toujours une hésitation sur la prise en compte de l'esclavage ou non dans la loi contre le négationnisme (qui est un beau bordel), un redditeur travaille dessus.
submitted by TB54 to france [link] [comments]

What the f*ck did he want ? ENG/FR

Hi everyone, this story happened like 2 and a half years ago, I'm 24 now and was 22 at that time.
I lived just outside Paris, juste 13 minutes with the train. I'm french, at that time I was a student at La Sorbonne and english's teacher in private schools, I'm only 1m56. After the class that I gave this afternoon, I joined a french friend that I met when I was living in Sweden. I propose a good adress of burger pretty cheap. We enjoy the meal and the evening, talking about our experience in Sweden, her travel to Japan, and how it feels to be back in our native country. We go to the subway, we said goodbye, and I go take my train straight to my home station. Only 26% on my phone so I don't use it, and listen to the conversation of unknown people around me, a group of friends talking about peoples they met at a party, they make me laugh and soon we start talking all together. They are funny and excentric, this is one of the thing that I miss when I was in Sweden. Excentric noisy people, with who you can talk even if you don't know them. Either way. I said goodbye to them, and start walking toward my place, in a good mood. I put my earphones and listen to K/DA - Popstars, I move my head while walking because the song is really catchy.
This is where I saw Him. My way home is juste right ahead, a big big street, where I have to walk 7 minutes straight forward and then there is my building. I was half-way when I spotted him on the other sidewalk. A little road separate us but no cars around, and he's 3.5 meters away from me. Actually he make me feel nervous because he turn around for watching me often. I low down my music, I don't know why while thinking about it"just in case" I thought. I'm at 150m of my building, where live my father and my brothers, I juste have to call one of them and they will be there. But I didn't do it. I mean, the guy didn't do anything, he's smoking his cigarette, even tho he continue to gaze me really often. I gaze back at him, our eyes meet often. I'm really uncomfortable, but I'm just in front of my building, my family live at the first floor (if you're from the U.S it is the second floor), I just have to scream and they will hear me. I saw the lights of the TV in the living-room, it comforts me a bit.
I watch the guy a last time and he seems to keep going on his way, then I turn to my left until the entrance of my building and this is when I saw him. He crossed the road quickly, running into my direction, still starring at me. So I turn to face him, take off my earphones and stare at him frowning. I wasn't afraid, I was just... angry. What the fuck did he want ? I was pretty secured by the fact that my father could hear my scream, and he actually taught me that the best defence is the attack and the surprise effect. And the only thing that I could think about was "keep him in your vision, don't turn your back". So I stay there with my angry face, looking at him. He stops at only 2 meters from me, and stare at me back. He was around 1m75 pretty fit, black short hair with no bear. We stay like that for like 30 seconds. The most scary and grating seconds of my life. Then he continues his way, still glancing at me often.
I wait maybe 5 seconds, and without watching behind me I run until my building with my key in my hand, I was at this moment too afraid for watching if he was there. I run in the stairs and open my door, closing it behind me, and then I breath. I straight go to my father. He went on the balcony for check if the guy was still there, asking me how he looks like. 50 meters away behind a bush he saw a man but was unable to see anything in the dark. But he definitely saw the point of his cigarette, lightning. My father gave me a pepper spray the next day.
So weird dude with your cigarette who freak me out, I hate you.
J'ai décidé de raconter cette histoire également en Français, parce que pourquoi pas après tout ?
Cette histoire s'est passée il y a deux ans, quand j'avais 22 ans.
J'étais étudiante à la Sorbonne ainsi que professeur d'anglais dans le privée à ce moment là. J'habitais à environ 13 minutes de Paris en RER, je ne mesure que 1m56, donc pas top niveau défense. Après la classe que j'ai donnée cette après-midi, je vais rejoindre une amie que j'ai rencontré en Suède lorsque j'y étais expatriée. Je propose une bonne adresse de burger sur les grands boulevards pas trop cher. On profite du repas et de la soirée, racontant nos experiences en Suède et au Japon, et comment c'est de revenir dans son pays d'origine. On va jusqu'au métro, on se dit au revoir en se disant qu'on se reverra très bientôt. Je vais choper mon RER qui est direct pour ma station en banlieue sud. J'ai fait ce trajet des dizaines, peut-être des centaines de fois la nuit sans jamais aucun problème. Mon telephone qui a une vieille batterie toute pourrie est à 26% donc je décide de ne pas l'utiliser et j'écoute un groupe de personne assis autour de moi. Ce sont des amis en train de gossip sur des gens rencontrés à une fête, ça me fait rigoler et ils m'intègrent à leur conversation. On fini par discuter et bien rigoler. Une très bonne soirée en somme. J'arrive à ma station, toujours dans une bonne humeur je me mets la musique Popstars de KDA dans les oreilles et je rentre en chantonnant.
Mon appartement se trouve à 7 minutes à pied de la gare lorsque je marche à une allure soutenue, c'est environ au milieu du chemin que je Le vois. Il se trouve de l'autre côté de la route, c'est une petite départementale avec normalement pas mal de voitures mais ce soir-là, personne. Il n'y a que des maisons éteintes et silencieuses aux alentours. Et je ne sais pas trop pourquoi, j'ai un mauvais pressentiment, je vois cet homme qui était assez loin devant moi ralentir son allure sans aucune raison, tirer plus doucement sur sa clope et me lancer des regards, de plus en plus frénétiques. Et personne ne fait ça en pleine nuit pour de bonnes raisons, je baisse le son de ma musique mais garde mes écouteurs et continue de marcher comme si tout allait bien.
Pour la première fois de ma vie, je vais sur le contact de mon père sur mon telephone et je le garde à porter de moi, déverrouillé. Mon père a des insomnies très fréquemment et il devrait être réveillé. Habitant au premier étage, la fenêtre/balcon tournée vers la rue il devrait m'entendre si je crie juste devant ou si je l'appelle il devrait être là en quelques secondes. Et cette pensée me rassure. L'Homme ne me lâche plus du regard et ses épaules sont tournées vers moi, ce qui le fait marcher de manière ridicule. Je croise son regard à plusieurs reprises et quelque chose me dérange.
Arrivée devant ma résidence je souffle, je vois la lumière de la télé du salon, ça me rassure, mais d'habitude la fenêtre est entrouverte, là ce n'est pas le cas. Je ne me laisse pas démonter, après un dernier regard à l'Homme qui a l'air de continuer sa route, je tourne à gauche. Et du coin de l'œil, je le vois. Il change subitement de route, revient sur ses pas et traverse la route en trottinant, droit vers moi. A ce moment-là je comprends que ce n'est pas juste quelqu'un qui rentre chez lui et qui m'a fait peur sans le vouloir, il veut quelque chose.
Pour expliquer, je suis devant ma résidence la lumière s'active automatiquement et éblouis toute l'entrée de la résidence à mon passage, avec un passage sous mon immeuble qui arrive sur un parking privé plongé dans le noir et d'autres petits immeubles de 3-4 étages. Heureusement, mon immeuble est le premier dont la porte est atteignable tout de suite sans avoir à s'engager dans le parking sombre. Je suis à moins de 2 mètres de cet homme, il me voit me tourner vers lui et il s'arrête net. A ce moment-là au lieu d'avoir peur ou de paniquer je suis juste... en colère. La seule pensée qui me vient c'est "mais qu'est-ce que tu veux putain ?!".
Et pendant 30 secondes, nous restons là, à 2 mètres l'un de l'autre, à se fixer. C'était un homme de taille moyenne, plutôt fin, rasé de près et des cheveux noirs. Il avait un blouson de cuir noir. Tout ces détails je les revois encore aujourd'hui. Il a l'air étonné de me voir le fixer les sourcils froncés, à l'attendre juste. Et se met clairement à douter. C'est peut-être stupide mais on m'a toujours dit que la meilleure défense c'est l'attaque et la surprise. Toujours poussée par ma colère je n'ai que la pensée "garde le en visuel, ne lui tourne pas le dos". Pendant les 30 secondes les plus effrayantes et énervantes de ma vie, il n'y avait aucun son. Puis il fini par tourner les pieds et repart pour continuer sa route.
Je reste sur place à le suivre des yeux pendant 5-6 secondes avant de ne plus le voir. Je me retourne alors précipitamment et ouvre la porte de mon immeuble et monte les marches jusqu'à l'étage en courant presque. Une fois la porte fermée derrière moi je souffle enfin. De stress surement, parce qu'à ce moment là l'adrénaline dominait. Je vais voir mon père dans le salon, pendant qu'il m'écoute il ouvre la fenêtre et va observer la rue depuis le balcon. Derrière une haie à 50m de là il voit un homme, mais dans la pénombre il est difficile de le distinguer. Il voit en revanche le bout de sa cigarette s'embraser.
Le lendemain, il m'a confié un spray au poivre de poing. Que je garde toujours avec moi même si je n'habite plus chez mes parents. Cet homme n'est jamais revenu, je ne l'ai jamais revu. J'ai évité de sortir trop tard durant des mois.
Alors, cher monsieur à la cigarette, ne nous croisons plus jamais.
submitted by NyuAka to creepyencounters [link] [comments]

Reprise de l'organisation des SujDuJ

Salut à tous ! 🤗
Aujourd'hui, je ne comptais pas faire de sujet du jour, parce que je m'occupais de ma nièce (qui est née il n'y a pas longtemps du tout ! 😲🥰).
Mais finalement, J'ai trouvé le temps. 😁
Je vais faire quelques petites annonces :
A partir de demain, je reprends l'organisation des sujets du jour en fonction des jours de la semaine.
Autre chose : je viens de changer drastiquement mon rythme de vie. Maintenant, je vis le jour, à l'heure française ! 😄
Alors, à partir de maintenant, je vais donner une heure pour poster mes sujets. Ce sera 9 h du matin (heure française) tous les jours. J'écrirai le sujet la veille et il se postera automatiquement.
Qu'en pensez-vous ? Si vous avez des suggestion, n'hésitez pas à m'en faire part. 👍
À demain. 😊

Just a reminder to all: if you didn't write yesterday, 1 is your streak. Please put your subject as "Streak [number]: [subject]."
Please tag your post with "Corrigez-moi !" flair so we know you want correction.
Beginners, this subreddit is for you. Don't hesitate to make mistakes. That's how you learn.As always, write whatever you like. If you don't have a topic, then use one of ours and it doesn’t have to be this one. Check out other Writing Topics on the left.
Please feel free to interact with each other (comment on each other's posts) as long as you write it in the language you learn. The more you interact, the more you practice writing.
Please help each other by correcting each other's work too. It also helps to enforce your knowledge. If you're fluent in french, we definitely need your help correcting all the posts. There are too many posts without correction.
If you're fluent in Spanish, English, German, Russian, Japanese or Korean please consider helping us by correcting posts on WriteStreakES, WriteStreakEN, WriteStreakPT, WriteStreakGerman, WriteStreakRU, WriteStreakJP and WriteStreakKorean.
submitted by MC_Eucaryote to WriteStreak [link] [comments]

SujDuJ : Les esthétiques de chez vous

Bonjour les amis ! 🤗
Aujourd'hui, nous sommes vendredi. C'est donc le jour du sujet libre. 🤔
J'aimerais que vous m'appreniez de nouvelles choses sur la culture de chez vous.
Cette fois, je souhaiterais que vous me faisiez découvrir les visuels et les esthétiques de vos régions ! 😗
N'hésitez pas à m'envoyer des tas d'images et de liens en tous genres ! Si vous voulez me montrer quelque chose que je n'ai pas cité, allez-y ! Je suis vraiment impatient de découvrir tout ça. 🤯
Et j'offre une part de gratitude supplémentaire à ceux qui me feront découvrir d'anciennes œuvres représentant la mythologie de chez eux ! 😁
À demain. 👋

Just a reminder to all: if you didn't write yesterday, 1 is your streak. Please put your subject as "Streak [number]: [subject]."
Please tag your post with "Corrigez-moi !" flair so we know you want correction.
Beginners, this subreddit is for you. Don't hesitate to make mistakes. That's how you learn.As always, write whatever you like. If you don't have a topic, then use one of ours and it doesn’t have to be this one. Check out other Writing Topics on the left.
Please feel free to interact with each other (comment on each other's posts) as long as you write it in the language you learn. The more you interact, the more you practice writing.
Please help each other by correcting each other's work too. It also helps to enforce your knowledge. If you're fluent in french, we definitely need your help correcting all the posts. There are too many posts without correction.
If you're fluent in Spanish, English, German, Russian, Japanese or Korean please consider helping us by correcting posts on WriteStreakES, WriteStreakEN, WriteStreakPT, WriteStreakGerman, WriteStreakRU, WriteStreakJP and WriteStreakKorean.
submitted by MC_Eucaryote to WriteStreak [link] [comments]

Is French required in Canada or Louisiana

I think it is in Ontario, and I know it is in Quebec (English isn’t even official there) but is it anywhere else, Id be kinda weird to force the people of British Columbia to learn French, no one there speaks French
mauvaise traduction en français, désolé mon français n'est pas bon
Le français est-il requis au Canada ou en Louisiane
Je pense que c'est en Ontario, et je sais que c'est au Québec (l'anglais n'est même pas officiel là-bas) mais est-ce ailleurs, ce serait un peu bizarre de forcer les gens de la Colombie-Britannique à apprendre le français, personne là-bas ne parle français
submitted by bobtheconqueror42 to teenagers [link] [comments]

Grammaire : Impératif (Partie 1)

Bonjour les amis ! 🤗
Devinez quoi...

🌈 C'est l'heure de la grammaire ! 🌈

Ça faisait tellement longtemps ! 🤯
Je crois que j'étais épuisé. Ces sujets sont peut-être les plus fatigants de tous... Parce que je dois moi-même apprendre beaucoup de choses. 😅
Aujourd'hui, nous parlons de l'impératif.
L'impératif est un des quatre modes personnels du français (les autres sont : l'indicatif, le subjonctif et le conditionnel).
Il ne se conjugue qu'à la deuxième personne du singulier, ainsi qu'à la première personne et à la deuxième personne du pluriel.
Il n'existe qu'au passé et au présent.
Nous allons nous concentrer sur le présent.
Il se forme à partir de l'indicatif :
Il existe cinq exceptions :
Ces exceptions sont tout de même soumises à la règle de l'ajout d'un "s" s'ils sont suivis de "y" ou "en".
Exemple : "Vas-y ! 😗"
Il peut être utilisé dans de nombreuses situations. Par exemple :
Ces Writestreakians sont décidément bien têtus ! 😐
Nous n'avons pas encore fait le tour du sujet, il y aura donc une partie 2.
À demain ! 😁

Just a reminder to all: if you didn't write yesterday, 1 is your streak. Please put your subject as "Streak [number]: [subject]."
Please tag your post with "Corrigez-moi !" flair so we know you want correction.
Beginners, this subreddit is for you. Don't hesitate to make mistakes. That's how you learn.As always, write whatever you like. If you don't have a topic, then use one of ours and it doesn’t have to be this one. Check out other Writing Topics on the left.
Please feel free to interact with each other (comment on each other's posts) as long as you write it in the language you learn. The more you interact, the more you practice writing.
Please help each other by correcting each other's work too. It also helps to enforce your knowledge. If you're fluent in french, we definitely need your help correcting all the posts. There are too many posts without correction.
If you're fluent in Spanish, English, German, Russian, Japanese or Korean please consider helping us by correcting posts on WriteStreakES, WriteStreakEN, WriteStreakPT, WriteStreakGerman, WriteStreakRU, WriteStreakJP and WriteStreakKorean.
submitted by MC_Eucaryote to WriteStreak [link] [comments]

Lockdown and Curfew currently in effect / Confinement et Couvre-feu en cours


Measures in force

Indoor or outdoor visitors to homes and cottages

🚫 Prohibited:
✔️ Allowed:

Indoor or outdoor private gatherings

🚫 Prohibited


As of Saturday, January 9, 2021, a curfew will be in effect. Between 8 p.m. and 5 a.m. Quebecers must not leave their homes except in cases that justify travel.
✔️Allowed exceptions:
Police officers will continue to ensure compliance with health measures and can intervene when individuals are outside their homes during curfew hours. Offenders are liable to fines ranging from $1 000 to $6 000 if they are unable to adequately justify why they are outside the home. Young people 14 years of age and over are subject to a $500 fine.
To enable individuals who are travelling during the curfew because of their work to readily demonstrate that such travel is legitimate, employers are asked to complete the “Attestation de l’employeur – Déplacement durant le couvre-feu décrété par le gouvernement du Québec” (available only in French).

Mesures en vigueur

Visiteurs à domicile (maison et chalet) à l’intérieur ou à l’extérieur

🚫 Interdits :
✔️ Acceptés :

Rassemblements privés à l’intérieur ou à l’extérieur

🚫 Interdits


Dès samedi le 9 janvier, un couvre-feu sera désormais en vigueur. Entre 20 heures et 5 heures du matin, il sera interdit à quiconque de se trouver hors de son lieu de résidence ou du terrain de celle-ci, hormis dans le cas d’exceptions.
✔️ Exceptions permises :
Les policiers continueront d’assurer le respect des mesures sanitaires et pourront intervenir si une personne se trouve à l’extérieur de sa résidence lors des heures non permises. Les contrevenants s’exposent à des amendes de 1 000 $ à 6 000 $ s’ils ne sont pas en mesure de justifier adéquatement la raison de leur sortie. Les jeunes de 14 ans et plus sont passibles de recevoir une amende de 500 $.
Afin de permettre aux personnes qui se déplacent durant le couvre-feu en raison de leur travail de démontrer facilement la nécessité de leur déplacement, les employeurs sont invités à télécharger, à remplir et à signer le formulaire Attestation de l’employeur – Déplacement durant le couvre-feu décrété par le gouvernement du Québec.
Source in English
Source en Français
submitted by DoctorZiegIer to CoronaVirusMontreal [link] [comments]

🥳 Nouvel an de r/WriteStreak ! 🥳

Oh la la ! Oh la la ! Oh la la !
C'est aujourd'hui ! 😱
Nous sommes le 23 janvier...

🥳 C'est le nouvel an de WriteStreak ! 🥳

Bonne année à tous ! 🤗
Pour cette nouvelle année, j'ai décidé que les festivités se dérouleront sur une semaine entière. Sept jours complets de joie, de cadeaux et de plein d'évènements chouettes . Il y aura peut-être aussi des crocopoulpes. 😐
"Mais u/MC_Eucaryote, *hic\* pourquoi si longteeeeeemps ? 🥴" me demanderez-vous, déjà éméchés.
Parce que... j'adore faire la fête. 🙂
C'est comme ça.
Tout d'abord, votre premier cadeau : Un nouveau chef-d’œuvre du u/Contributeur_Anonyme ! 🤩
C'est une toile représentant l'expédition des Writestreakeurs en WriteStreakGreek pour trouver l'oracle. Quelle aventure ! 🌟
Je ne sais pas si je préfère le mettre dans le musée de WriteStreak ou dans le palais impérial. 🤔
Nous verrons. 😗
Ensuite, j'ai deux nouvelles : une bonne et une mauvaise.
La bonne, c'est que deux Writestreakeurs ont atteint leur Streakiversaire ! 🤯
Un texte par jour posté tout au long de l'année ! 366 textes. Vous vous rendez compte ? 😱
Il s'agit de u/gotoariel et u/JefforyMeyer. 👏
Comme ils ont posté très peu de temps après la création du subreddit, je leur remets le titre de "pionnier" ainsi qu'une médaille spéciale de l'Empire.


La mauvaise, c'est qu'il se pourrait que u/ibelasantos_ n'ait pas été malade de manière normale, mais qu'elle ait commencé à se transformer en poulpe. 😬
Il se pourrait que ça soit un peu de ma faute. Enfin, ça pourrait être à cause d'une autre personne mi-empereur, mi-poulpe. On ne peut pas tirer de conclusions hâtives ! 😶
Pour cette première journée de festivités, voici ce que j'ai prévu :
Nous allons commencer par un hommage à u/dzcFrench, pour le remercier d'avoir créé WriteStreak !
J'ai décidé que nous allons construire une statue à son image. Ce sera donc un jeu !
Votre mission est de décrire cette statue, afin que les artistes de l'ACI sachent ce qu'ils ont à faire !
Dites-moi :
Pour participer, vous devez indiquer "Description de la statue" dans votre titre de post.
Le gagnant sera la personne qui aura le plus d'upvotes ! 😁 (Mais pas de triche, hein ! 😮)
Alors n'hésitez pas à lire les propositions des autres et à voter pour votre préférée !
J'espère que cette première journée vous plaît. Et attendez de voir la suite...
Je suis extatique rien que d'en parler. Tellement que j'ai fait des galipettes dans le palais toute la journée ! 😵
À demain sur WriteStreak, le MEILLEUR SUBREDDIT DE TOUS LES TEMPS ! 👋

Just a reminder to all: if you didn't write yesterday, 1 is your streak. Please put your subject as "Streak [number]: [subject]."
Please tag your post with "Corrigez-moi !" flair so we know you want correction.
Beginners, this subreddit is for you. Don't hesitate to make mistakes. That's how you learn.As always, write whatever you like. If you don't have a topic, then use one of ours and it doesn’t have to be this one. Check out other Writing Topics on the left.
Please feel free to interact with each other (comment on each other's posts) as long as you write it in the language you learn. The more you interact, the more you practice writing.
Please help each other by correcting each other's work too. It also helps to enforce your knowledge. If you're fluent in french, we definitely need your help correcting all the posts. There are too many posts without correction.
If you're fluent in Spanish, English, German, Russian, Japanese or Korean please consider helping us by correcting posts on WriteStreakES, WriteStreakEN, WriteStreakGerman, WriteStreakRU, WriteStreakJP and WriteStreakKorean.
submitted by MC_Eucaryote to WriteStreak [link] [comments]

Texte de l'invité : Les amis imaginaires

Aujourd'hui, c'est le jour du texte de l'invité. Que pensez-vous... des amis imaginaires ? 😄 À demain !
Quand j’étais jeune, j’ai eu pas mal de jouets. J’ai joué avec des voitures, des figurines… mes jouets préférés étaient toujours les doudous (peluches) en forme d’animaux avec lesquels j’ai passé beaucoup de bons moments alors que ma mère s’occupait du souper (du dîner).
Je me rappelle qu’à un moment je leur ai même donné des noms et des personnalités différentes. Mes peluches sont devenues des compagnons avec lesquels je passais la nuit au lit et je leur parlais à la fin de chaque jour pour leur souhaiter bonne nuit.
Le sujet de jour que je propose aujourd’hui porte sur les amis ou les compagnons fictifs avec lesquels on nouait des relations quand on était jeunes.
Des questions à considérer :

Just a reminder to all: if you didn't write yesterday, 1 is your streak. Please put your subject as "Streak [number]: [subject]."
Please tag your post with "Corrigez-moi !" flair so we know you want correction.
Beginners, this subreddit is for you. Don't hesitate to make mistakes. That's how you learn.As always, write whatever you like. If you don't have a topic, then use one of ours and it doesn’t have to be this one. Check out other Writing Topics on the left.
Please feel free to interact with each other (comment on each other's posts) as long as you write it in the language you learn. The more you interact, the more you practice writing.
Please help each other by correcting each other's work too. It also helps to enforce your knowledge. If you're fluent in french, we definitely need your help correcting all the posts. There are too many posts without correction.
If you're fluent in Spanish, English, German, Russian, Japanese or Korean please consider helping us by correcting posts on WriteStreakES, WriteStreakEN, WriteStreakPT, WriteStreakGerman, WriteStreakRU, WriteStreakJP and WriteStreakKorean.
submitted by MC_Eucaryote to WriteStreak [link] [comments]

Les interactions sociales sur internet

Bonjour à tous ! 👋
À bientôt.
Attendez, je crois que j'ai oublié un truc. 🤔
Aujourd'hui, je ne suis plus malade ! 😲
C'est absolument incroyable. D'habitude, je suis malade trois jours d'affilée. Toujours. Et là, BAM ! j'ai été malade comme un chien et j'ai eu une fièvre de cheval... pendant un jour. On peut dire que j'ai été turbo-malade. (Ne dites pas ça, c'est idiot.)
Je suis persuadé que c'est grâce à vos messages me souhaitant un bon rétablissement. Je suis sûr que c'est ça ! Je vous en remercie beaucoup ! 🤗
Vous êtes la crème de la crème.
Bon apparemment u/ibelasantos_ vient de tomber malade. Vous croyez que c'est de ma faute ? Vous pensez que je lui ai refilé [familier] ma maladie ? 😬 J'en serais désolé !
Un petit rappel quant aux sujets du jour :
N'oubliez pas que si j'utilise une partie de mon temps pour vous écrire des sujets qui tiennent en plus que seulement trois lignes, ce n'est pas juste parce que je suis bavard. 😐 Enfin... ça joue un peu, quand même ! 😇 Mais c'est surtout pour que vous puissiez apprendre de nouvelles expressions et que vous ayez un exemple concret d'usage réel du français.
A votre place, j'en profiterais. (D'ailleurs, je le fais sur WriteStreakEN. Les sujets de u/Adam-P-D sont vraiment bons ! 🤯 Et j'ai même rencontré un célèbre agent secret, là-bas. 🤫)
Et n'oubliez pas non plus d'interagir avec les autres, car c'est comme ça que l'on progresse le plus. 😗
(Je ne vous rappelle pas de remercier les correcteurs, car j'espère que tout le monde l'a compris !)
Le sujet du jour vous concerne ! Eh oui. Aujourd'hui, j'aimerais que nous parlions des interactions sociales sur internet. 🙂
À bientôt.
Bonjour à tous ! 👋
Mais qu'est-ce que c'est que cette histoire ? 🤔

Just a reminder to all: if you didn't write yesterday, 1 is your streak. Please put your subject as "Streak [number]: [subject]."
Please tag your post with "Corrigez-moi !" flair so we know you want correction.
Beginners, this subreddit is for you. Don't hesitate to make mistakes. That's how you learn.As always, write whatever you like. If you don't have a topic, then use one of ours and it doesn’t have to be this one. Check out other Writing Topics on the left.
Please feel free to interact with each other (comment on each other's posts) as long as you write it in the language you learn. The more you interact, the more you practice writing.
Please help each other by correcting each other's work too. It also helps to enforce your knowledge. If you're fluent in french, we definitely need your help correcting all the posts. There are too many posts without correction.
If you're fluent in Spanish, English, German, Russian, Japanese or Korean please consider helping us by correcting posts on WriteStreakES, WriteStreakEN, WriteStreakGerman, WriteStreakRU, WriteStreakJP and WriteStreakKorean.
submitted by MC_Eucaryote to WriteStreak [link] [comments]

Grammaire : Impératif (Partie 2)

Salut les amis !
Ici votre Ministre préférée. 🗝️ Je suis là pour vous parler de la suite de l'impératif car...

🌈 C'est l'heure de la grammaire ! 🌈

Souvenez-vous, la semaine dernière nous avons parlé de l'impératif présent (ici !). Aujourd'hui en toute logique, nous parlerons de l'impératif passé.
Comme pour l'impératif présent, il ne se conjugue qu'à la deuxième personne du singulier, la première personne du pluriel et la deuxième personne du pluriel. 🧐
Pour le former, rien de plus simple ! Il vous suffit de conjuguer l'auxiliaire avoir ou être à l'impératif présent (aie, ayons, ayez et sois, soyons, soyez) et d'ajouter le participe passé du verbe que vous souhaitez conjuguer à l'impératif passé. 👍
Simple comme bonjour !
Il s'emploie pour ordonner ou conseiller qu'une chose soit faite avant un certain moment. Il exprime le passé dans le futur !
Voici quelques exemples :
C'est un exemple bien entendu. Une telle situation me semble absolument IMPENSABLE. Pas vous ?
À plus tard !

Just a reminder to all: if you didn't write yesterday, 1 is your streak. Please put your subject as "Streak [number]: [subject]."
Please tag your post with "Corrigez-moi !" flair so we know you want correction.
Beginners, this subreddit is for you. Don't hesitate to make mistakes. That's how you learn.As always, write whatever you like. If you don't have a topic, then use one of ours and it doesn’t have to be this one. Check out other Writing Topics on the left.
Please feel free to interact with each other (comment on each other's posts) as long as you write it in the language you learn. The more you interact, the more you practice writing.
Please help each other by correcting each other's work too. It also helps to enforce your knowledge. If you're fluent in french, we definitely need your help correcting all the posts. There are too many posts without correction.
If you're fluent in Spanish, English, Portuguese, German, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Italian or Turkish please consider helping us by correcting posts on WriteStreakES, WriteStreakEN, WriteStreakPT, WriteStreakGerman, WriteStreakRU, WriteStreakJP, WriteStreakKorean, WriteStreakIT and TurkishStreak.
submitted by Luxirokon to WriteStreak [link] [comments]

Global influencers wanted in even more languages!

Global influencers wanted in even more languages!

HPB - The world's most technically advanced blockchain and cryptocurrency, are looking for global social influencers. If you are an admin or a moderator for a large Telegram group, or perhaps run a reddit group with many members, or you have many followers on twitter or Instagram, then you have a fantastic opportunity to start your own HPB group. All groups will receive news and updates from the HPB global group, and you will also receive great opportunities such as free ESR tokens for "project X" and will get to have "first mover advantage" when you hear about important HPB announcements before anyone else! If you can also speak English this would be a benefit, as the HPB Global Telegram group is in English. Get influencing, and tell us about it and be rewarded!

· Maori
HPB - Ko te poraka me te cryptocurrency nui rawa atu o te ao, kei te rapu i nga kaiwhakawhiwhi hapori. Mena he kaiwhakahaere koe, he kaiwhakarite ranei mo te roopu Telegram nui, akene kei te whakahaere i tetahi roopu whakarereke me nga mema maha, he maha ranei nga kaitautoko i runga i a twitter, Instagram ranei, na he tupono pai koe ki te tiimata i to ake roopu HPB. Ka whiwhi nga roopu katoa i nga korero me nga whakahou mai i te roopu HPB o te ao, a ka whiwhi koe i nga waahanga nui penei i nga tohu ESR koreutu mo te "kaupapa X" ka whiwhi koe i te "painga tuatahi mo te kaituku" ka rongo koe i nga panui HPB nui i mua i tetahi atu. ! Mena ka taea hoki e koe te korero Ingarihi he painga tenei, na te mea kei te reo Ingarihi te roopu HPB Global Telegram. Whakaaweawe, korerotia mai ki a matou kia pai ai!
· Pashto
HPB - د نړۍ ترټولو پرمختللي پرمختللي بلاکچین او cryptocurrency ، د نړیوال ټولنیز نفوذ کونکو په لټه کې دي. که تاسو د لوی تلیګرام ګروپ لپاره اداره یا مدیر یاست ، یا شاید د ډیری غړو سره ریډ ډیټ ګروپ پرمخ وړئ ، یا تاسو په ټویټر یا انسټاګرام کې ډیری پیروان لرئ ، نو تاسو د خپل HPB ګروپ پیل کولو لپاره خورا په زړه پورې فرصت لرئ. ټولې ډلې به د HPB نړیوالې ډلې څخه خبرونه او تازه معلومات ترلاسه کړي ، او تاسو به عالي فرصتونه لکه د "پروژې X" لپاره وړیا ESR ټوکن ترلاسه کړئ او د "لومړی عاقل ګټې" به ترلاسه کړئ کله چې تاسو د بل چا په وړاندې د HPB مهم اعلانونو په اړه اورئ. ! که تاسو هم په انګلیسي خبرې کولی شئ دا به یوه ګټه وي ، ځکه چې د HPB ګلوبل ټلیګرام ګروپ په انګلیسي کې دی. نفوذ ترلاسه کړئ ، او په اړه یې موږ ته ووایاست او اجر ورکړئ!
· Sesotho
HPB - blockchain le theknoloji e tsoetseng pele ka ho fetesisa lefats'eng, li batla bahloekisi ba lefatše. Haeba u le admin kapa motsamaisi oa sehlopha se seholo sa Telegram, kapa mohlomong u tsamaisa sehlopha sa reddit se nang le litho tse ngata, kapa u na le balateli ba bangata ho twitter kapa Instagram, u tla ba le monyetla o motle oa ho qala sehlopha sa hau sa HPB. Lihlopha tsohle li tla fumana litaba le lintlafatso ho tsoa sehlopheng sa lefats'e sa HPB, hape o tla fumana menyetla e metle joalo ka tokens ea ESR ea "projeke X" mme o tla ba le "monyetla oa ho qala" ha o utloa ka liphatlalatso tsa bohlokoa tsa HPB pele ho mang kapa mang ! Haeba le uena u khona ho bua Senyesemane sena e ka ba molemo, kaha sehlopha sa HPB Global Telegram se ka Senyesemane. Fumana tšusumetso, 'me u re bolelle ka eona' me u putsoe!
· Somali
HPB - Xannibaadda iyo teknolojiyadda ugu farsamaysan adduunka ee ugu horumarsan, waxay raadinayaan saamileyaal bulsheed oo caalami ah. Haddii aad tahay maamule ama dhexdhexaadiye koox ballaaran oo Telegram ah, ama laga yaabee inaad maamusho koox dib-u-habeyn ah oo xubno badan leh, ama aad raacdo badan ku leedahay twitter ama Instagram, markaa waxaad haysataa fursad cajiib ah oo aad ku bilaabi karto kooxdaada HPB. Dhammaan kooxaha waxay ka heli doonaan wararka iyo cusbooneysiinta kooxda caalamiga ah ee HPB, sidoo kale waxaad heli doontaa fursado waawayn sida calaamadaha ESR ee bilaashka ah ee "mashruuca X" waxaadna heli doontaa "faa iidada ugu horreysa ee dhaqaajinta" markaad maqasho wax ku saabsan ogeysiisyada muhiimka ah ee HPB kahor qof kasta oo kale ! Haddii aad sidoo kale ku hadli kartid Ingiriis tani waxay noqoneysaa faa'iido, maadaama kooxda HPB Global Telegram ay ku qoran tahay Ingiriis. Hel saameyn, oo noo sheeg waxa ku saabsan oo lagu abaalmariyo!
· Welsh
HPB - Mae blockchain a cryptocurrency mwyaf datblygedig yn dechnegol y byd, yn chwilio am ddylanwadwyr cymdeithasol byd-eang. Os ydych chi'n weinyddwr neu'n gymedrolwr ar gyfer grŵp Telegram mawr, neu efallai'n rhedeg grŵp reddit gyda llawer o aelodau, neu os oes gennych chi lawer o ddilynwyr ar twitter neu Instagram, yna mae gennych chi gyfle gwych i gychwyn eich grŵp HPB eich hun. Bydd pob grŵp yn derbyn newyddion a diweddariadau gan grŵp byd-eang HPB, a byddwch hefyd yn derbyn cyfleoedd gwych fel tocynnau ESR am ddim ar gyfer "prosiect X" a bydd yn rhaid i chi gael "mantais symudwr cyntaf" pan glywch am gyhoeddiadau HPB pwysig cyn unrhyw un arall ! Os gallwch chi hefyd siarad Saesneg byddai hyn o fudd, gan fod grŵp Telegram Byd-eang HPB yn Saesneg. Dewch i ddylanwadu, a dywedwch wrthym amdano a chael eich gwobrwyo!
· Zulu
I-HPB - I-blockchain ne-cryptocurrency ehamba phambili ngobuchwepheshe emhlabeni, ifuna abantu abanomthelela emhlabeni jikelele. Uma ungumlawuli noma umphathi weqembu elikhulu leTelegram, noma mhlawumbe uqhuba iqembu le-reddit elinamalungu amaningi, noma unabalandeli abaningi ku-twitter noma ku-Instagram, khona-ke unethuba elihle lokuqala iqembu lakho le-HPB. Wonke amaqembu azothola izindaba nezibuyekezo ezivela eqenjini lomhlaba wonke le-HPB, futhi uzothola namathuba amahle kakhulu njengamathokheni wamahhala we-ESR we "project X" futhi uzothola "inzuzo yokuqala yokuhambisa" lapho uzwa ngezimemezelo ezibalulekile ze-HPB ngaphambi kwanoma ngubani omunye umuntu ! Uma ukwazi nokukhuluma isiNgisi lokhu kungaba yinzuzo, njengoba iqembu le-HPB Global Telegram lingesiNgisi. Thola ukuthonya, futhi usitshele ngakho futhi uvuzwe!
· Albanian
HPB - Blockchain dhe kriptomonedha më e përparuar teknikisht në botë, po kërkojnë për ndikues socialë globalë. Nëse jeni një administrator ose moderator për një grup të madh Telegram, ose mbase drejtoni një grup reddit me shumë anëtarë, ose keni shumë ndjekës në Twitter ose Instagram, atëherë keni një mundësi fantastike për të filluar grupin tuaj HPB. Të gjithë grupet do të marrin lajme dhe azhurnime nga grupi global i HPB, dhe gjithashtu do të merrni mundësi të shkëlqyera siç janë shenjat ESR falas për "projektin X" dhe do të keni "avantazhin e lëvizësit të parë" kur të dëgjoni për njoftime të rëndësishme të HPB para se të tjerët ! Nëse mund të flisni edhe anglisht, kjo do të ishte një përfitim, pasi grupi i Telegramit Global HPB është në anglisht. Bëni ndikim dhe na tregoni për këtë dhe shpërblehuni!
· Basque
HPB - Teknikoki blockchain eta kriptografia moneta teknikoki aurreratuenak, mundu mailako eragile sozialen bila dabiltza. Telegram talde handiko administratzailea edo moderatzailea bazara, edo, agian, kide asko dituen reddit talde bat zuzentzen baduzu, edo jarraitzaile asko badituzu twitterren edo Instagramen, orduan aukera bikaina duzu zure HPB taldea sortzeko. Talde guztiek HPB talde globalaren albisteak eta eguneratzeak jasoko dituzte, eta aukera bikainak ere jasoko dituzu, hala nola "X proiektua" ESR doako tokenak, eta beste inoren aurretik HPB iragarki garrantzitsuen berri izaten duzunean "lehen motibazio abantaila" izango duzu ! Ingelesez ere hitz egingo baduzu abantaila litzateke, HPB Global Telegram taldea ingelesez baitago. Eragin ezazu eta konta iezaguzu eta saritu!
· Chichewa
HPB - Malo otsogola kwambiri padziko lonse lapansi a blockchain ndi cryptocurrency, akuyang'ana otsogolera padziko lonse lapansi. Ngati ndinu admin kapena oyang'anira gulu lalikulu la Telegalamu, kapena mwina muthamangitsa gulu la reddit lokhala ndi mamembala ambiri, kapena muli ndi otsatira ambiri pa twitter kapena Instagram, ndiye kuti muli ndi mwayi wabwino kuyambitsa gulu lanu la HPB. Magulu onse adzalandira nkhani ndi zosintha kuchokera ku gulu lapadziko lonse la HPB, ndipo mulandiranso mwayi waukulu monga ma tokeni aulere a ESR a "projekiti X" ndipo mudzakhala ndi "mwayi woyambira woyamba" mukamva zazidziwitso zofunikira za HPB pamaso pa wina aliyense ! Ngati mutha kuyankhulanso Chingerezi izi zitha kukhala phindu, popeza gulu la HPB Global Telegraph lili mchingerezi. Khalani ndi chidwi, ndipo tiuzeni za izi ndikupindulitsani!
· Georgian
HPB - მსოფლიოში ტექნიკურად ყველაზე მოწინავე ბლოკჩეინი და კრიპტოვალუტა ეძებს გლობალურ სოციალურ გავლენას. თუ თქვენ ხართ დიდი Telegram ჯგუფის ადმინისტრატორი ან მოდერატორი, ან შესაძლოა მართებთ reddit ჯგუფს, რომელშიც ბევრი წევრია, ან ბევრი მიმდევარი გყავთ Twitter- ზე ან Instagram- ზე, მაშინ ფანტასტიკური შესაძლებლობა გაქვთ შექმნათ თქვენი საკუთარი HPB ჯგუფი. ყველა ჯგუფი მიიღებს სიახლეებს და განახლებებს HPB გლობალური ჯგუფისგან, ასევე თქვენ მიიღებთ დიდ შესაძლებლობებს, როგორიცაა უფასო ESR სიმბოლოები "პროექტი X" - სთვის და მიიღებთ "პირველი მოძრაობის უპირატესობას", როდესაც სხვისი წინაშე გაიგებთ HPB– ს მნიშვნელოვან განცხადებებს. ! თუ ინგლისურ ენაზე საუბარიც შეგიძიათ, ეს სარგებელი იქნება, რადგან HPB გლობალური ტელეგრამის ჯგუფი ინგლისურ ენაზეა. მოახდინე გავლენა და გვითხარი ამის შესახებ და დააჯილდოვე!
· Hawaiian
HPB - Ke keʻakeʻa nei i ka blockchain loea a me ka cryptocurrency nui loa, e ʻimi nei i nā influencers nohona ākea. Inā ʻoe he luna a mea hoʻomalu paha no kahi hui Telegram nui, a i ʻole holo paha i kahi hui reddit me nā lālā he nui, a i ʻole he nui nā mea ukali ma twitter a Instagram paha, a laila he manawa kūpono kou e hoʻomaka ai i kāu hui HPB ponoʻī. E loaʻa nā hui āpau i nā nūhou a me nā mea hou mai ka pūʻulu honua o ka HPB, a e loaʻa nō hoʻi iā ʻoe nā manawa kūpono nui e like me nā hōʻailona ESR manuahi no "papahana X" a loaʻa iā ʻoe ka "ʻoi aku o ka mea hoʻohana mua" ke lohe ʻoe e pili ana i nā hoʻolaha HPB koʻikoʻi ma mua o kekahi ! Inā hiki iā ʻoe ke ʻōlelo Pelekane he pōmaikaʻi kēia, ʻoiai ʻo ka HPB Global Telegram pūʻulu i ka ʻōlelo Pelekania. E kiʻi i ka influencing, a haʻi iā mākou e pili ana a uku ʻia!
· Icelandic
HPB - tæknilega háþróaðasta blockchain og dulritunar gjaldmiðill heims leita að alþjóðlegum félagslegum áhrifum. Ef þú ert stjórnandi eða stjórnandi fyrir stóran Telegram hóp, eða rekur kannski reddit hóp með mörgum meðlimum, eða þú ert með marga fylgjendur á twitter eða Instagram, þá hefurðu frábært tækifæri til að stofna þinn eigin HPB hóp. Allir hópar munu fá fréttir og uppfærslur frá HPB alþjóðlega hópnum og þú munt einnig fá mikil tækifæri eins og ókeypis ESR tákn fyrir „verkefni X“ og fá „fyrsta flutningsmannakost“ þegar þú heyrir um mikilvægar HPB tilkynningar áður en einhver annar ! Ef þú getur líka talað ensku væri þetta ávinningur, þar sem HPB Global Telegram hópurinn er á ensku. Fáðu áhrif og segðu okkur frá því og verðlaunaðu!
· Kannada
ಎಚ್‌ಪಿಬಿ - ವಿಶ್ವದ ಅತ್ಯಂತ ತಾಂತ್ರಿಕವಾಗಿ ಸುಧಾರಿತ ಬ್ಲಾಕ್‌ಚೇನ್ ಮತ್ತು ಕ್ರಿಪ್ಟೋಕರೆನ್ಸಿ ಜಾಗತಿಕ ಸಾಮಾಜಿಕ ಪ್ರಭಾವಿಗಳನ್ನು ಹುಡುಕುತ್ತಿದೆ. ನೀವು ದೊಡ್ಡ ಟೆಲಿಗ್ರಾಮ್ ಗುಂಪಿನ ನಿರ್ವಾಹಕರಾಗಿದ್ದರೆ ಅಥವಾ ಮಾಡರೇಟರ್ ಆಗಿದ್ದರೆ ಅಥವಾ ಅನೇಕ ಸದಸ್ಯರೊಂದಿಗೆ ರೆಡ್ಡಿಟ್ ಗುಂಪನ್ನು ನಡೆಸುತ್ತಿದ್ದರೆ ಅಥವಾ ಟ್ವಿಟರ್ ಅಥವಾ ಇನ್‌ಸ್ಟಾಗ್ರಾಮ್‌ನಲ್ಲಿ ನೀವು ಅನೇಕ ಅನುಯಾಯಿಗಳನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿದ್ದರೆ, ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸ್ವಂತ ಎಚ್‌ಪಿಬಿ ಗುಂಪನ್ನು ಪ್ರಾರಂಭಿಸಲು ನಿಮಗೆ ಅದ್ಭುತವಾದ ಅವಕಾಶವಿದೆ. ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಗುಂಪುಗಳು HPB ಜಾಗತಿಕ ಗುಂಪಿನಿಂದ ಸುದ್ದಿ ಮತ್ತು ನವೀಕರಣಗಳನ್ನು ಸ್ವೀಕರಿಸುತ್ತವೆ, ಮತ್ತು "ಪ್ರಾಜೆಕ್ಟ್ ಎಕ್ಸ್" ಗಾಗಿ ಉಚಿತ ಇಎಸ್ಆರ್ ಟೋಕನ್‌ಗಳಂತಹ ಉತ್ತಮ ಅವಕಾಶಗಳನ್ನು ಸಹ ನೀವು ಸ್ವೀಕರಿಸುತ್ತೀರಿ ಮತ್ತು ಪ್ರಮುಖ ಎಚ್‌ಪಿಬಿ ಪ್ರಕಟಣೆಗಳ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಬೇರೆಯವರ ಮುಂದೆ ಕೇಳಿದಾಗ "ಫಸ್ಟ್ ಮೂವರ್ ಪ್ರಯೋಜನವನ್ನು" ಪಡೆಯುತ್ತೀರಿ. ! ನೀವು ಇಂಗ್ಲಿಷ್ ಸಹ ಮಾತನಾಡಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾದರೆ ಇದು ಪ್ರಯೋಜನಕಾರಿಯಾಗಿದೆ, ಏಕೆಂದರೆ ಎಚ್‌ಪಿಬಿ ಗ್ಲೋಬಲ್ ಟೆಲಿಗ್ರಾಮ್ ಗುಂಪು ಇಂಗ್ಲಿಷ್‌ನಲ್ಲಿದೆ. ಪ್ರಭಾವವನ್ನು ಪಡೆಯಿರಿ, ಮತ್ತು ಅದರ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ನಮಗೆ ತಿಳಿಸಿ ಮತ್ತು ಬಹುಮಾನ ಪಡೆಯಿರಿ!
· Kyrgyz
HPB - дүйнөдөгү техникалык жактан өнүккөн блокчейн жана криптовалюта, глобалдык социалдык таасир этүүчүлөрдү издейт. Эгер сиз чоң Telegram тобунун администратору же модераторуңуз болсоңуз же көптөгөн мүчөлөрү бар reddit тобун иштетсеңиз, же twitter же Instagram социалдык тармагында көп жолдоочуларыңыз болсо, анда сизде HPB тобун ачуу укмуштуудай мүмкүнчүлүк бар. Бардык топтор HPB глобалдык тобунан жаңылыктарды жана жаңыртууларды алышат, ошондой эле "долбоор X" үчүн акысыз ESR токендери сыяктуу чоң мүмкүнчүлүктөргө ээ болосуз жана HPB маанилүү жарыялары жөнүндө башкалардан мурун укканда "биринчи кыймылдатуучу артыкчылыкка" ээ болосуз. ! Эгерде сиз англис тилинде сүйлөй алсаңыз, анда бул HPB Global Telegram тобу англис тилинде болгондуктан, пайдалуу болмок. Таасирге ээ болуп, ал жөнүндө айтып бериңиз жана сыйлык алыңыз!
· Macedonian
HPB - Технички најнапредните блокчејн и криптовалута во светот, бараат глобални социјални влијатели. Ако сте администратор или модератор за голема група на Телеграма, или можеби водите група со црвени редови со многу членови, или имате многу следбеници на Твитер или Инстаграм, тогаш имате фантастична можност да започнете своја сопствена ХПБ група. Сите групи ќе добиваат новости и ажурирања од глобалната група на HPB, а исто така ќе добиете одлични можности како што се бесплатни ESR-токени за „проект X“ и ќе добиете „предност на првиот двигател“ кога ќе слушнете за важни соопштенија на HPB пред некој друг ! Ако исто така можете да зборувате англиски, ова ќе биде придобивка, бидејќи групата HPB Global Telegram е на англиски јазик. Добијте влијание и кажете ни за тоа и бидете наградени!
· Mongolian
HPB - Дэлхийн хамгийн техникийн дэвшилтэт блокчейн ба криптовалют нь дэлхийн нийгмийн нөлөөлөгчдийг хайж байна. Хэрэв та томоохон Telegram группын админ эсвэл модератор юмуу эсвэл олон гишүүнтэй reddit групп ажиллуулж байгаа, эсвэл twitter эсвэл Instagram дээр олон дагагчтай бол та өөрийн HPB бүлгийг нээх гайхалтай боломж байна. Бүх бүлгүүд HPB global group-ийн мэдээ, шинэчлэлтийг хүлээн авах болно, мөн та "X төсөл" -д үнэгүй ESR жетон авах гэх мэт гайхалтай боломжуудыг олж авах бөгөөд HPB-ийн чухал зарлалуудыг бусдаас түрүүлж сонсохдоо "эхний хөдөлгөгч давуу тал" -тай болох болно. ! Хэрэв та англиар ярьж чаддаг бол энэ нь HPB Global Telegram групп нь англи хэл дээр байдаг тул ашиг тусаа өгөх болно. Нөлөөлөлд автаж, энэ тухай бидэнд хэлээд шагнал аваарай!
· Persian
HPB - پیشرفته ترین بلاکچین و رمز ارزهای پیشرفته در جهان ، به دنبال تأثیرگذارهای اجتماعی جهانی هستند. اگر شما مدیر یا مجری یک گروه بزرگ تلگرامی هستید ، یا شاید یک گروه reddit با اعضای زیادی اداره کنید ، یا دنبال کنندگان زیادی در توییتر یا اینستاگرام دارید ، یک فرصت خارق العاده برای ایجاد گروه HPB خود دارید. همه گروه ها اخبار و به روزرسانی ها را از گروه جهانی HPB دریافت می کنند و همچنین فرصت های بزرگی مانند نشانه های ESR رایگان برای "پروژه X" را دریافت خواهید کرد و با شنیدن خبرهای مهم HPB قبل از هر کس دیگری "مزیت حرکت اول" را خواهید داشت. ! اگر می توانید انگلیسی هم صحبت کنید ، این یک مزیت است ، زیرا گروه تلگرام HPB Global به زبان انگلیسی است. تحت تأثیر قرار بگیرید ، و در مورد آن به ما بگویید و پاداش دهید!
· Shona
HPB - Iyo yepasirose yepamusoro hunyanzvi blockchain uye cryptocurrency, iri kutsvaga epasirese social influencers. Kana iwe uri admin kana moderator weboka rakakura reTeregiramu, kana kuti pamwe unomhanya reddit boka rine nhengo zhinji, kana iwe uine vateveri vazhinji pa twitter kana Instagram, saka une mukana wakanaka kwazvo wekutanga rako pachako HPB boka. Mapoka ese achagamuchira nhau nekuvandudzwa kubva kuboka renyika reHBB, uye iwe uchagamuchirawo mikana mikuru yakadai semahara emasaini ESR e "projekti X" uye uchawana "mukana wekutanga wekufambisa" paunonzwa nezvezvakakosha zviziviso zveHPB pamberi peumwe munhu. ! Kana iwe uchikwanisawo kutaura Chirungu izvi zvinogona kubatsira, sezvo iro HPB Global Telegraph boka riri muChirungu. Tora simba, uye utiudze nezvazvo uye uwane mubairo!
· Sundanese
HPB - Blockchain sareng cryptocurrency paling maju di dunya, milari pangaruh sosial global. Upami anjeun admin atanapi moderator pikeun grup Telegram ageung, atanapi meureun ngajalankeun grup reddit kalayan seueur anggota, atanapi anjeun gaduh seueur pengikut dina twitter atanapi Instagram, maka anjeun gaduh kasempetan anu saé pikeun ngamimitian grup HPB anjeun nyalira. Sadaya grup bakal nampi berita sareng pembaruan ti grup global HPB, sareng anjeun ogé bakal nampi kasempetan anu saé sapertos token ESR gratis pikeun "proyek X" sareng bakal ngagaduhan "kaunggulan penggerak munggaran" nalika anjeun nguping pengumuman HPB penting sateuacan anu sanés ! Upami anjeun ogé tiasa nyarios basa Inggris, éta bakal nguntungkeun, sabab grup HPB Global Telegram aya dina basa Inggris. Kengingkeun pangaruh, sareng nyaritakeun ngeunaan éta sareng bakal diganjar!
· Xhosa
I-HPB -Iyona blockchain iphambili kwezobuchwephesha kunye ne-cryptocurrency, zikhangela abachaphazeli kwezentlalo kwihlabathi. Ukuba ungumlawuli okanye imodareyitha yeqela elikhulu leTelegram, okanye mhlawumbi uqhuba iqela elibomvu elinamalungu amaninzi, okanye unabalandeli abaninzi kwi-twitter okanye kwi-Instagram, ke unethuba elihle lokuqalisa iqela lakho le-HPB. Onke amaqela aya kufumana iindaba kunye nohlaziyo oluvela kwiqela lehlabathi le-HPB, kwaye uya kufumana namathuba amahle anje ngeethokheni zamahala ze-ESR ze "projekthi X" kwaye uya kufumana "ithuba lokuqala lokuhambisa" xa usiva malunga nezibhengezo ze-HPB ezibalulekileyo phambi komnye umntu. ! Ukuba ungathetha isiNgesi oku kunokuba yinzuzo, njengoko iqela le-HPB Global Telegraph lingesiNgesi. Yiba nefuthe, kwaye usixelele malunga nalo kwaye uvuzwe!
· Amharic
ኤች.ፒ.ቢ. - በዓለም ላይ በጣም በቴክኒካዊ የላቀ አግድ እና ምስጠራ ፣ ዓለም አቀፍ ማህበራዊ ተጽዕኖ ፈላጊዎችን ይፈልጋሉ ፡፡ እርስዎ ለአንድ ትልቅ የቴሌግራም ቡድን አስተዳዳሪ ወይም አወያይ ከሆኑ ወይም ከብዙ አባላት ጋር የቀይ ማሻሻያ ቡድንን የሚያካሂዱ ከሆነ ወይም በ twitter ወይም በ Instagram ላይ ብዙ ተከታዮች ካሉዎት የራስዎን የኤች.ፒ.ቢ ቡድንን ለመጀመር ጥሩ አጋጣሚ ይኖርዎታል ፡፡ ሁሉም ቡድኖች ከኤች.ቢ.ፒ. ዓለም አቀፍ ቡድን ዜናዎችን እና ዝመናዎችን ይቀበላሉ ፣ እንዲሁም እንደ “ነፃ ኤስ አር ቶከንስ” ለ “ፕሮጄክት ኤክስ” ያሉ ታላላቅ ዕድሎችን ያገኛሉ እንዲሁም ከማንኛውም ሰው በፊት ስለ አስፈላጊ የ HPB ማስታወቂያዎች ሲሰሙ “የመጀመሪያ አንቀሳቃሹ ጥቅም” ያገኛሉ ፡፡ ! የ HPB ግሎባል ቴሌግራም ቡድን በእንግሊዝኛ ስለሆነ እንግሊዝኛን መናገርም ከቻሉ ይህ ጥቅም ይሆናል። ተጽዕኖ ያሳድሩ ፣ እና ስለሱ ይንገሩን እና ይሸለሙ!
· Belarusian
HPB - самая дасканалая ў свеце блокчейн і криптовалюта, шукае сусветных уплывовых аўтарытэтаў. Калі вы адміністратар альбо мадэратар вялікай групы Telegram, альбо, магчыма, кіруеце групай Reddit, у якой шмат удзельнікаў, альбо ў вас шмат падпісчыкаў у Twitter або Instagram, то ў вас ёсць фантастычная магчымасць стварыць уласную групу HPB. Усе групы будуць атрымліваць навіны і абнаўленні ад глабальнай групы HPB, а таксама вы атрымаеце вялікія магчымасці, такія як бясплатныя токены ESR для "праекта X", і вы зможаце атрымаць "перавагу для першага рухавіка", калі даведаецеся пра важныя аб'явы HPB раней за ўсіх ! Калі вы таксама можаце размаўляць па-англійску, гэта было б карысна, паколькі група HPB Global Telegram працуе на англійскай мове. Атрымайце ўплыў і раскажыце нам пра гэта і атрымайце ўзнагароду!
· Corsican
HPB - Blockchain è criptocurrency più avanzati tecnicamente in u mondu, cercanu influenzatori suciali mundiali. Se site un amministratore o un moderatore per un grande gruppu Telegram, o forse gestite un gruppu reddit cun assai membri, o avete assai seguitori in twitter o Instagram, allora avete una fantastica opportunità di inizià u vostru gruppu HPB. Tutti i gruppi riceveranu nutizie è aghjurnamenti da u gruppu glubale HPB, è riceverete ancu grandi opportunità cum'è gettoni ESR gratuiti per "prughjettu X" è utteneranu "vantaghju di primu mutore" quandu sentite parlà di annunzii HPB impurtanti prima di chiunque altru ! Se pudete ancu parlà inglese questu seria un benefiziu, chì u gruppu HPB Global Telegram hè in inglese. Influenzate, è parlateci è sia ricumpensatu!
· Gujarati
એચપીબી - વિશ્વની સૌથી તકનીકી રીતે અદ્યતન બ્લોકચેન અને ક્રિપ્ટોકરન્સી, વૈશ્વિક સામાજિક પ્રભાવકોની શોધમાં છે. જો તમે કોઈ મોટા ટેલિગ્રામ જૂથના એડમિન અથવા મધ્યસ્થી છો, અથવા કદાચ ઘણા સભ્યો સાથે રેડડિટ જૂથ ચલાવો છો, અથવા તમારી પાસે Twitter અથવા Instagram પર ઘણા અનુયાયીઓ છે, તો તમારી પાસે તમારા પોતાના એચપીબી જૂથને શરૂ કરવાની એક શ્રેષ્ઠ તક છે. બધા જૂથો એચપીબી ગ્લોબલ જૂથના સમાચાર અને અપડેટ્સ પ્રાપ્ત કરશે, અને તમને "પ્રોજેક્ટ એક્સ" માટે મફત ઇએસઆર ટોકન્સ જેવી મહાન તકો પણ પ્રાપ્ત થશે અને જ્યારે તમે કોઈ બીજા સમક્ષ મહત્વપૂર્ણ એચપીબીની ઘોષણાઓ વિશે સાંભળો ત્યારે "પ્રથમ મૂવર લાભ" મેળવશો. ! જો તમે અંગ્રેજી પણ બોલી શકો તો આ ફાયદો થશે, કેમ કે એચપીબી ગ્લોબલ ટેલિગ્રામ જૂથ અંગ્રેજીમાં છે. પ્રભાવ મેળવો, અને તેના વિશે અમને કહો અને બક્ષિસ મેળવો!
· Hindi
एचपीबी - दुनिया के सबसे तकनीकी रूप से उन्नत ब्लॉकचेन और क्रिप्टोकरेंसी, वैश्विक सामाजिक प्रभावकों की तलाश कर रहे हैं। यदि आप एक बड़े टेलीग्राम समूह के लिए एक व्यवस्थापक या मध्यस्थ हैं, या शायद कई सदस्यों के साथ एक Reddit समूह चलाते हैं, या आपके पास Twitter या Instagram पर कई अनुयायी हैं, तो आपके पास अपना HPB समूह शुरू करने का एक शानदार अवसर है। सभी समूह एचपीबी वैश्विक समूह से समाचार और अपडेट प्राप्त करेंगे, और आपको "प्रोजेक्ट एक्स" के लिए मुफ्त ईएसआर टोकन जैसे महान अवसर भी प्राप्त होंगे और किसी अन्य से पहले महत्वपूर्ण एचपीबी घोषणाओं के बारे में सुनने पर आपको "पहला प्रस्तावक लाभ" प्राप्त होगा। ! यदि आप अंग्रेजी भी बोल सकते हैं तो यह एक लाभ होगा, क्योंकि एचपीबी ग्लोबल टेलीग्राम समूह अंग्रेजी में है। प्रभावित हो जाओ, और हमें इसके बारे में बताएं और पुरस्कृत करें!
· Igbo
HPB - Ihe nzụlite na teknụzụ kachasị elu nke ụwa, na-achọ ndị na-eme mmekọrịta mmadụ na ụwa. Ọ bụrụ na ị bụ onye nchịkwa ma ọ bụ onye nhazi maka nnukwu Telegram otu, ma ọ bụ ikekwe gụọ otu reddit na ọtụtụ ndị otu, ma ọ bụ nwee ọtụtụ ndị na-eso ụzọ na twitter ma ọ bụ Instagram, mgbe ahụ ị nwere ohere dị egwu ịmalite otu HPB nke gị. Otu niile ga-enweta ozi na mmelite sitere na otu HPB zuru ụwa ọnụ, ị ga-enwetakwa nnukwu ohere dịka akara ESR n'efu maka "oru X" ma nwee "mbụ ibugharị uru" mgbe ị nụrụ gbasara ọkwa HPB dị mkpa tupu onye ọ bụla ọzọ ! Ọ bụrụ n ’ị nwekwara ike ịsụ bekee nke a ga-abara gị uru, ebe otu HPB Global Telegram nọ na Bekee. Nwee mmetụta, ma gwa anyị maka ya ma kwụghachi gị ụgwọ!
· Kazakh
HPB - әлемдегі ең дамыған блокчейн және криптовалюта, әлемдік әлеуметтік әсер етушілерді іздейді. Егер сіз үлкен Telegram тобының әкімшісіз немесе модератор болсаңыз, немесе көптеген мүшелері бар reddit тобын басқарсаңыз немесе Twitter немесе Instagram-да көптеген ізбасарларыңыз болса, онда сіздің HPB тобыңызды ашудың керемет мүмкіндігі бар. Барлық топтар HPB жаһандық тобынан жаңалықтар мен жаңартулар алады, сонымен қатар сізде «жоба X» үшін тегін ESR токендері сияқты тамаша мүмкіндіктер пайда болады және HPB туралы маңызды хабарландырулар туралы басқалардан бұрын естігенде «бірінші қозғалушы артықшылыққа» ие боласыз. ! Егер сіз ағылшын тілінде сөйлей алсаңыз, бұл сізге пайдалы болар еді, өйткені HPB Global Telegram тобы ағылшын тілінде. Әсер етіңіз, және бізге бұл туралы айтып, сыйақы беріңіз!
· Lao
HPB - blockchain ແລະ cryptocurrency ທີ່ກ້າວ ໜ້າ ທາງດ້ານເຕັກນິກທີ່ສຸດໃນໂລກ, ກຳ ລັງຊອກຫາຜູ້ມີອິດທິພົນໃນສັງຄົມທົ່ວໂລກ. ຖ້າທ່ານເປັນຜູ້ບໍລິຫານຫລືຜູ້ຄວບຄຸມ ສຳ ລັບກຸ່ມ Telegram ຂະ ໜາດ ໃຫຍ່, ຫຼືບາງທີອາດຈະ ດຳ ເນີນກຸ່ມ reddit ທີ່ມີສະມາຊິກຫຼາຍຄົນ, ຫຼືທ່ານມີຜູ້ຕິດຕາມຫຼາຍຄົນໃນ twitter ຫຼື Instagram, ຫຼັງຈາກນັ້ນທ່ານກໍ່ມີໂອກາດທີ່ດີໃນການເລີ່ມຕົ້ນກຸ່ມ HPB ຂອງທ່ານເອງ. ທຸກໆກຸ່ມຈະໄດ້ຮັບຂ່າວແລະການປັບປຸງຈາກກຸ່ມໂລກ HPB, ແລະທ່ານຍັງຈະໄດ້ຮັບໂອກາດດີໆເຊັ່ນ: ESR tokens ຟຣີ ສຳ ລັບ "project X" ແລະຈະໄດ້ "ຜົນປະໂຫຍດ ທຳ ອິດ" ເມື່ອທ່ານໄດ້ຍິນກ່ຽວກັບການປະກາດ HPB ທີ່ ສຳ ຄັນກ່ອນຄົນອື່ນ ! ຖ້າທ່ານຍັງສາມາດເວົ້າພາສາອັງກິດໄດ້ມັນກໍ່ຈະເປັນຜົນປະໂຫຍດ, ຄືກັບກຸ່ມ HPB Global Telegram ເປັນພາສາອັງກິດ. ໄດ້ຮັບອິດທິພົນ, ແລະບອກພວກເຮົາກ່ຽວກັບມັນແລະໄດ້ຮັບລາງວັນ!
· Malagasy
HPB - Ny blockchain sy ny cryptocurrency mandroso indrindra eo amin'ny lafiny teknika, dia mitady influencers sosialy manerantany. Raha admin na mpanelanelana amin'ny vondrona Telegram lehibe ianao, na mety mitana vondrona reddit miaraka amina mpikambana maro, na manana mpanaraka maro ao amin'ny twitter na Instagram, dia manana fotoana mahafinaritra hanombohana ny vondrona HPB anao manokana. Ny vondrona rehetra dia hahazo vaovao sy fanavaozana avy amin'ny vondrona manerantany HPB, ary ianao koa dia hanana fotoana lehibe toy ny mari-pamantarana ESR maimaim-poana ho an'ny "tetikasa X" ary hanana "tombony voalohany ho an'ny fanindroany" rehefa maheno momba ny fanambarana HPB manan-danja alohan'ny olon-kafa ! Raha afaka miteny anglisy ianao dia mety hahasoa izany, satria amin'ny fiteny anglisy ny vondrona HPB Global Telegram. Miezaha hanana hery mitaona, ary lazao anay ny amin'izany ary valio valisoa!
· Myanmar
HPB - ကမ္ဘာပေါ်တွင်နည်းပညာအရအဆင့်မြင့်သော blockchain နှင့် cryptocurrency သည်ကမ္ဘာလုံးဆိုင်ရာလူမှုရေးသြဇာလွှမ်းမိုးမှုများကိုရှာဖွေနေသည်။ သင်ကကြီးမားတဲ့ Telegram အုပ်စုကြီးတစ်ခု၏ကြီးကြပ်သူ၊ ကြီးကြပ်သူဖြစ်လျှင်၊ များစွာသောအသင်းဝင်များနှင့်အတူ reddit group ကိုဖွင့်လျှင်၊ သို့မဟုတ် twitter သို့မဟုတ် Instagram တွင်နောက်လိုက်များစွာရှိလျှင်သင်၏ကိုယ်ပိုင် HPB အုပ်စုကိုစတင်ရန်စိတ်ကူးကောင်းတစ်ခုရှိသည်။ အုပ်စုအားလုံးသည် HPB ကမ္ဘာလုံးဆိုင်ရာအဖွဲ့ထံမှသတင်းနှင့်နောက်ဆုံးသတင်းများကိုလက်ခံရရှိလိမ့်မည်။ သင်သည်လည်း "စီမံကိန်း X" အတွက်အခမဲ့ ESR တိုကင်များကဲ့သို့သောအခွင့်အလမ်းများစွာရရှိလိမ့်မည်။ အခြားမည်သူမဆိုရှေ့မှောက်တွင်အရေးကြီးသော HPB ကြေငြာချက်များအကြောင်းကြားလျှင် "ပထမ ဦး စားပေးအားသာချက်" ရရှိလိမ့်မည် ! HPB Global Telegram အုပ်စုသည်အင်္ဂလိပ်ဘာသာဖြင့်သင်အင်္ဂလိပ်စကားလည်းပြောနိုင်ပါကအကျိုးရှိလိမ့်မည်။ လွှမ်းမိုးမှုကိုရယူပါ၊ ၎င်းအကြောင်းကိုကျွန်ုပ်တို့အားပြောပြပြီးဆုချပါ။
· Samoan
HPB - O le lalolagi sili ona tekonolosi poloka poloka ma cryptocurrency, o loʻo sailia le lalolagi lautele influencers. Afai o oe o se admin poʻo se moderator mo se telegram tele vaega, pe ono tamoe i se reddit kulupu ma le tele o tagata o le ekalesia, pe e toʻatele au mulimuli i luga o le twitter po o le Instagram, ona i ai lea o sou avanoa lelei e amata ai sau oe lava HPB kulupu. O vaega uma o le a mauaina talafou ma faʻafouga mai le HPB lalolagi kulupu, ma o le a e mauaina foi sili avanoa e pei o le leai se totogi ESR faʻailoga mo "poloketi X" ma o le a maua e maua "muamua gaioiga faʻaaoga" pe a e faʻalogo e uiga i taua faʻasilasilaga HPB luma o seisi ! Afai e mafai foi ona e tautala Igilisi o lenei o se penefiti, ona o le HPB Global Telegram kulupu o loʻo i le Igilisi. Faʻaosofia, ma taʻu mai ia matou e uiga ma ia tauia!
· Sindhi
ايڇ بي بي - دنيا جو سڀ کان وڌيڪ ٽيڪنالاجي طور تي ترقي يافته بلاڪچين ۽ رائٽيڪوروسيا ، عالمي سماجي اثر و رسوخ کي ڳولي رهيا آهن. جيڪڏهن توهان هڪ وڏي ٽيليگرام گروپ جا منتظم يا منتظم آهيو ، يا شايد ڪيترن ئي ميمبرن سان ريڊٽ گروپ هلائيندا آهيو ، يا توهان وٽ Twitter يا Instagram تي ڪيترائي فالوورز آهن ، ته توهان وٽ پنهنجو هڪ HPB گروپ شروع ڪرڻ جو هڪ بهترين موقعو آهي. سڀني گروپن کي ايڇ بي بي عالمي گروپ کان خبرون ۽ تازه ڪاريون ملنديون ، ۽ توهان کي "پروجيڪٽ ايڪس" لاءِ مفت اي ايس آر ٽوڪنز وانگر عظيم موقعا ملندا ۽ توهان کي "پهريون موور فائدو" حاصل ٿيندو جڏهن توهان ڪنهن ٻئي کان پهريان HPB جي اهم اعلانن بابت ٻڌندا. ! جيڪڏهن توهان انگريزي پڻ ڳالهائي سگهو ٿا اهو فائدو ٿيندو ، جيئن ايڇ بي بي گلوبل ٽيليگرام گروپ انگريزي ۾ آهي. اثر ٿيو ، ۽ اسان کي ان جي باري ۾ ٻڌايو ۽ انعام ڏنو وڃي!
· Swahili
HPB - blockchain na teknolojia ya hali ya juu zaidi ulimwenguni, wanatafuta washawishi wa kijamii ulimwenguni. Ikiwa wewe ni msimamizi au msimamizi wa kikundi kikubwa cha Telegram, au labda endesha kikundi cha reddit na washiriki wengi, au una wafuasi wengi kwenye twitter au Instagram, basi una nafasi nzuri ya kuanzisha kikundi chako cha HPB. Vikundi vyote vitapokea habari na sasisho kutoka kwa kikundi cha ulimwengu cha HPB, na pia utapata fursa nzuri kama vile ishara za bure za ESR za "mradi X" na utapata "faida ya kwanza ya kusonga" wakati utasikia juu ya matangazo muhimu ya HPB kabla ya mtu mwingine ! Ikiwa unaweza pia kuzungumza Kiingereza hii itakuwa faida, kwani kikundi cha HPB Global Telegram kiko kwa Kiingereza. Pata ushawishi, na utuambie juu yake na utalipwa!
· Yiddish
HPB - די וועלט 'ס מערסט טעקניקלי אַוואַנסירטע בלאַקכייוואַן און קריפּטאָקוררענסי זוכן פֿאַר גלאבאלע געזעלשאַפטלעך ינפלואַנסערז. אויב איר זענט אַן אַדמין אָדער אַ מאָדעראַטאָר פֿאַר אַ גרויס טעלעגראַם גרופּע, אָדער איר פירן אַ רעדדיט גרופּע מיט פילע מיטגלידער, אָדער איר האָבן פילע אנהענגערס אויף טוויטטער אָדער ינסטאַגראַם, איר האָט אַ פאַנטאַסטיש געלעגנהייט צו אָנהייבן דיין אייגענע HPB גרופּע אַלע גרופּעס וועלן באַקומען נייַעס און דערהייַנטיקונגען פון די HPB גלאבאלע גרופּע, און איר וועט אויך באַקומען גרויס אַפּערטונאַטיז אַזאַ ווי פריי ESR טאָקענס פֿאַר "פּרויעקט X" און איר וועט באַקומען אַ "ערשטער מאָווער מייַלע" ווען איר הערן וועגן וויכטיק HPB מודעות איידער ווער עס יז אַנדערש ! אויב איר קענט אויך רעדן ענגליש, דאָס קען זיין אַ נוץ, ווייַל די HPB גלאבאלע טעלעגראַם גרופּע איז אויף ענגליש. באַקומען ינפלואַנסינג און דערציילן אונדז וועגן אים און זיין ריוואָרדיד!
· Armenian
HPB - Աշխարհում տեխնիկապես զարգացած բլոկչեյնը և ծպտյալ արժույթը փնտրում են համաշխարհային սոցիալական ազդեցության ազդեցության: Եթե ​​դուք հանդիսանում եք ադմինիստրատոր կամ վարող մեծ Telegram խմբի համար, կամ, միգուցե, վարում եք reddit խումբ ՝ բազմաթիվ անդամներով, կամ twitter- ում կամ Instagram- ում շատ հետեւորդներ ունեք, ապա ֆանտաստիկ հնարավորություն ունեք ստեղծելու ձեր սեփական HPB խումբ: Բոլոր խմբերը կստանան նորություններ և թարմացումներ HPB գլոբալ խմբից, և դուք նաև կստանաք մեծ հնարավորություններ, ինչպիսիք են անվճար ESR նշանները «X նախագծի» համար և կստանաք «առաջին տեղաշարժի առավելություն», երբ լսեք HPB- ի կարևոր հայտարարությունների մասին ուրիշի առջև: ! Եթե ​​դուք կարող եք նաև անգլերեն խոսել, դա օգուտ կլինի, քանի որ HPB Global Telegram խումբը անգլերեն է: Ստացեք ազդեցություն և պատմեք մեզ այդ մասին և պարգևատրվեք:
· Bosnian
HPB - Tehnički najnapredniji blockchain i kriptovalute na svijetu traže globalne društvene utjecaje. Ako ste administrator ili moderator velike Telegram grupe ili možda vodite reddit grupu sa mnogo članova ili imate mnogo sljedbenika na Twitteru ili Instagramu, tada imate fantastičnu priliku za pokretanje vlastite HPB grupe. Sve grupe će primati vijesti i ažuriranja od HPB globalne grupe, a dobit ćete i velike mogućnosti kao što su besplatni ESR tokeni za "projekt X" i dobit ćete "prednost prvog pokretača" kada prije bilo koga drugog čujete o važnim najavama HPB-a ! Ako znate i engleski jezik, ovo bi bilo od koristi, jer je grupa HPB Global Telegram na engleskom jeziku. Dobijte utjecaj i recite nam o tome i budite nagrađeni!
· Frisian
HPB - De meast technysk avansearre blockchain en kryptokurrency fan 'e wrâld sykje nei wrâldwide sosjale ynfloeders. As jo ​​admin binne as moderator foar in grutte Telegram-groep, of miskien in reddit-groep rinne mei in protte leden, as jo in soad followers hawwe op twitter of Instagram, dan hawwe jo in fantastyske kâns om jo eigen HPB-groep te begjinnen. Alle groepen sille nijs en updates ûntfange fan 'e wrâldwide HPB-groep, en jo sille ek geweldige kânsen krije lykas fergese ESR-tokens foar "projekt X" en krije "foardiel fan' e earste beweger" as jo hearre oer wichtige HPB-oankundigingen foardat immen oars ! As jo ​​ek Ingelsk kinne prate, soe dit in foardiel wêze, om't de HPB Global Telegram-groep yn it Ingelsk is. Krij ynfloed, en fertel ús dêroer en wurde beleanne!
· Haitian Creole
HPB - blokchèn ki pi teknikman avanse nan mond lan ak lajan kript, ap chèche enfliyan sosyal mondyal yo. Si ou se yon admin oswa yon moderatè pou yon gwo gwoup Telegram, oswa petèt kouri yon gwoup reddit ak anpil manm, oswa ou gen anpil disip sou twitter oswa Instagram, Lè sa a, ou gen yon opòtinite kokenn yo kòmanse pwòp gwoup HPB ou. Tout gwoup yo ap resevwa nouvèl ak dènye nouvèl ki soti nan gwoup HPB mondyal la, epi ou pral resevwa tou gwo opòtinite tankou marqueur ESR gratis pou "pwojè X" epi yo pral jwenn yo gen "avantaj premye mover" lè ou tande sou anons HPB enpòtan anvan nenpòt lòt moun ! Si ou ka pale angle tou sa ta yon benefis, menm jan gwoup HPB Global Telegram lan se nan lang angle. Jwenn enfliyanse, epi di nou sou li epi yo dwe rekonpans!
· Hmong
HPB - Lub ntiaj teb kev ua lag luam tshaj plaws blockchain thiab cryptocurrency, tab tom nrhiav rau ntiaj teb cov kev cuam tshuam hauv ntiaj teb. Yog tias koj yog tus tswj hwm lossis tus tswj hwm rau pawg Telegram loj, lossis tej zaum khiav pawg liab nrog ntau tus tswv cuab, lossis koj muaj ntau tus neeg taug qab ntawm twitter lossis Instagram, ces koj muaj lub sijhawm zoo los pib koj tus kheej pawg HPB. Txhua pab pawg yuav tau txais xov xwm thiab hloov tshiab los ntawm HPB thoob ntiaj teb pawg, thiab koj tseem yuav tau txais cov hauv kev zoo xws li dawb ESR tokens rau "project X" thiab yuav tau txais "thawj qhov kom zoo dua" thaum koj hnov ​​txog cov ntaub ntawv tshaj tawm HPB ua ntej lwm tus ! Yog tias koj tuaj yeem hais lus Askiv ua qhov no yuav tau txais txiaj ntsig zoo ib yam, zoo li HPB Ntiaj Teb Telegram pawg tau hais ua lus Askiv. Tau txais kev cuam tshuam, thiab qhia peb txog nws thiab muaj nqi zog!
· Irish
HPB - Tá an blockchain agus cryptocurrency is úire ar domhan ag lorg lucht tionchair shóisialta dhomhanda. Más riarthóir nó modhnóir tú do ghrúpa mór Telegram, nó b’fhéidir grúpa reddit a reáchtáil le go leor ball, nó má tá go leor leanúna agat ar twitter nó Instagram, ansin tá deis iontach agat do ghrúpa HPB féin a thosú. Gheobhaidh gach grúpa nuacht agus nuashonruithe ó ghrúpa domhanda HPB, agus gheobhaidh tú deiseanna iontacha freisin mar chomharthaí ESR saor in aisce do “tionscadal X” agus gheobhaidh tú “an chéad bhuntáiste gluaiseachta” nuair a chloiseann tú faoi fhógraí tábhachtacha HPB roimh aon duine eile ! Más féidir leat Béarla a labhairt ba bhuntáiste é seo freisin, toisc go bhfuil an grúpa HPB Global Telegram i mBéarla. Faigh tionchar, agus inis dúinn faoi agus faigh luach saothair!
· Khmer
អេចប៊ីប៊ី - blockchain និង cryptocurrency ដែលមានបច្ចេកវិទ្យាខ្ពស់បំផុតនៅលើពិភពលោកកំពុងស្វែងរកឥទ្ធិពលសង្គមពិភពលោក។ ប្រសិនបើអ្នកជាអ្នកគ្រប់គ្រងឬអ្នកសម្របសម្រួលសម្រាប់ក្រុមតេឡេក្រាមធំឬប្រហែលជាដំណើរការក្រុមក្រហមជាមួយសមាជិកជាច្រើនឬអ្នកមានអ្នកដើរតាមជាច្រើននៅលើ Twitter ឬ Instagram បន្ទាប់មកអ្នកមានឱកាសដ៏អស្ចារ្យដើម្បីចាប់ផ្តើមក្រុម HPB ផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនរបស់អ្នក។ ក្រុមទាំងអស់នឹងទទួលបានព័ត៌មាននិងបច្ចុប្បន្នភាពពីក្រុមសកល HPB ហើយអ្នកក៏នឹងទទួលបាននូវឱកាសដ៏ល្អដូចជាថូខឹនអេសអរដោយឥតគិតថ្លៃសម្រាប់“ គម្រោង X” ហើយនឹងទទួលបាន“ គុណប្រយោជន៍ដំបូង” នៅពេលអ្នកបាន hear អំពីការប្រកាសសំខាន់ៗរបស់ក្រុមហ៊ុន HPB មុនពេលមានអ្នកផ្សេង ! ប្រសិនបើអ្នកក៏អាចនិយាយភាសាអង់គ្លេសបាននោះវានឹងទទួលបានអត្ថប្រយោជន៍ដូចក្រុម HPB Global Telegram ជាភាសាអង់គ្លេសដែរ។ ទទួលឥទ្ធិពលហើយប្រាប់យើងអំពីវាហើយទទួលបានរង្វាន់!
· Latin
HPB - Mundus scriptor maxime technice proficiebat atque blockchain cryptocurrency sunt vultus ad global socialis influencers. Si vos es an admin vel coetus moderator, quia magna Telegram aut fortasse reddit coetus currere in multa sunt membra, vel sectatores multa in Twitter aut Instagram, et vos habere fantastic occasionem ut satus vestri propria HPB coetus. Sodalitates omnes excussae et accipere nuntium et updates ex HPB global coetus, et quoque recipere magna occasiones ut liberi ESR signa per "project X" et ad ut "primum bonum" cum audierit momenti HPB announcements potissimum ! Si tu potes dicere hanc fore Anglis bonum esse quod Anglice est HPB Global Telegram coetus. Get influentis, et dices ad eum de nobis, et retribuetur ei?
· Maltese
HPB - L-iktar blockchain u kripto-munita teknikament avvanzati fid-dinja, qed ifittxu influwenti soċjali globali. Jekk int amministratur jew moderatur għal grupp kbir ta 'Telegram, jew forsi tmexxi grupp reddit b'ħafna membri, jew għandek ħafna segwaċi fuq twitter jew Instagram, allura għandek opportunità fantastika biex tibda l-grupp HPB tiegħek stess. Il-gruppi kollha se jirċievu aħbarijiet u aġġornamenti mill-grupp globali HPB, u int tirċievi wkoll opportunitajiet kbar bħal tokens ESR b'xejn għal "proġett X" u jkollok "vantaġġ tal-ewwel mover" meta tisma 'dwar avviżi HPB importanti qabel ħaddieħor ! Jekk tista 'titkellem ukoll bl-Ingliż dan ikun ta' benefiċċju, billi l-grupp HPB Global Telegram huwa bl-Ingliż. Ibda tinfluwenza, u għidilna dwarha u tkun ippremjat!
· Nepali
HPB - विश्वको सब भन्दा टेक्निकल उन्नत blockchain र cryptocurrency, ग्लोबल सामाजिक प्रभावकर्ताहरूको खोजी गर्दैछ। यदि तपाईं एक बडी टेलिग्राम समूहको लागि व्यवस्थापक वा मध्यस्थकर्ता हुनुहुन्छ, वा धेरै सदस्यहरू सहित रेडडिट ग्रुप चलाउनुहुन्छ, वा तपाईं ट्विटर वा इन्स्टाग्राममा धेरै अनुयायीहरू हुनुहुन्छ भने, त्यसोभए तपाईंसँग राम्रो एचपीबी समूह सुरु गर्ने अवसर छ। सबै समूहहरूले एचपीबी ग्लोबल समूहबाट समाचार र अपडेटहरू प्राप्त गर्नेछन्, र तपाईंले "प्रोजेक्ट एक्स" को लागी नि: शुल्क ईएसआर टोकन जस्ता अवसरहरू पनि प्राप्त गर्नुहुनेछ र महत्त्वपूर्ण एचपीबी घोषणाहरूको बारेमा सुन्नुहुँदा "पहिलो मोभर फाइदा" पाउनुहुनेछ। ! यदि तपाई अ English्ग्रेजी पनि बोल्न सक्नुहुन्छ भने यो फाइदा हुन्छ, किनकि एचपीबी ग्लोबल टेलिग्राम समूह अंग्रेजीमा छ। प्रभावशाली हुनुहोस्, र हामीलाई यसको बारेमा बताउनुहोस् र पुरस्कार दिनुहोस्!
· Scots Gaelic
HPB - Tha an blockchain agus cryptocurrency as adhartaiche gu teicnigeach san t-saoghal, a ’coimhead airson luchd-buaidh shòisealta cruinneil. Ma tha thu nad rianaire no nad mhodaireatair airson buidheann mòr Telegram, no is dòcha a ’ruith buidheann reddit le mòran bhuill, no ma tha mòran luchd-leantainn agad air twitter no Instagram, tha cothrom air leth agad do bhuidheann HPB fhèin a thòiseachadh. Gheibh a h-uile buidheann naidheachdan is ùrachaidhean bho bhuidheann cruinneil HPB, agus gheibh thu cothroman mòra cuideachd leithid ESR tokens an-asgaidh airson “pròiseact X” agus gheibh thu “ciad bhuannachd mover” nuair a chluinneas tu mu ainmeachadh cudromach HPB ro dhuine sam bith eile ! Mas urrainn dhut Beurla a bhruidhinn bhiodh seo na bhuannachd, leis gu bheil a ’bhuidheann HPB Global Telegram sa Bheurla. Faigh buaidh, agus innis dhuinn mu dheidhinn agus gheibh thu duais!
· Sinhala
HPB - ලෝකයේ වඩාත්ම තාක්‍ෂණිකව දියුණු බ්ලොක්චේන් සහ ගුප්තකේතන මුදල් ගෝලීය සමාජ බලපෑම්කරුවන් සොයමින් සිටී. ඔබ විශාල ටෙලිග්‍රාම් කණ්ඩායමක පරිපාලකයෙකු හෝ උපපරිපාලක වරයෙකු නම්, හෝ බොහෝ සාමාජිකයන් සමඟ රෙඩ්ඩිට් කණ්ඩායමක් පවත්වාගෙන යන්නේ නම් හෝ ඔබට ට්විටර් හෝ ඉන්ස්ටග්‍රෑම් හි බොහෝ අනුගාමිකයන් සිටී නම්, ඔබේම HPB කණ්ඩායමක් ආරම්භ කිරීමට ඔබට කදිම අවස්ථාවක් තිබේ. සියලුම කණ්ඩායම් වලට HPB ගෝලීය සමූහයෙන් ප්‍රවෘත්ති සහ යාවත්කාලීනයන් ලැබෙනු ඇති අතර, ඔබට “ව්‍යාපෘති X” සඳහා නොමිලේ ඊඑස්ආර් ටෝකන වැනි විශාල අවස්ථාවන් ලැබෙනු ඇති අතර වැදගත් HPB නිවේදන ගැන වෙන කිසිවෙකු ඉදිරියේ ඇසෙන විට “පළමු ප්‍රවාහන වාසිය” ලැබෙනු ඇත. ! HPB ග්ලෝබල් ටෙලිග්‍රාම් කණ්ඩායම ඉංග්‍රීසියෙන් ඇති බැවින් ඔබට ඉංග්‍රීසි කථා කිරීමට හැකි නම් මෙය ප්‍රතිලාභයක් වනු ඇත. බලපෑම් කරන්න, ඒ ගැන අපට කියන්න සහ විපාක දෙන්න!
· Uzbek
HPB - dunyodagi eng texnik jihatdan rivojlangan blokcheyn va kripto-valyuta global ijtimoiy ta'sir ko'rsatuvchilarni qidirmoqda. Agar siz katta Telegram guruhining administratori yoki moderatori bo'lsangiz yoki ehtimol ko'plab a'zolari bo'lgan reddit guruhini boshqarsangiz yoki twitter yoki Instagram-da ko'plab izdoshlaringiz bo'lsa, unda siz o'zingizning HPB guruhingizni boshlash uchun ajoyib imkoniyatga egasiz. Barcha guruhlar HPB global guruhidan yangiliklar va yangilanishlarni oladi, shuningdek siz "loyiha X" uchun bepul ESR ma'lumoti kabi ajoyib imkoniyatlarga ega bo'lasiz va HPB-ning muhim e'lonlari haqida boshqalardan oldin eshitganingizda "birinchi harakatlanish afzalligi" ga ega bo'lasiz. ! Agar siz ham ingliz tilida gaplasha olsangiz, bu foyda keltirishi mumkin, chunki HPB Global Telegram guruhi ingliz tilida. Ta'sir qiling va bizga bu haqda aytib bering va mukofotlang!
· Yoruba
HPB - blockchain ati imọ-ẹrọ ti ilọsiwaju ti imọ-ẹrọ ti agbaye julọ, n wa awọn agba lagbaye awujọ agbaye. Ti o ba jẹ abojuto tabi adari fun ẹgbẹ Telegram nla kan, tabi boya ṣiṣe ẹgbẹ reddit pẹlu ọpọlọpọ awọn ọmọ ẹgbẹ, tabi o ni ọpọlọpọ awọn ọmọlẹyin lori twitter tabi Instagram, lẹhinna o ni aye ikọja lati bẹrẹ ẹgbẹ HPB tirẹ. Gbogbo awọn ẹgbẹ yoo gba awọn iroyin ati awọn imudojuiwọn lati ọdọ ẹgbẹ agbaye HPB, ati pe iwọ yoo tun gba awọn aye nla bii awọn ami ESR ọfẹ fun “iṣẹ X” ati pe yoo ni “anfani gbigbe akọkọ” nigbati o ba gbọ nipa awọn ikede HPB pataki ṣaaju ki ẹnikẹni miiran ! Ti o ba tun le sọ Gẹẹsi eyi yoo jẹ anfani, bi ẹgbẹ HPB Global Telegram wa ni Gẹẹsi. Gba ipa, ki o sọ fun wa nipa rẹ ki o san ẹsan!
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j'ai des petits problèmes dans ma plantation

Jack Daniel est-t-il du Bourbon? Monsieur Bourbon & Whiskey. Loading... Unsubscribe from Monsieur Bourbon & Whiskey? Cancel Unsubscribe. Working... Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 210. Loading ... Les YOUTUBEURS OUBLIÉS ou MORTS ( ̿ ̿Ĺ̯̿̿ ̿ ) - Duration: 7:33. Trash 3,564,431 views. 7:33 ... English Location: United States Restricted Mode: Off History Help ... This video is unavailable. Watch Queue Queue. Watch Queue Queue Bonjour pour les guidances en vidéo (privé ) ,vous pouvez me demander une vidéo à 20 min pour 30e (3 questions maxi selon les domaines concernés ) ou si vous... Vous avez déjà penser à acheter sur Wish ? Voici la vidéo à regarder avant ! On parle des composants mais aussi de toutes les combines utiliser sur le site. ... Helene Schjerfbeck (1862-1946) est une artiste peintre réaliste, naturaliste et expressionniste, très respectée en Finlande. Enfant prodige, Helene Schjerfbe... Et bien, quoi de meilleur et de plus simple que les Smashed Potatoes, ou en français pommes de terres écrasées ou tapées. Je vous propose aujourd'hui de préparer ensemble ces smashed potatoes. Locke a mieux cerné la nature humaine que Rousseau et Hobbes (avec Jocelyn Maclure et Xavier Brouillette)Plus on est de fous, plus on lit!, Radio-Canada Prem... Dieu m'as promis mon mari ou est-t-il? Evangeliste Bona et Darcy Ogandaga - Duration: 1:15:21. ... Language: English Location: United States Restricted Mode: Off History Help ... Fait dérouler vers le bas pour ne rien rater ☀☀☀j'ai des petits problèmes dans ma plantation☀☀☀ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel ...

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