Merry Quarantine Christmas 2020-Funny Greeting Card For

quarantine quotes for christmas cards

quarantine quotes for christmas cards - win

I think WSB is sleeping on a huge opportunity in Apple this month. Here’s why.

TLDR: Due to a confluence of factors (none of which are technical analysis), I believe a perfect storm is likely forming for a monster, historic ER occurring sometime in late January. The initial main factor for this was that COVID issues were causing a delay in the iPhone 12 launch, pushing it into to this quarter, but that led me to discover numerous other factors now making up my thesis. I believe not only will earnings grow, but the multiple could even expand. How to play it: calls dated end of Jan or mid Feb.


Happy hangover day, fellow autists. I believe opportunities are rare to know when an ER is going to blow it out of the water by enough to overcome IV crush based on more than just a hunch, and when they occur once or twice per year you should swing big. When I play earnings releases, I’m almost always just a seller of spreads so that I can profit off of theta/IV crush surrounding the ER (theta gang always wins). This time however, I’ve bought outright calls. Here is what I’m seeing with Apple:

The iPhone 12 delay could mean huge YoY comparisons.

What kicked all this off was that two months ago I realized we could be heading for huge numbers this quarter due to an atypical delay in the launch of the newest iPhone. Typically new iPhones are announced in mid-September with preorders beginning immediately and shipments beginning before the end of the month. However this year because of COIVD delays the launch date got pushed into October. The iPhone 12 preorders began mid-October with shipments a week later, and the iPhone 12 mini and Max began preorders November 6. And that means no sales of the new models counted in the quarter ended Sept. 30 (Apple’s fiscal fourth quarter)as they usually do. This year all of those opening day sales have fallen into the upcoming fiscal Q1, setting up a potentially huge quarter in sales and making for easy YoY comparisons right out of the gate. Here’s a Fortune article on the delay of the launch.

The “super cycle” rumors appear to be true.

As a lover of new tech, I always have to remind myself that the average person doesn’t care about incremental new features as much as I do. So when I heard rumors earlier this year that Apple could be facing a “super cycle” of upgrades due to 5G, I was skeptical. How much does the average person really care about spotty 5G service enough to jump on a new iPhone? But based on reports starting to come out, those rumors appear to be correct. I’ve seen a few articles suggesting a super cycle not seen since the iPhone 6.
Here’s a Yahoo Finance article on Wedbush’s analysis.
Here are some notable quotes from that article since I know we don’t read around here.
"Based on our recent Asia checks we believe the supply chain is anticipating low to mid 90 million iPhone unit builds … a roughly 35% increase from our original and Street forecasts," says Ives, who covers AAPL stock for Wedbush.
Compare that to the firm's expectations for iPhone 12 unit sales over time. Three months ago, Wedbush expected 65 million to 70 million unit builds for the December quarter; it raised its outlook to 75 million units in late October; and in mid-December, it set a "stretch goal" in the mid-80 million range.
Wall Street broadly sees AAPL selling 217 million iPhones in the company's fiscal 2021, but Wedbush's bull case is "north of 240 million units (250 million could be in the cards – an eye popping figure)" that would easily surpass the 231 million units the company sold in its fiscal 2015.
"We have not seen a launch uptrend such as this in a number of years for Apple and the only iPhone trajectory similar would be the iPhone 6 in 2014 based on our analysis.".
Here is an AppleInsider article, although it quotes the same research at Wedbush. Notable quote:
That bump in production would represent a 30% year-over-year increase in smartphone models produced, and is also well ahead of current Wall Street expectations, Ives wrote.
It’s anecdotal, but I personally skipped the iPhone 11 upgrade because I was perfectly content with my XS Max, however I did buy the 12 Pro Max.

The iPhone 12 sales mix:

It’s not just that phone sales will be up on the iphone 12 launch, it’s the mix within those sales. Typically when Apple launches phones they sell more of the of the entry level new phones than they do the premium, because the total addressable market is bigger. That doesn’t appear to be the case this time. As early as September people were reporting that Apple was making more higher end iPhone 12 models than entry-level handsets anticipating a shift in demand, and they appear to have been correct. Last year the entry level iPhone 11s outsold the premium iPhone 11s by a three to one margin. This year almost immediately after launch people were reporting that the premium iPhone 12s were selling as much as the entry models. Since then, there have been reports trickling out that the premium iPhone 12s appear to actually be outselling the entry level versions.

Apple sold out of nearly everything they make for Christmas.

See further below for one of the reasons this may have happened, in both my “macro” and “risks” sections.
Apple introduced a slough of new products from iMacs to watches this year, and they sold out of all of them. The list of sold-out products at Christmas included the iPhone 12 Pro and Pro Max; iPad, iPad Pro, iPad Air, and iPad Mini; MacBook Air and Pro; iMac and iMac Pro; HomePod mini, and AirPods Max. Here’s a Barron’s article mentioning the sell outs.
Apple wearables, I would argue, are now what economists call Veblen goods. These are unique products where the demand curve actually increases as the price increases. This can happen in goods such as wine, where the consumer lacks the knowledge in how to evaluate the product so they take pricing as a signal of quality. But another reason you can get that skewed demand curve is if the product conveys status. One example of this is sports cars. You can buy cars with 90% of the performance of the ultra top end cars for 30% of the price, but that’s not the point of owning them, is it? How often are you really out at the track? Lambo isn’t in competition with $50k sports cars. They could raise the price $50k per car and people who can afford them would just want them more. Louis Vuitton bags and $50,000 Birkin purses are more examples. In fact with Birkin they not only constantly raise prices, they forbid people from buying them. You have to spend a lot of money on other lower tier products before you’re “allowed” to even buy a Birkin bag. This just makes new money women want them even more.
Those are dramatic examples of course and Apple isn’t behaving that way, but Apple just introduced very overpriced, new over-the-ear headphones which cost almost twice as much as the leading competitor, and yet...Apple sold out of every single color in the first two weeks and hit a three month waiting list by Christmas on a product that I would assume due to its high pricing has very fat margins. Apple charging twice as much makes them more appealing, not less, because wearables are worn and thus seen by your peers (and the opposite sex).

The Twitter rumor mill is reporting parts moving at a brisk pace

I can’t track down the things I’ve read here and there on Twitter and I’m starting to run out of steam here, so you may have to do some searching on your own, but people who usually track movement of parts through the companies forming Apple’s supply chain and normally have a good track record with their reports have reported that parts are moving through the chain at a very brisk pace. This is addressed some in the reports on the iPhone supply chain in my earlier links.

App sales are crushing it.

Thanks probably in part to quarantine, app sales have been crushing it and grew ~35% this December compared to ~17% the prior year, meaning sales have grown at twice the pace.

Reoccurring revenue bundle numbers will be announced

The biggest thing I’ve learned from 2020 is that nothing matters more to the market than the narrative surrounding the reoccurring revenue bundle...aka subscriptions. A company announces its cutting its dividend, but then tells you that’s because its going to pour all that money into boosting its subscriptions? The stock skyrockets. Look at Disney. ATT may be able to pull this off as well if it can convince people of that narrative with WarneHBO max and cut its dividend to pour it into content, but that’s a big “if” for them.
Apple launched their new reoccurring revenue bundle this year. I personally signed up for the premium tier and now owe Apple $30 per month for the rest of my life. I was already paying them to backup my phone to the cloud, and now their bundle has thrown me into Apple Music, Apple TV+, etc. I am firmly entrenched in the Apple universe whether I like it or not.
It is these reoccurring revenue numbers that offer the possibility of earnings multiple expansion.


Are sellouts due to high demand, or due to COVID-related production problems? I don’t know. Based on the reports I’ve read, some of which have been linked earlier in my post, it sounds like everything is running full speed in China and the supply chain is running at near or above a record clip. One possible risk is that this was not the case earlier this year and thus Apple sold out of things because they hadn’t produced enough heading into Christmas. I personally believe that production may have taken a huge hit early in the calendar year, but by mid to late 2020 this was no longer a significant issue. I also believe that even if sales have taken a slight hit due to production, the market wouldn’t really care. Markets are forward looking. They know COVID has impacted things globally, and even if Apple reports sales difficulties they will be paired with significantly increased guidance for Q2. New reports have suggested that Apple has had to increase its iPhone production plans for 2021 by 20-30% because of strong demand An announcement like that is not a recipe for a stock crash.
Macro factors causing a crash. A lot of people around here appear to be scared of an impending crash. This seems to be based on the simple idea that stocks have run up a lot and therefore must crash. A reversion to the mean is imminent. I don’t see it that way and I think the economy is more complex than that. Just because something has gone up a lot does not mean it’s going to crash. People have been warning of a California real estate crash for 70 years.
I’m a little bit older than you guys (by probably about 10-15 years) and I can remember the market frenzy of the boom. A lot of people were saying the same thing then, and while they were ultimately proven right, they were very early. I remember seeing another year to year and a half of enormous gains after hearing all those warnings. Of course the problem with musical chairs is that we never know when the music will stop, but I would argue if anything stocks are roughly fairly valued, not dangerously overvalued.
As we go into 2021, we face the following conditions: a vaccine roll out that sometime between now and late ‘21 will lead us into a v-shaped recovery. The Krugman argument for this vision, and The Bloomberg argument for this vision. We also just had the Fed reaffirm 0% interest rates and the continuation of QE. Add to all of that very easy YoY earnings comps for the first two quarters of this year and this is not a recipe for a crash, it’s a recipe for a steady market melt up. Where are the rich supposed to put all their money in a 0% interest rate environment? 0% pushes up the value of all asset classes, and this is especially true of real estate and stonks. Generally speaking, predicting macro economic movements is a losing game, but all of those things combined with the easy YoY comps means I don’t feel the need to be concerned of an impending correction for at least the next two quarters.
A much smaller factor but still a factor, I have seen it suggested that Apple will be among the larger beneficiaries of the stimulus checks going out, although those have not started rolling out until just now so that may have an impact on Q2 if any.
Bad subscription numbers
If subscriptions to Apple One flopped, this could significantly overshadow sales and earnings numbers. I personally feel Apple isn’t likely to seriously miscalculate predictions on a subscription bundle because they have their market dialed in, but I don’t know that for sure.
Sales could have cratered in October
Sales often drop a little in the weeks preceding a phone launch. What if phone sales tanked during the delays waiting for an iPhone 12? That could be bad. I’m encouraged by the fact that iPhone 11 models appeared to still be having good sales numbers when the iPhone 12 was launched (see links earlier in this post), but I don’t really know what October sales look like.
COVID could have tanked all phone sales.
This report says all phone activations generally tanked 23% on Christmas Day. Two thoughts I have on that, that number is for all phone activations, not just iPhones. And two, that’s just for Christmas Day itself. There could be a wide array of reasons activations were down on that one day. To counter that, this report says the iPhone was the best selling 5G phone, even in October despite the phone not launching until the second half of that month. Additionally that article mentions pent up demand for 5G apple phones that sales are likely to be strong going forward.

Technical Analysis

I don’t believe in technical analysis. Charts don’t know any of the things I just explained, and are therefore, in my opinion, useless to me. Maybe somebody has figured out a system for charts to predict the future, but I am not that person.

Price Target

I don’t pretend to know things like that.

Fun rumors

I’m not big on speculative rumors and momentum type plays, but if that’s your thing there are certainly rumors in the air. The most famous of which is the rumor that Apple is back to working seriously on an EV Car. Another is reports are just coming out in the last day or two that Apple is seeing new successes in developing foldable tech. Whether these things will impact the stock price isn’t really my cup of tea, but if it’s yours those are two things to consider.

Is my post an attempt at a WSB pump and dump?

I’m under no allusions that my own WSB post is going to alter the trajectory of a $2.25 trillion company in any meaningful way. That sort of thing may work on a post-IPO company that hasn’t had its lockup expiration yet and thus has a tiny float (aka PLTR or numerous other recent “to the moon” meme stocks) with limited float. (That’s not to say those aren’t great companies or great trades. I’m just sayin’).

My positions:

I’m more conservative than most of WSB. While I love this place with all my heart and love you guys for it, I believe risking it all to chase screenshot-worthy gains is moronic and not the path to building real, long-term wealth. Thus my positions are probably more conservative than you’d expect.
I have 20% of my net worth tied up in Apple via LEAPs. 9/16/2022 AAPL $87.50 calls. I consider this to be essentially stock I hold for the long term. Delta is approaching 1 anyway so they practically are stock. Sometime in the depths of March I loaded up on FAANG LEAPs with the intention of actually holding them for years and then converting to shares. Those LEAPs were a little OTM at the time I bought them. I have no interest in day trading my significant LEAP positions so that’s going to sit there for the next two years.
But I also have put an additional 15% of my net worth into short term calls on Apple to play the ER. I have Feb 19 $130 calls which were about 10-15% OTM at the time I bought them. They are currently ITM. I also have 1/29 $135s and 1/29 $141s.
This puts 35% of my net worth into Apple.

How to get rich

I intend to cash out my short term calls after the ER, and I don’t intend to reinvest or roll them out because I suspect Apple will be fully valued by then and there are better plays out there. I intend to keep my LEAPS because I bought those for the very long term and because at the very least I should hold them until March to hit the long term capital gains tax rate.
I intend to take my profits from the calls and push them into shorting NNOX and XPEV, both of which have significant lockup expirations coming in mid to late February which I believe will significantly impact the stock prices in the short term. I have no interest in shorting XPEV right now, because you guys are crazy as fuck and for all I know EV stonks could all run up another 50% in the next month. Right about the time the Apple ER hits should be perfect.


If you think I’m wrong, I would strongly encourage you to comment. I don’t give a fuck about looking correct or saving face but I give many fucks about not losing money. If I’m wrong, I want to know it.

The Most Important Factor

This ain’t my first day around here, and I know that DD is absolutely useless without rocketships, therefore: APPLE TO THE 🌙 🚀 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 🚀 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 🚀 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 🚀 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 🚀 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 🚀 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 🚀 🚀🚀🚀🚀.
Godspeed, fellow autists.
submitted by WBuffettJr to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

[Thank You] Thank you to the following users for the holiday cards!

u/pterofly - Many late thanks for the Christmas card! I hope your holiday season was spent joyously with loved ones and that 2021 has been treating you well. Happy New Year and Valentine’s.
u/not_napoleon - Thanks for the lovely quarantine card from Baltimore! I’ve always wanted to visit since All Time Low originated from there. Your card gave me some more incentive! I hope you’re able to explore the city and get out more this year than the last. Happy Valentine’s Day!
u/_northernlights (x2) - Thanks for the adorable owl postcard and the lovely candy heart Valentine’s card! I hope you are enjoying your 2021 and have the opportunity to spend Valentine’s with loved ones!
u/Bamboovan - I cannot express how much I adore the lovely Lunar New Year card! The artwork is gorgeous. Thank you and also for the heart shaped lollipop Valentine and stickers. Your bundle was such a sweet surprise!
u/odarf - I am so grateful for the Valentine’s package you sent! Thank you so much for the adorable mermaid cat (mercat?) card, many stickers, and the blank Valentine’s! The animal paper clip was a cute surprise and I can’t wait to use it lol. I hope you had an amazing January and are able to spend Valentine’s Day with loved ones!
u/kittycatcon - Thanks for the lovely Pusheen postcard. It’s so cute and the colour scheme is flawless together! I hope you have been having a lovely 2021 so far and wish you all the best!
u/rumpelstiltskinxap - Thanks for the postcard! The llama fact shocked me - I’m itching to look more into it. Thank you for the inspirational quote, also, I loved the message! Happy New Year!
u/poisonouskey - I am in love with the animated platypus Valentine and raccoon sticker! The confetti and other stickers were such an amazing additional touch. Thank you so much for the wonderful envelope! Happy Valentine’s day, sending love! <3
u/summerxskin - Thank you for the gorgeous “Charles Scribner’s Sons Modern Poster” postcard! Happy New Year, I hope your January was full of love and joy and the rest of the year brings many pleasant surprises! Sending love. <3
u/pinkpolo - Thank you for a Disney’s ‘Brave’ postcard! I have yet to watch the film in its entirety but have seen bits and pieces here and there. I’m looking forward to it though, and your recommendation is all the more incentive! Happy Valentine’s Day!
u/batcaved - Thank you for the gorgeous calligraphy and postcard! Your penmanship is stunning. I hope you’ve been enjoying your 2021 so far! Wishing you well in the coming months. <3
u/verityblip - Thank you for the adorable and funny postcard! I hope you are enjoying your new position and finding the job much better than you’d imagined. Happy New Year and Valentine’s day, I hope you had/get the chance to spend the days with loved ones!
u/Thebitterbuffalo - Thank you for the gorgeous floral “Thank You” card! The stickers were adorable and the jokes gave me a great laugh - especially the post-office-million-letters one! I hope your enjoy the rest of your 2021. Happy Valentine’s day!
u/laboitbleue - Thanks for the gorgeous purple reindeer postcard! You should definitely visit the West in Canada some time, there’s much to see and much to do, I’d definitely recommend Vancouver, Whistler, Kelowna, or Victoria and I’ve added the beach to my bucket list - thank you for the recommendation! (: I hope your New Year was filled with joy and that you get the best from the rest of your 2021.
u/finishingthetea - I love the adorable rabbit postcard you sent! Singaporean carrot cake sounds delicious - I have to give it a try sometime! Have you ever tried the stereotypical Canadian poutine lol? I like to give it a twist and swap out gravy for other foods of a similar consistency/style, such as Shahi Paneer or Butter Chicken (New York Fries style!) and while I prefer that method, traditional poutine is a great appetizer and side. Have a great rest of your year and Happy Valentine’s Day!
u/vmiko - Thank you for the ‘Bon Voyage’ postcard and recommendations! I’ve added those my lists and look forward to checking out the movie, song, and book! The Great British Bake-Off is something I have seen a little bit of. If you enjoy it, you should check out ‘The Final Table’ on Netflix, though it’s more catered towards cooking than baking! Happy New Year!
u/sugarmagandjohn - Thank you for the gorgeous Californian greeting card! Happy New Year and all the best to you and your loved one’s this year! Sending love. <3
u/a_rank_amateur - The NASA postcard is so delightful - thank you! Your penmanship is incredible. Also, not such a fun fact, they actually sell ‘air’ already. On a happier note, I hope your New Year was joyous and you enjoy the upcoming Valentine’s Day and year ahead!
u/slina27 - I love the beautiful Apollo postcard. Thank you so much for it, and also for bringing joy to RAOC with your unique offer(s)! Have a delightful year, wishing you well. <3
u/nil_ka - The Salvador Dali postcard of his watercolour painting ‘The Ship’ you sent me is gorgeous! I had yet to see Dali’s photographs and was unaware he was also a photographer, but upon searching some up, I was struck by their beauty. Definitely underrated! Thank you for the gorgeous postcard and have a happy 2021, sending love and warmth.
u/sirensea_cucumber - I cannot stress how cute the Animal Crossing ‘Mario Kart’ Isabelle postcard. The wax seal was such a pleasant additional touch! I hope you are doing well and enjoying the year so far. Happy New Year and all the best to you and your loved ones!
u/lacuntessa - Thank you for the Archaeology and Museum postcard and an additional thank you for the stickers. I hope you and your husband are feeling happy and healthy, and get the chance to have a wonderful, joyous celebration this Valentine’s day! Wishing you the best of 2021!
u/CSWL - I absolutely loved the postcard package you sent. Thank you so much for the added envelopes, that was so thoughtful of you! I’ve already sent one and am excited to use the package to earn some new, shiny flair and start posting my own offers. Happy New Year, I hope you get to make the most of your Valentine’s Day this year, and that you’re stay warm and safe. All the best for the rest of your 2021! <3
u/bubs57 - Thank you for the adorable Dumbo postcard! The penguin stickers you added are adorable. I hope your year has been full of happy surprises so far and the upcoming months treat you with love, kindness, and warmth. Happy New Year and Happy Valentine’s Day!
u/twerptwo - Thank you for the covid candy hearts card! I loved the stickers inside and your message was heartwarmingly beautiful. I also loved the tiny peacock Valentine you sent - comical and cute! Happy Valentine’s Day, I hope you’re able to get out and do something you desire with your loved ones!
submitted by Original_Tale_4662 to RandomActsofCards [link] [comments]

A Pandemic Relationsh*t

Alright you lovely lot of people, story time.
A little bit of back round on myself. I am 37 years young. Introverted as hell, but it hasn't stopped me from accomplishing a lot in my life. I enjoy history, classic cinema/music, literature and I've always preferred the company of a select few over a crowd of people, as people friggin' drain me with inane nonsense a majority of the time. Yet, I've always believed in being there for people, no matter what. Your family, your friends, total strangers if the case arises. That's what being a human being is. Treat others how you would like to be treated and all that jazz. I also know, that nobody is perfect, and everyone has their struggles, especially now.
Now onto the relationship that made me go monk again.
Since 2018 I've been taking care of my elderly grandmother who suffered from dementia, that we didn't know she had at the time but suspected. I was working odd jobs on the side while I could and helping my grandfather as he owns a company that he still works for to this day at 80+. He has always been an inspiration to me and I only hope I could be half the man he is at his age. During this time, taking care of my grandmothefather I would mainly do it alone, because I was the single guy (by choice ) with nothing else better to do. And I didn't mind. I enjoy the company of the elderly since they seem to appreciate the simpler things in life, such as life itself, once they start getting older.
During this time I would spend most of my day making sure my grandmother was okay. She had her routines. She enjoyed swimming at 80+ going into a hot tub religiously for longer than she should. And enjoyed talking on the phone! Who would have thought! My grandmother was addicted to the phone as far back as I can remember. She had 30 ft extension lines to the old school rotary phones back in her house when I was a child, so she could walk around the house talking. As a young child you notice these things, but think nothing of it, because you were too busy watching Pee-Wee's playhouse, or The Real Ghostbusters, or outside playing with your friends (yes this was a thing) reading comics, playing with G.I.Joes and learning how to use your first swiss army knife.
My grandmother practically raised me since my mom was busy working as a child. I never met my real father once in my life as he was apparently a real scum bag. I found out he died a few years back and felt sad I never met him, but had no memories of him, so it didn't last long. So back to my grandmother. Her dementia had taken hold and she slowly started forgetting things. She'd forget where she put things, her credit cards, her purse, her tv remote. And then would get angry. If she couldn't find something, or thought she lost something, especially her phone, she would lose her shit. I know this was because of the dementia, but I had seen this before. I had seen this as a child, as a young man, and as grown male. A woman losing something, then losing her sh*t. I've seen the same from men as well. But with the phone, it's like losing your contact to the outside world. You have FOMO. You feel like you're nobody if you're not in on the conversation. I've seen this before. More so in women, then men. The phone had become a lifeline to other people, to other people's lives, and my grandmother would use it to call me nonstop to help her with things. Fix the television (that she couldn't figure out anymore) show her how to print pictures off facebook ( I hate social media) and how to cook the food I cook for her and my grandfather. Stupid stuff, but I would compromise my time, because who else was going to do it? My Parents have lives, my siblings have lives, and my grandfather still works to this day. So someone had to "Man Up" because nobody else would.
I would spend entire portions of my day with her, taking her places, making sure she ate alright, take her grocery shopping, get gas in her car (she still drove before the dementia was diagnosed) and show her how to use modern technology even if I hated doing so. It was just too much for her mind. Just like modern women. The stimulation is too much. Too many thoughts of other people contaminating your mind with nonsense. I would cook dinner for her and my grandfather or get take out food and come back to their house and watch a film or two with them almost every night. I'd watch my grandfather and grandmother both smile and cry over old school films they hadn't seen in years, and I would do so in return. It took me back to being a child. Watching films with them when I was a young boy. My grandmother was a VHS collector and in turn made me appreciate them and as hobby I would collect them over the years and DVDS/Blu-rays and such. I also would find and sell out of print copies of movies and video games/CDs to supplement my income. So every day after taking care of my grandmother and enjoying her and my grandfather's time, I slowly started thinking, I wish I had someone who would actually enjoy my company as much as they enjoy mine, and I enjoy theirs. Someone with an old soul. Someone who didn't enjoy modernity and wanted simpler things, and enjoyed simpler times.
Skip to July 2019. By now I'm at my grandparents house every morning at 5:30 to 6 am, to take care of my grandmother. Her dementia has grown increasingly bad. She yells all the time at me, my grandfather, whomever. Her need to call people on the phone and try to get them to take her to places and do things she use to do when she was healthier had me beyond stressed. My grandfather, stubborn as he is, didn't know what to do, and continued to go to work, leaving me alone with my grandmother all day. Eventually my mother starts to help me take over afternoons and I come back at nights to do the routine movie, dinner, tuck into sleep etc. This way I can take care of my life and not go completely insane. I had taken up smoking cigarettes again after a five year kick. I was mentally drained. I needed to get out. I had been single for 8 years. No dating. No Mating. I was a monk from my last relationship and decided I was better off alone. But I needed someone. Everyone does from time to time. We also try to get a nurse aid to come and help with my grandmother so I can continue with my life and not be there all day and night. It doesn't work.
Skip to September 2019.
Early morning. I get to my grandparents house and my grandfather is red in the face, saying my grandmother is cussing him out, going nuts on him. I've seen this before. I go inside. Try to talk to her. I get called all sorts of things. It's okay, I can take it. I have before. Things get worse. Mom and Stepdad try to come over and help. No help. Grandmother starts to get hostile and pushy/ throwing things. My grandfather says to call the EMS for her to take her to the hospital. I'm the one to do it. We go to the hospital, Doctors say she has a possible UTI making her act out this way. I'm a hot mess smoking cigarettes outside. I realize then our dog has been home all day and probably hasn't been outside. My parents owned a dog who I had taken care of for years as well. I had to live with my folks due to past surgeries and basically having to restart my life over twice from it. I tell my mother I'll run back to their house and let him out. My younger brother is with me. We get home, and my dog is walking around funny. He walks over to his water bowl, and starts drinking and drinking and drinking. He wouldn't stop. I was worried right away. Then he was outside....Vomiting. In the grass. Didn't look good at all. My brother calls my mother, tells her what's going on. They rush home, then take my car to rush our dog to the VET 45 minutes away. I sit and wait. I get a call. It's my younger brother. He tells me our dog has passed away. I break down as a man would when he loses his best friend. That was the start of the heartache.
Days pass. My grandmother has been diagnosed with Stage 3 Dementia. My Grandfather and mother make the decision she needs to be in a nursing home full time. I am crushed. I never thought they would do that to her. She had been so kind to everyone her whole life and her house was her home, her peace. She was extremely extroverted and loved to be outside and talking to people. Running for people, doing for people. I suspect some of it was for praise, but my grandmother was a genuine good soul. Now she was going to spend the rest of her days in a home. And I would visit her everyday, and listen to her tell me everyday "I'm coming home tomorrow, You come pick me up and we'll be okay!" I would internally die a little inside hearing this, and I'd say "Yes, I will be here tomorrow for you!" knowing damn well she'd never leave that place. My grandfather and mother insisted that if she left, she'd be inclined to go home and it would be worse off. I just wanted my grandfather to realize he had to stop and take care of her. Not let some strangers take care of her. Not letting her be around friends in her own house. But in the end, I know I couldn't have taken care of her by myself.
Skip to October 2019.
I've accepted that my life is completely different now, and I've lost a great deal in a short time. I was coping with a lot. I visited my grandmother every day in the nursing home. I was still helping with my grandpa, still earning money, and still trying to have a life. I create a online dating account. It reminds me why I hate social media. The filters. The faces. The bios all sounding the same. Then I come across one. She's an older woman, but looks great for her age. Says she is Introverted (awesome) and enjoys Horror films (Great!) and a few other details I enjoyed. She was also a Goddess, according to her and her tattoo. I message her something and immediately get a message back! Whoa. We chat a bit, I tell her what I'm into, but also tell her currently what is going on in my life. We seem to hit it off pretty quick, and the next thing I know we have a date. Date night comes, and I get a call from my grandmother. It's a bad night for her, and then for me after dealing with an hour conversation or so about wanting to come home. This was an everyday thing for me. So I called my date up and asked if I could postpone or I could possibly go somewhere closer to where we lived since she only lived a few minutes away from me. She agreed I could buy her a starbucks coffee at 9pm on a friday night and bring it to her. I didn't want to starbucks so I stopped at a gas station and got her an ICED Starbuck coffee. Good enough right? It was. I meet her. She's pretty awesome right off the start. Asks me about my day and I ask her about hers. Tell her about my grandmother and why I had to postpone. Says she understands and thinks I'm pretty great for what I do. We make out almost immediately, and I could have gotten more, but I didn't want sex. I wanted companionship. Someone to talk to. So we just made out cuddled and watched The Joker. I leave at like 4 in the morning, she tells me to text her when I get home. I do, emojis hearts and all that silly fluff. Days later we're hanging out again, doing the same stuff. She wants to clearly have sex. I don't give it up because I want to find out who this girl is. RED flags ignored from her wanting me early on.
I start to ignore her because I feel like If I give her too much attention I'll seem clingy. She still insists on hanging out almost every other night. So we do. Eventually one night, we make love. A few times. She seems to enjoy it and I did too. After 8 years of not having sex, it's nice, but nothing is nicer than having someone next to you who (pretends) to care about you after the act is done. I start to stay over, as I would usually leave early in the morning, and she gets use to that. I get use to it. Things feel good.
My grandmother calls me everyday still. Tells me how great I am, and that she wants to come home and for us to watch movies etc. (For someone with dementia she had a great memory still) And it would eat me up inside, but I knew she was safer there, than she would be with me, but I always regret being the one who called the EMS to have her put away. It slowly would eat away at me.
December 2019
After being with my girlfriend for a couple of months I finally ask her to go STEADY. Yep, I'm lame. She asked me what that meant? I told her. A committed relationship. A couple. She said I was lame, but she accepted. I even started to use the L word again with her. It was odd telling someone you loved them after not doing it for so long. Then one day, my grandmother called me. She was blaming me for not being there all the time, etc, even though I was the only one there, visiting her every single day. It just made me snap. I quit working for my grandfather. I went off on him and my mother for allowing this. I said they had no idea how this made me feel for being the one who locked my own grandmother up, trying to do the right thing. It didn't matter. Nobody listened. So I broke something. I broke a window and I was kicked out. I was sleeping in my car. I didn't care. I didn't even tell my girlfriend till later that night. She told me to come over and I could stay with her. So I did. We talked, I told her about everything how I felt, just needed someone to listen to me for once, instead of being the one always listening. And she did. She said I could stay with her till I sort things out. During this time we really grow to love each other, finish each other's movie quotes. I taught her survival skills, how to prep for disasters, end of the world shit. Etc. She thought I was goofing around, I was serious. I read disaster books and study history so I know where we are headed in our current state. She bragged to her friends and family about me. It felt good to feel appreciated. Then suddenly, Corona comes around.
Jan - Feb 2020
Things are doing good, I'm helping fix up the girlfriends house. She works and lives as an onsite manager at her job, so It was definitely something to get use to. I bought her all sorts of things she needed for her place, it looked like someone's place who ate out dinner every night and rarely cooked for herself. For I helped make it feel more like a home. We went shopping to get new plants for the house, furniture that I would have to move and or put together. We would talk all the time about our plans for the future etc. I eventually got a new job, but then I lost it, as the lockdowns began.
March 2020
The lockdowns have started. The masks have started. The prepper in me knows this is not good. The girlfriend doesn't really see it as anything major. Until 2 weeks, became a meme. Even then she didn't see it. She remained an essential worker throughout all this, meanwhile I watched people I knew working jobs for 30+ years lose them due to this pandemic. I eventually built her a proper pantry and filled it up with food and water for her. I spent hundreds, thousands on stuff for her to keep her safe and have her set up in case something happened. Solar panels, portable power stations. You name it. She finally realized I was serious about this, and about her, and about US. She would post pictures of the things I gave her claiming she was now a "Survivalist" etc. It was cute. Women are cute. Things seemed well. I wasn't working, still looking but wasn't working full time, but could still pull money in from doing side jobs and selling collectibles. While she worked. I cooked, I cleaned, I did the dishes, the laundry (all by hand because none of her appliances worked) I helped fix things in her place. Fix her car tires, fix the problems on her new car she bought (Without me going to look at with her) and ultimately did alot of work at her job, for free, to help her out. She enjoyed it, I enjoyed it. I thought
July 2020
By now the quarantine has gotten to people. I'm use to being inside and alone and not going out all the time so it's not too bad to me. For my girlfriend, like others, it is. They miss going out. They miss their social lives. They're all on their phones way too much now. Searching for SOMETHING. Meanwhile, I've created a spare bedroom at my girlfriends place, because she snores, and I couldn't sleep most nights with her. Terrible I know. I also have insomnia so it was vital I get at least a couple hours of sleep a night to keep my sanity. So one night after spending time with the woman, making love etc, I tell her I'm going to crash in the other room so she can get some sleep, and I can as well. Kiss goodnight etc. I walk in a couple times in our bedroom to check on her, she puts her phone down immediately and I ignore it. Then I can't shake something. I'm just thinking she's talking to someone etc. I didn't want to be that guy and ask her for her phone. So I did something that wouldn't get me into trouble. I installed the dating app we used to meet back in October. I get online and start looking for women her age in my area. Boom. See her profile. New pictures. Single. New Bio. I lose my poop. I burst into the bedroom and go off on her. I say what the f are you doing? Call her names. Yell. Then I grab my stuff, pack up everything. Takes me 5 hours or so to do this at 1 in the morning, and take about 7 trips in my little car to and from her places and my parents. At this point I'm just beyond pissed and upset and start drinking and smoking heavily.
A couple days later, we talk, I apologize (stupid of me I know) for flipping out. She said she just felt lost and confused etc. Same ol' trite. We get back together. Make love, and eventually I come back. Things feel weird, but I'm glad to have her back in my life. I truly love this woman and would do anything for her. Then, this changed everything. Her sister, age 50, alcoholic, divorced multiple times, dating multiple men, moves in with us. Yep. 3 people in a tiny apartment. Living together. Doomed from the start.
Her sister claimed her mother whom she was living with, had bed bugs and had to come stay with us. I said okay. Turns out it was permanent. This b*tch took over my spare bedroom I made. And then I even helped her set up an office in their so she could work from home, while drinking all day like an alcoholic. Good times. So now I was dating a woman, and dealing with her sister's bullsh*t. I had to listen to her about her failed life, her men that she didn't need, yet was constantly monkey branching from one to the other. I will admit this lifestyle was not one I am accustomed too. I'm a white male, and my girlfriend was african american. So I had to listen to her talk bad about men, her own family behind their back, etc, all day. Whilst I was busy cooking, cleaning, doing EVERYTHING neither of them would do, all the while trying to find a new job during a pandemic. Meanwhile neither of two really understand what was going on. Just as long as they had their job, and their booze. I slowly started to realize this woman was never going to leave my life. She wanted to cling to little sister to drink and tell her all her problems, especially about MEN. This really put me off, seeing as I was man, who was helping take care of their asses. I was buying groceries, with little money I had, and then her sister would continue to eat, drink, and rarely contribute to our household. The only thing she would contribute was BOOZE and that was after she would drink most of the stuff I had bought. I didn't sign up for this. And everyday, I still had to deal with this, and talk to my grandmother, and try to find a job whilst being a house maid.
September 2020
It's my girlfriend's sister's birthday. The pandemic has made everyone crazy by now. Including my girlfriend, her family etc. I'm cool as a cucumber. Except it's 103F degrees outside. I'm grilling out for a small group of her family for her sister, and I'm outside for hours, prepping for her sister, with my girlfriend, waiting on her sister to get to the park we had planned it for. What was she doing? Getting drunk, letting us do all the work for her, meanwhile her friends were showing up to her own party that she wasn't at. Ridiculous. So I grill out for hours, nobody says thanks other than my girlfriend. She tells me "Thanks for being so great, you're so great." I like to think I have been great. Turns out I got dehydrated from being outside in the heat all day and ended up getting sick. Went home and to bed. Girlfriend doesn't console me, instead has some family members and friends come over from the party, to get loud and drink. No consideration for my health. A day or two later, I get in huge fight with girlfriend saying she didn't give a d*mn about my health what I did for her and her sister etc. End up packing up all my stuff once again, and leaving. I was done. I signed up for a girlfriend not a girlfriend and a sister. If her sister was hot maybe, but not the case. I was done. I thought. But alas, we talked, she apologized, I apologized (again stupid of me) and we got back together.
October 2020
My favorite month. I love Halloween. So much I helped decorate my girlfriends place with stuff, and she said she never did this in her life. She had a bad childhood, and I don't think she ever really did FAMILY stuff that didn't evolve drinking or getting high etc. She really enjoyed it. We watched horror films all month, and she seemed genuinely happy. I was happy. Not with the living situation, but happy with her, and happy with life. I was still dealing with my grandmother. Not being able to see her thanks to the lockdowns had really put a damper on my spirit, but I never showed it around my girlfriend. She knew or claimed to know how much my grandmother means to me. But I don't think she ever understand what I really did for her or put up with just to help others. Everyday having to retell my grandmother why I couldn't visit her because of the pandemic, something she couldn't comprehend. It was killing me slowly again inside, but I dealt with it, because that's what men do.
Nov-Dec 2020
Things had been going well. I had been putting in job applications with no luck, but I was still keeping busy, hadn't let this pandemic crush my soul completely. My girlfriend was becoming more and more stressed, and drinking more and more. I was too. I also started to resent my girlfriend for leaving a mess every single day. It would take me 4 to 6 hours a day to cook breakfast and bag it for the girlfriend, clean the dishes, clean the house, vacuum, take care of the cats, make her lunch, do the laundry, clean the dishes again, rinse and repeat. It became exhausting. Her and her sister would just get drunk and spill something every single night. I would step into something sticky and it would drive me absolutely mad. Like living with children rather than grown up. Whatever, I love this girl, right? I'd do anything for her. She found a kitten end of November too. Rescued him when it was cold outside and we took him in. I loved the little sh*t and our other cat more than anything after losing my dog a year ago. Older cat would sleep with me in bed, and the little one I'd let out and play with in the day and he'd bite and claw me. How I miss that. My girlfriend however had grown distant. I noticed it more and more. She slept on the couch with one cat. I slept in our bedroom with another. Her sister was constantly interrupting us and putting a strain on our relationship. My sleeping pattern was changing and my insomnia was getting worse again. But I still loved this woman right?
Most of December though, we do alright. We talk about Christmas plans etc. I get her gifts that she says "Are the best gifts EVER" and a one year anniversary ring and she took them to her families house for Christmas to show off, and tell everyone how great her boyfriend was. She never met my family. I tried to get her to come to family events even during this CRISIS. Never met my family other than my brother and cousin. That's cool though right? I love this girl. Christmas day, I call my grandmother. Wish her a merry Christmas. Tell her I love her. She says merry christmas and I can't wait to see me again and come home. It kills me. Five days later my grandmother passed away. After being told she was sent to the hospital and would be okay, I got the call at about 9:45 pm from my brother saying she had passed. I had just fallen asleep from a long day, and this nightmare was not one I was prepared for. I immediately started crying and my girlfriend hugs me, askes if there is anything she can do. I say no. I leave to my grandparents house, and we all just cry. I don't get back home till 2 in the morning. She barely says anything to me. Rubs my shoulder, and I cry myself to sleep.
My grandmothers funeral was January 5th. I have missed talking to her every single day. My girlfriend sees me walking around like a zombie. I feel lost. She doesn't even try to console me. I cry every morning to myself while making her breakfast. I never let her see me cry. My girlfriend didn't goto the funeral because she had to work, and then tried to say I never asked her to come to the funeral after I told her I didn't know the funeral date till after her work schedule was made. Girlfriend seems more cold than ever to me. I needed my best friend she claimed to be. Just one day out of the past year I needed her for emotional support. Nope.
My girlfriend's birthday is a day after my grandmother's funeral. I get my girlfriend a birthday cake, and some gifts. She barely cares. I'm depressed as hell. She DOESN'T care. She says she wants to go out for her birthday etc. I'm depressed as hell. Have a lip/mouth infection that I tell her about, she dismisses it and just says I need to see a doctor. Thanks babe. That night she goes out. I don't go with her. Says she went to bar or some shit. I don't remember nor car. Comes home piss drunk, I don't care. For a week she ignores me. Doesn't ask how I'm doing. Nothing. I still continue my routine. Cleaning cooking, etc. She says he wants to go out again on a sunday for her birthday. I said you already had your birthday. Doesn't matter. She celebrates it all month apparently. She askes me to go with her I decline saying I'm not in the mood but to go enjoy herself. She leaves at 3 in the afternoon, dressed sexy as hell, doesn't come home till 10:30 at night from the "Bar." I stay up all night waiting for her to get home, she's p*ss drunk again, and I just goto bed. A couple night's later We have dinner watch a movie, everything seems okay again. I'm nodding off in the chair in the living room, because I haven't slept proper in weeks. I goto bed. I wake up 30 minutes later to her drunk sister and her laughing being loud. I text her to keep it down please. Didnt happen. An hour later. I text her again. Keep it down! She says she's trying and it's her sister. I said tell her to be quiet then. Continues to another hour. Can't sleep. Depressed. Angry. Tell her to please shut the f up! Girlfriend says okay. Text me back saying her other sister and brother in law will be here on saturday for her birthday (how many f*cking birthdays do you get!) and they will be loud so I should probably go back to my parents house. A house I haven't been in in a over a year. I said fine, I'm leaving in the morning. Packed my stuff up. Left. Didn't talk to her all day that day. Text her at night. She never answered. Called her. She kept making up excuses not to talk to me. I've seen this before. She then calls me at midnight saying she can talk. I say I'm going to bed. She breaks up with me the next day over text. Not like an adult. Over a text.

I lost it. I freaking lost it.She said I wasn't bringing anything to our relationship, and seeing me act how I act over the loss of my grandmother was making her think I was a sinking ship basically. I said how can you be so cold? 3 weeks ago I was the best boyfriend ever. Now this. Betrayed. Stabbed in an already broken heart. I tried to talk to her. Why? She screwed me over? I loved her. I loved her. But what I didn't love was what she pretended to be. I realized she never cared about me or what was going on in my life. It was always about her and her family. So what did I do? I lost my shit. I blew up her phone and wanted to make her feel the betrayal and pain she gave me. I just lost my grandmother and this b*tch had the nerve to say I was the problem? And she made me believe I was. After all I did for her, and put up for with her and her crazy sister and family. I tried to talk to her and she ignored me. For a year and a half living with and loving this woman, and her feeding me bullsh*t whilst never asking for anything in return other than companionship. I lost her. I lost my cats. I lost my grandmother. All in a couple weeks. I wanted her to feel the pain I felt and the pain she had brought me. After her ignoring me, I finally got drunk and went back to our place to see she had a party going on. She was celebrating her birthday and the removal of me from her life. That is how it felt. To see the woman you loved, who you just gave an anniversary ring to, then stare at you like a total stranger whilst she is intoxicated and you're standing there looking like a emotional trainwreck. I just wanted answers as to why she would do this to me? It didn't matter at that point. It was over. And we both let it out on each other. I tried apologizing like an idiot. Just made it worse for me. She gave up along time ago. And now I'm just trying to put myself back together. I can't sleep. I can't eat. I just work and drive and smoke cigarettes now. And she doesn't care. And never did. She's already moved on, loves her new life, new boyfriend I'm sure of. I should have seen the red flags. But didn't. Stay safe out there.

submitted by violatedmentally to MGTOW2 [link] [comments]

[Thank You] All you beautiful people bringing me cheer when I needed it most!

Sorry for this massive delay, I travelled interstate in my country and had to be quarantined elsewhere (so I didn't get to access the cards until a few days ago). This is what I've received so far, I will keep updating as I receive more/I think I am expecting a couple more - idk, if you don't see your name here you can always PM me!!
Thank you all... in no particular order:
u/nataszmata I love looooong letters/post cards, and yours brought me to tears when you said you lit a candle in honour of Diesel, thank you <3 I'm so glad you're here and lucky people like me get to experience the kindness from you.
u/fawn_angel Oh my.. where do I start. Biggest thank you to you.. I feel so undeserving of your care package!! But thank you, I ugly cried so much when I saw the little ornament (just visualising putting my pup's photo in there) but partly I also cried because of how touched I am by your generosity. You are honestly so so kind and you really didn't have to do this, but you did, so thank you. I am still in quarantine so will put your attached recipe to good use this weekend. I hope I'm not going to ugly cry while I eat it because it'll remind me of how amazing your parcel has been (lol pisces problems!). I'm hoping you receive my lil parcel soon too :') thank you so so much and I would love to write back!!
u/Est_1983xx Thanks for the card. I loved that you shared your doggy heartbreak story with me, it's so good to know I'm not alone but also knowing the pain is behind you and even embracing another precious pup in your life. Thank you and I will write back for sure :)
u/helppleaseimhurting Your card was the first to arrive in the mail for me so it'll always hold a special memory for me (first request, first card received!). thank you so much for taking the time to write me, and to pick out a card for its theme. I love tigers and admire their strength, whilst I can't say I've gained a tiger's strength (I cried reading your postcard lol) I will be remembering that you didn't pick a card and send it overseas just to make me cry! Thanks again <3
u/Jinstereo7 Oh you are such a gem, thank you for the colourful card (I love Winnie the pooh and their heartfelt quotes) and all the stickers! It certainly brought a lot of cheer for me. Your jellyfish story is so cute I will definitely write back and tell you all about it <3 Thank you again!!
u/surgicalasepsis You have the most beautiful handwriting I hope you know that. Also you are crazy talented in drawing! I don't recall sending you a photo of my pup but you knocked it out at the park... he's brown and has long ears, just like your drawing! You must be psychic :) Your words made me tear up when you mentioned how a dog's passing can still be painful after 20 years. Here's my heartfelt thank you, and may you receive all the blessings that come from the positivity you project in this world <3
u/seaserpants Thank you so much for your lovely advice! It was a timely and important reminder as I was kinda beating myself up for not getting over my pup's passing. I'm tearing up as I read your card again now and typing this comment. You have a way with words because your writing gave me so much calmness. I needed that, thank you again <3
u/dekamy Your handwriting is so clean neat and tidy (I'm sure you hear this often), I can tell you must be such a great, organised friend to be around :) I loved the story you shared about the pigeon bringing you back a thank you present. Just shows how animals are such sentient beings. Also loved the sticker and stamp choices - how did you know my all time favourite cartoon was Looney Tunes?! <3
u/unholyvictory Thanks for the card, I am going to take your advice and find a stuffed animal that looks exactly like my dog. You were so friendly when I PM'ed you and your cat Jellyfish has always been a distinct memory for me from all the PM's I got. :) Wishing the day when you are ready to love another animal will come soon for you too <3
u/totorotitsfan I have no words.. I don't know how you *knew* what my dog looked like, and you even mentioned you painted it a few days before seeing my post. I think this is the universe sending a message (albeit a sad one) but it has led me to you, and your beautiful artwork. You're so talented, don't ever let anyone else diminish that. Thank you.. from your card I'm just in awe at how amazing this cosmic universe works. Thank you - I must send you a side by side comparison of my pup and your drawing. You are so very special. Thank you <3
u/talipally thanks for the beautiful Cali postcard, you read my mind! It has such a great retro vibe to it and I really like it :) Your words ooze positivity and brightness, I can just tell you're a wonderful, upbeat person irl. I am sending you best wishes and thank you again. Your friends are lucky to have you around :)
u/leoneal12 Oh you're such a sweet soul, I enjoyed reading the little stories about your pet cats! And you even printed them out so I have a visual! I want you to know your card brought me so much joy - of all the fun and exciting things you could be doing you chose to cheer a stranger's day up. You've got a very big and special heart, you'll go far in this world, mark my words, so keep doing what you're doing. <3
u/HumpyTheCardMonger Thank you so much for the card, I loved that it's from a place in your country that I've always wanted to visit but never got the chance to! :) Also- it makes me smile when others tell me they are amused about our summer Christmas'es! So thank you for bringing me joy. Stay safe and warm (I just checked the weather in your city and oh gees!)
u/ghostchild25 thank you for the card, here's a virtual hug right back to you <3 I loved the card, you picked out one with sunflowers and my nickname in my family is actually sunflower... thank you <3
u/veghammer Thank you for your words, I love the way you write "the chaos of being". Well in this chaos I also found myself surrounded by beautiful souls like you who took the time to cheer me up. Thank you and I wish you only the best and the brightest things, awaiting for you in life :)
u/soft_distortion I'm so sorry it took me such a long time to send you a pic of Diesel! But you made it work regardless, I laughed at your eulogy, it was so creative but at the same time brought me to tears (in a good way). I made a photo album of Diesel and I will print out your eulogy and stick it in the front of the album, because I love it just that much <3 thank you so much again. :')
u/loveduds19 Thank you for your beautiful card, I wonder if you've made it by yourself? You also have such beautiful handwriting, you must be a very artistic person. And apologies for not sending you more details, but you still chose to send the card to me just so I can get it in time, thank you!! Wishing Elvis all the best on his journey!!
u/velveteenpimpernel You are so wise and what you said about the 'wheel of fortune' really struck me, I've been reminding myself of that every day since! You have such a great heart and what I love the most is your ability to see the powerful beauty of what I considered an extremely sad event. I was honestly so sad and could not see one single positive thing about my pup passing. I never thought of it the way you did, so thank you for teaching me that. It's so special <3
u/CupidKat I love love love long messages, and yours was beautiful :) I've never experienced the beautiful Arctic so I can't directly relate, but your description was so vivid I felt it brought me a sense of calmness and stillness that I needed at the time. You write beautifully and thank you for using your words to paint beautiful pictures, because it reminded me that my world wasn't completely dark and that there were plenty beautiful things still present, everywhere. <3 I will write you back!!
u/I_am_The_Mond Thank you so much for your card!! I teared up so much when reading it, you write like Alain de Botton and it was so reassuring, which I needed when I read your card. Thanks for taking the time to write those words, I could feel the sincerity of your words and it warmed my heart <3
u/FiXxXMee wow where do I start.. I'll start with silly me needing like 5 mins to figure out how to open your letter, but I loved all the little postcards you attached and the history behind it (how did you know I love history!?)! Pls don't apologise for writing late, you are far too kind. Thank you so much again... wishing you the kind of walking in the snow with the sun blinding you type of joy in 2021 :')
u/Safe_Joke_237 What a beautiful card!! Thank you so much, I love dogs of all kinds and you managed to find a card with almost all my favourite breeds <3 You have such beautiful handwriting and I would love to write you back, you seem like such a kindhearted and warm person!
Last but not least a mystery carder... in a beautiful silver Kikki K envelope, written by a '3 year old cattle X'! I'm thinking its you, u/LegitimateJudgement ? IF so, thank you <3 If not, awkward....!! Let me know if I've got the right card :)
submitted by clockyz to RandomActsofCards [link] [comments]

[Thank You] Many Holiday Thank Yous, Round 1! <3

You guys are always the best!! This has been super exciting for me to receive all of this holiday mail at my new and first-ever place! Thank you all for helping make my first holiday season living alone (well, with my cat) less lonely! <3
Anyway, here goes...
~ Round 1 of Holiday Thank Yous! ~
~ ~ ~
And finally... one major shoutout to snailmailmom! For sending me a boatload of stationary supplies and postcards that I'm excited to use! Maybe it sounds odd in this context, but I love receiving blank cards/postcards as gifts, so then I can use them onto their next destination/receiver!
Each postcard looks unique and cute and/or fun in their own ways! I totally understood the "premature ventricular contractions" joke before even reading below it :D And the Sâo Paulo stationary shops are adorable (plus I really love the idea of sketching some nearby shops and whatnot as a postcard in itself... maybe that'll be a future project for me...)
Also, just wanted to say, I love all of the detail you put into decorating just the envelope! Very, very cute with the personalized stamps! ;)
And for the mods wondering about the amount of snail mail I got from snailmailmom: I got 5 whole postcards, as well as a card + envelope (so I'm not sure how you tally that up, lol).
~ ~ ~
Thank you once again to all of you! You help make my day-to-day life less depressing, and I love chatting it up with each of you, even if it's just small talk, it's still nice to feel that connection with someone <3 So with that said, I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the holiday season, and a great new year!
And finally: one big group photo!
Stay safe everyone.
submitted by MaeveTheBrave to RandomActsofCards [link] [comments]

[Thank you] So many wonderful cards

Some of these thank yous are later than I anticipated. Every single one of these cards helped to make my days brighter. I appreciate you all so very much. ❤️❤️❤️
u/babyraspberry x4- Thank you so much for the handmade cards! Your pumpkin wax stamp is great! I had lots of food for Thanksgiving (and Christmas too). I love the pie you drew. I made and ate a bunch of desserts over the holidays, but none were pies. I will most definitely use the extra cards you added. Thanks friend!
u/AceyAceyAcey - Thank you for the school house quilt postcard and your message in Braille. I’m still working on figuring out what it says - life was quite hectic for a while there!
u/Tigerlady13 - Thank you for the fun card and your sweet well wishes! Love the cute little mouse snowman (snowmouse?)
u/IndieGal_60 - I’m so glad you had a great birthday! The thank you postcard you sent of a trash panda is super cute!
u/SadieFenix x2 - I’ve never seen this Edward Gorey card before. The washi you used is perfect and I thoroughly enjoy the corvid on the envelope. I love the line from The Gashlycrumb Tinies and the quote from Edward you included. Thank you for this fun card!
This Snoopy card is so sweet! I absolutely love your Christmas poem and using a typewriter for it is perfect! I’ve never been cross county skiing before, but I’d love to try it. I’ve done downhill skiing and it... wasn’t for me haha.
u/walkinnature - This is such a cute card! I love nature scenes and art like this. I spent Christmas with my family and we ate a bunch of yummy food. Since I have the biggest sweet tooth of the bunch, I volunteered to make all the sweets and desserts. Thank you for the lovely card and fun stickers!
u/Est_1983xx - I love your creepy Christmas card! You’re right - somehow the snowman seems creepier with legs. And I love the tiny creepy stickers you included. Thank you!
u/New_Year_Baby - This snow globe card is so frickin’ cool! I love Thomas Kinkade’s artwork, it’s always so relaxing and serene. Thank you for such a lovely card!
u/summerxskin - I love Edward Gorey and this dragon card is the coolest! I really enjoy the artwork you added inside the card too! Thank you so much for this lovely treat!
u/Weltanschauung_zyxt - Thank you for this adorable bear card. I love how you decorated the envelope and the stickers you added are super adorable!
u/eggsy-b - The envelope your card came in is the biggest envelope I’ve ever received! This pop up card is everything! I love the picture, how the ornament is snuggled in the branches. The cutout detail on the sides is great too. Thank you so very much for this beautiful card!
u/scribex2 - It’s been so long since I’ve ice skated! I’ve done a lot more baking and cooking in my quarantine time off. Maybe I should whip out my old hockey skates and hit up a local rink. Thanks for this fun ice skate card!
u/negsan-ka - This bunny and fox card is so adorable! You used the cutest washi. I actually just got some new spoons for Christmas that would be perfect for stirring up some hot cocoa. Thank you for this wonderful card!
u/tashsmash - My secret holiday exchange friend! I’m in love with this cute Christmas card! I adore the daisy stickers and am looking forward to using them. Thank you for this fantastic card and your sweet well wishes!
u/mmmmmick - Your card is great! My Christmas celebration was smaller this year, but I still had a great day. Thanks so much!
u/feellikebeingajerk - This snowman card is soooo cute! I love the snowmen stickers you included - I will definitely be using those. I had a mostly brown Christmas, which is pretty unusual for my area. But when more snow falls, I am for sure building a snowman! Thank you for this fun card!
u/blackcat_bibliovore x2 - Thank you so very much for these two lovely cards! This snow bunny card makes me want to build a snow animal family. When more snow falls, I’m gonna be out there with my warmest gloves and rolling that snow into animal shapes. I love animal puns and “Hoppin’ in a winter wonderland” is perfect.
This cat card is so adorable! The face of that kitty reminds me of one of my cats, and when my little guy gives me that ‘mirin’ look, my heart melts. I had a smaller than usual Christmas celebration this year, but still had lots of yummy food and leftovers for days. Thank you so much for your well wishes!
submitted by PoisonousKey to RandomActsofCards [link] [comments]

Gunslinger shoots himself in the foot and cleric falls from grace [TW/AMITA?]

. Hello everyone! This isn’t going to be my first RPG horror story, but it’s by far the worst because it ended with some incredibly harmful claims about me and my best friend, basically. And a burner, because i know these people probably use reddit and I’d rather not get involved something again. Naturally names and details are going to be changed. Sorry in advance for formatting and length; I feel like a lot needs to be said and I’m in mobile.
This is also partially an AMITA because although I’m pretty sure I’ve/we’ve done nothing wrong, I’m still really hesitant to feel completely absolved of guilt.
I should also mention that some of the things that are mentioned in this story are really heavy, so I I’ll just mention there’s a trigger warning for implied CP as well.
Some folks who are important: Me - myself Bard - my best friend and the DM’s IRL friend, who played the bard in our campaign DM - our DM I’m already going to interrupt here but for all intensive purposes the three of us here are all minors. We are children. I’m younger than both the DM and my friend by just about less than two years because of how birthdays fall. Gunslinger - our group’s gunslinger, who ended up being one of the main problems. He is an adult in every sense of the world. Cleric - the cleric. He was the oldest of the group and again, very much an adult. Also ended up being the other main problem. Blood Hunter - someone who ended up having our backs when we honestly were least expecting it, he’s a cool guy although we dont talk anymore
Some less important people: Goliath - a member of the campaign who didn’t stay long, but is slightly important to the story
This all started back last year in roughly July/August, where all of my D&D groups were on hiatus; one DM was at our state fair for 4H and couldn’t run, and another DM was on break after running Hoard of the Dragon Queen. Being bored in this time, I joined up with a few games online, having never played before online really. A lot of the games honestly weren’t great, but one that I joined was DM’s game and it seemed really good and he seemed well-prepared, so needless to say I was excited. It was clear that Cleric, Gunslinger, Blood Hunter and DM all knew each other from another hobby and other discord servers, but it seemed like Goliath and myself were the new players. After getting our characters and everything all set up into the Roll20, we hopped into vc for the first session and it went pretty well. I was a bit cautious about roleplaying seeing as I still wasn’t super comfortable with talking to strangers online, but after the session we all hung out for a bit and chatted. We all got along pretty well.
As the campaign wore on and I was still enjoying myself, Goliath kept missing sessions leading to him being kicked from the game and replaced with Bard. I was pretty excited to have a new player (and to not have to play Goliath’s character anymore as well, as it was a bit overwhelming sometimes) and in general Bard seemed like a really chill dude. Immediately I think Gunslinger and Bard were kind of the closest friends(?). They ended up playing in a one-off non-canon one-shot at the request of Gunslinger, but all in all everyone in general just seemed to be friends. Over time my rogue and Bard’s character kind of developed a combat strategy leading to them being good buddies, as well as me talking with Bard more out of session in DMs, and occasionally working on homework in VC together. We were pretty similar and were the two really big shitposters of the group, and would make memes during session (to be fair everyone else did as well! Gunslinger especially would send a lot of memes in and out of session).
There weren’t really any issues, honestly. Most of the group’s disagreements were mock, Gunslinger and Blood Hunter being “mean” to people, or arguing over Blood Hunter’s actions (he had some personal issues that sometimes he brought to the game and he acted really inappropriately even if it was in character. It was just annoying and no, it wasn’t anything gross ever). As a group we really got along. I texted with Bard a lot during and after school, Bard and I were close friends, because we had similar personal problems as well. We helped each other out. For reference we were in VC together on Christmas eve.
On New Year’s two things happened: an outside drama with Gunslinger where a bunch of accounts were banned and some of us from the server got involved in it (along with Friend), and something in Bard’s personal life that really hurt him came up. That’s all I’ll share because otherwise it would be 1) unfair for me to share people’s personal problems, 2) too obvious who I’m talking about.
In our discord sever DM had added a channel at our request called quotes. The quotes channel was mainly used as like, humiliation almost? If someone said something in or out of session that we found funny or lacked context, or in general was just really dumb, we would quote them in the channel. This led to not only a lot of memorable campaign moments being saved, but a lot of us being general dumbasses out of campaign saved as well. In this server there was a private voice channel that only myself, Bard, DM and DM’s girlfriend could access. It might sound unfair that only we had access to it, but honestly it was more so out of ease of access, since we wanted to talk in private sometimes and listen to the bot, as well as being made when I was having a personal problem that DM and Bard were helping with, and we didn’t want anyone else to join. This was really convenient because Bard and I would be able to VC without having to deal with janky dm voice calling, and without being afraid of having random people join. When quarantine started we both had a lot of time off and we used it a lot, just to hang out, shitpost, whatever. DM used it too; we played Minecraft together. I’m being completely honest here, it was super innocent. We just liked/and still like talking.
Now this was an issue because it led to us staying up incredibly late more than once, and sending a whole bunch of things in quotes. This wasn’t something that happened all the time, but there were two occasions where Bard and I would quote each other back and forth. One time was notably when I got Bard to play Wizard101 (yes, like the kid’s game) with me for a bit, and he and I were joking around, and the other when playing Minecraft. We also sent some quotes from Easter when we were making joke circus characters, and when we were talking with DM about a card game. We never really spammed the chat, but we did send nine or ten quotes, tops, one or two times. A lot of the quotes were really dumb things, some highlights being:
"Im no longer baby i am dead"
“I just got hit with a giant axe- [my name] I should be everywhere room except where I am standing. I should be so fucking dead. I should- now I’m getting attacked by ninja pigs- anime pigs.”
“‘I’m trying to put on House of the Rising Sun do you mind?”
-Bard, being killed by a zombie while fishing’”
“‘Denny’s leads you directly to the IRA’ -DM”
“([me],almost crying) WE HAVE 689.6 DAYS WORTH OF BREAD”
These are directly taken from the channel, and while there were more I just grabbed a sample group. I can promise they were all to this same effect. This is why when Cleric pinged both me and Bard the following morning saying “stop fucking flirting in quotes” we were both completely bewildered. We had absolutely no idea what he was talking about and assumed it was a joke at first. That was until both Cleric and Gunslinger seemed to go off in the quotes channel yelling and me and Bard. It was moved to general when DM put slowmode on to stop them from spamming, where I asked for them to explain what was wrong. He said that it was cringy and bothered him it was in a “flirtatious manner”. I really didn’t understand what that meant, so i tried to shut it down right there by saying “No, like if you’re genuinely not okay with the quotes I don’t want to go on, but I’d at least like an explanation of what to stop doing so I can still send some quotes”, to which I was told to relax and that it was just teasing. He basically just went on saying it was cringy, and (as I’m reading through the server messages now) it was left at that. I’ll admit i got really defensive and upset, because I was afraid I’d made him mad, but both Cleric and Gunslinger assured me that it was just teasing and meant to be playful. It was left at that.
Perhaps it’s our fault for not learning our lesson, but the next time we used quotes it was over a week later, and three things were quoted in this. The first was me quoting dm about him taking a lot of naps, the second was Bard quoting me about the Halo map Construct, and the third was me quoting Bard, who was complaining about Construct. That was it. The next morning we woke up to Gunslinger and Cleric, really upset, spamming the channel. DM locked it again, and this time privated it so that only Bard, myself and him could see it. We, one again, took it to general chat, where Cleric greeted us with:
“Do you realize it doesn't fucking matter because of the same damn reasons I brought up last time and that you are still fucking doing the same fucking thing and I STATED that it made me uncomfortable. Instead of being of average intelligence and going ‘that’s fair or some shit’ you go ‘I’ll fucking do it again’. Fucking morons”
I felt sick to my stomach because I really cared about these people and I really didn’t want to hurt anyone, but I decided to stick to myself and I pointed out how Cleric NOT ONCE said he felt uncomfortable in our previous conversation. I’d even scrolled up to reread it, and the entire situation, again, was being brushed off. Cleric replied with:”but you stopped me from communicating, which is SO cool” Meanwhile DM was telling him that this could’ve happened before session, and Gunslinger was blaming Blood Hunter (as a joke? He got yelled at in the session prior to this happening for talking over DM and everyone else)
Regardless, I brought up how he said nobody was mad, how he brushed it off as a joke, and how nobody cared.
His reply was that he didn’t want to stress me out, and that he thought we agreed to knock it off “but hey fuck whatever I said before right take the conjecture and twist it into whatever fantasy befits your beliefs”
DM told us to talk it out in VC and i think we did, though session after this was really awkward and Gunslinger tried to kill both his and Cleric’s character, as Cleric had given him control of the character after leaving mid-session. That was our last session, basically.
From there I don’t actually remember all that well, but I do believe that Bard and I were in the private channel when Gunslinger started messaging me. I think they were trying to get Bard to join voice with them, but I ended up joining instead. It was at this point I understood what they meant by flirting. Look, previously in the story there was some context I cut so as to better narrate how this whole situation went down for me, because what might have been glaringly obvious to a lot of people, wasn’t obvious to me because it was a thought that had never even occurred.
Me, and my D&D character are both lesbians. While I hadn’t intended to bring this personal fact into this game, I made a passing joke which sparked a romance between my character and another female NPC. It should have been, in my opinion at least, glaringly obvious that I have no, and have had no interest in boys at all. This relationship also wasn’t secretive at all either, it had been going on in character since like NovembeDecember-ish and we had portions of the game where I actually went on dates with this NPC. What started happening, though, was when me and Bard started talking pretty much all day and every day in VC, the others started assuming that we were dating, or interested in each other at least. There were definitely a few moments where Gunslinger and Cleric had both pressed Bard on this fact, and even DM had brought it up. Now, aside from the fact that Bard is, in fact, a boy, and I’m not attracted to that gender, Bard had some trust issues due to a past relationship that was very very recent.
In short: there’s no way this relationship ever would or could happen, especially at that time.
Bard and I had a joke about a jar that we would put a dollar into every time someone assumed we were dating, because it was so implausible to us. We found it really funny. Although, to be fair, I’ll analyze how it might’ve looked to the others:
Despite my sexuality and Bard’s trust issues, we did hang out a lot, and would dm each other a lot and shitposted together during session. Additionally, we had duo characters for game that Cleric was running (where we had a TPK so we had a good chance to introduce them both) that were twins. Since I’m an artist, I did make a joking piece that showed my character saying “what are you doing step-bro” followed by a drawing of Bard’s character juggling like a pot and a pan, looking nervous/confused*. I think this might’ve sent the wrong idea, although it was clearly a joke to me. From there I genuinely can’t tell why they might’ve thought we were dating, other than being a boy and a girl who were close friends, with similar personalities/backgrounds.
I’m not sure, to be fully honest. I’ll leave it up to you. Did we go too far with that joke, or maybe with the quoting, and sending memes to each other during session in general it was too far?
Right, that interlude aside, back to the issue at hand: I’d joined VC after some prompting from Gunslinger in DMs, which roughly followed him asking me if I liked Bard, (and me denying as much), him saying that Bard claimed he turned me down, and then Gunslinger telling me “Well that’s a lie, I’ve heard you in VC” (which i still dont know what that meant) and then me 1) offering to talk in VC, 2) asking him and Cleric to stop talking about me and Bard dating as it obviously made THEM uncomfortable (and me as well).
That voice chat was one of the worst things I’d ever endured in my life. Honestly, I’m really sorry but I don’t even remember half of it. When I joined Gunslinger, Blood Hunter, and Cleric were already there, and I immediately had to go into justifying that, no, I didn’t like Bard, no, I hadn’t ever turned him down, no, I didn’t know if Bard liked me or not, but we were just friends and it shouldn’t m a t t e r anyways. I brought up the point of my sexuality which they brushed off, telling me they thought better of me than to use that defense. They kept pushing, until Bard joined and was similarly denying things.
Then, the approach changed going towards accusing both of us of being manipulators, mainly focusing on Bard, though they admitted they didn’t know which of us was the “bad guy” in this situation. They were calling Bard a creep and saying because of our age difference (again, we are both CHILDREN, that is to say MINORS. Below the age of 18) he was a pedophile and a pervert. Now, I’m not giving specific ages here but again, both of us were minors, and the age difference was slightly less than two years (they were claiming it to be three, because apparently his birthday was the following month, which it wasn’t??) but it was the difference in age between a high school freshman with an early birthday, and a high school junior with a late birthday.
Eventually after attacking Bard for apparently being a pedophile for dating me, and yelling at both of us for flirting and being friends, they turned to me claiming that i could be the manipulator here, and they didn’t trust me either. They said they wanted to believe I was a nice girl but i could be behind it all and they didn’t know. When i became overwhelmed and my voice broke, Gunslinger told me not to cry because it felt like a defense tactic. Gunslinger also told us that but defending ourselves and arguing back that it was suspicious and made us look work.
He expected two LITERAL CHILDREN to sit there and take two grown, self-proclaimed “mature” ADULTS attacking them for having an innocuous friendship. Or, further, they created a situation where they claimed there was an abuser, and then proceeded to admit they didn’t know who the abuser was and instead attack BOTH parties. Not only this but they got angry with ME for trying to defend Bard and Gunslinger called me the most disgusting thing i think anyone could’ve in that situation: complacent. He had the audacity to call me, someone who they said was a victim, complacent.
The rest of the call was Blood Hunter trying to de-escalate what was happening, by providing potential reasons for why things were the way they were, and he did a really good job but Gunslinger and Cleric were too heated to listen. This came out of nowhere for both me and Bard and we’re still incredibly grateful for him doing this. Eventually Gunslinger and Cleric left, and Bard took a quick break. Both Blood Hunter and Bard helped to comfort me after I broke down when they left. Cleric and Gunslinger left the server and Bard and I took a break from discord, though this was short-lived as we decided to hop into another call to discuss what had happened just a few days later. I could say that it ends here, but it doesn’t really.
Eventually, having been blocked on discord, Gunslinger took to Snapchat to harass Bard, which happened to be while we were in a call as well. He quietly went to deal with that, until I got a message on discord from gunslinger saying “Do us a favor, tell your boyfriend Bard to stop trying to justify the fact he told me that you are into him”. Having been away from the situation for a few days, all of my anxiety had turned to just cold anger, so I went off on Gunslinger. He tried claiming he had proof and screenshots of something I’d texted Bard, despite the fact the conversation where he allegedly had screenshots from was completely over voice, and the only texts I’d sent Bard that day was saying hello and basically us agreeing to get into voice. I called him on this, and then he proceeded to strawman, which I called him out on. He tried to deny calling me complacent by saying I was a coward. He also accused me of lying about misunderstanding how Cleric had felt regarding the quotes chat (yes, this all stemmed from that chat). He told me I needed to do “some growing up and stop using some personal things as a defense tactic”.
I told him as an adult he needed to get off his high horse and stop pretending he knew more than I did, and that he’d crossed a line. He told me I’d crossed and line and asked me to “please do some growing up”, to which I responded that “what I say to other people isn’t your business”, before he blocked me.
I think eventually he blocked Bard on Snapchat after he similarly refused to back down. Honestly all in all despite the fact I was mentally put in a really bad place because of all of this, it did lead to me and Bard becoming better friends, and we’re basically inseparable, and have been through so much now. We still make jokes about it. Nowadays we’re playing in a campaign set two years after the old one fell apart, with Bard as the dm and DM as an observer. We resolved the plot of the old game, and both of our characters are recurring high-leveled NPCs who help the party (Bard as the new god of knowledge after the old one died during the final fight, and my character as his right hand man, both of whom act as employers for the party). Our new group is great, and Bard is a great DM. Even if it was shitty, I don’t think I’d have it any other way.
submitted by bishesandcookies to rpghorrorstories [link] [comments]

I made my crush a sunflower granny square blanket and 'A Little Princess' themed Christmas gift!

I made my crush a sunflower granny square blanket and 'A Little Princess' themed Christmas gift!
Dear redditors,
This Christmas (2020) I decided to make my crush a gift box themed after the famous children’s book A Little Princess and beautiful sunflowers! I read the book this year during quarantine and during all the boredom I came up with this amazing gift idea. Here are the items included in the gift!
  • 1x sunflower granny square blanket
  • 1x A Little Princess themed Christmas card
  • 1x A Little Princess
  • 1x A Little Princess themed bookmark with quote
  • 1x reward letter (detailing lessons from the book)
  • 1x blanket care instructions (Open now letter)
  • 1x sunflower & royal ponciana flower bunch
My crush lost both her grandparents this year within the same week which devastated her family. For that reason I made the gift sunflower themed because just like Sara Crewe and sunflowers themselves I wanted her to be bright, sunny and positive, spread seeds of happiness; rise, shine and hold her head high even on her darkest days. I wanted to remind her that facing the sun is a choice a sunflower makes everyday!
Some fun facts about the project:
The blanket:
  • This is my first ever crochet project – I have never done it before but I learnt very quickly from youtube videos.
  • The blanket is named ‘300 Splendid Sunflowers’ after her favorite book A Thousand Splendid Suns
  • The blanket was crocheted to be queen sized because she’s my queen!!!
  • Cahlista yarn was used because cahlista means ‘beautiful one’ implying that the yarn was made for my crush!
  • My blocking board was atrocious and many make shift items were used to keep the dowels straight. Countless dowels broke from the tension of the squares.
  • Organic lavender oil infused water was used to block each square and it gives the blanket this heavenly, dreamy smell of lavender double gassed (flamed) yarn.
  • Around 8 squares had to be omitted for poor quality. 1 perfectly fine square died because I tried to cut the centre black loose end rather than weave it in to save time. I learnt my lesson.
  • In the end I only had to crochet 1 extra square to complete the blanket, suggesting that my crush was the missing last sunflower all along.
  • My cat Cleo approved of the blanket
  • 1 crochet hook named happy died from over use
  • More than 1300 hours were spent on the blanket alone
  • More than 3000 loose ends were weaved in against my will
  • My sister helped me weave in loose ends and pulled a few all nighters with me to finish the blanket on time. I am forever indebted to my amazing sister.
  • The blanket took less than 6 months to complete. It would have been completed faster if it were not for silly university classes.
  • Blood (from needle injuries), sweat (from poor factory worker conditions) and tears (from mistakes) fueled this gift to make it as beautiful as it is!
  • The price of the gift will forever be unknown as the gift is priceless!
  • I tried to grow my own sunflowers for the flower bunch but I gave them too much love (water) and they died miserably.
  • The Christmas card has portions of the princess’s skin cut out on the front page to show how Sara Crewe’s inner princess and lovely heart is what defined her – not her circumstances. The princess she embodies was hidden behind the window and she only needed to look through it to see her own beauty reflected!
  • The bookmark is watercolored, laminated and holds a secret number!!!
  • My crush is as beautiful as a princess inside and out!
Thank you so much for reading my post. If you have any subreddits you suggest I post this into please leave a comment. I have some other gift boxes I have made for her themes on other books such as The Little Prince and Leila’s Secret so if you want to see that just let me know. If you want to see the lessons pages, or care instructions pages or more photos for that matter just leave a comment. For the book lovers reading this post, would you guys ever buy a gift box themed on a book like this one? My sister tells me I could make a business out of this but I’m not sure! Anyways thank you again.
299 Sunflower squares
The last sunflower
Blanket completed
All items
Center parts
All 300 squares
Blocking squares with stones
Happy the hook dead
Last 50 squares with loose ends
Card frontcover
Card inside
Card inside 2
Card backside
Final wrapping
Cleo approving blanket
Reward letter with lessons from the book
Bookmark with quote
Items wrapped in blanket
Sunflower and royal ponciana flower bunch
submitted by ilovesallu to crochet [link] [comments]

[Thank You] So Many People <3

Thank you to:
u/gettysburging for the "Miseries of the Night" board game postcard! I LOVE THIS!!! So So Super Cool and I can't wait to play this with my boyfriend. Thank you for such a unique postcard <333
u/akculley for the Birthday card with the birds and violet flowers on it (SO pretty!!!) :D The jokes inside were hilarious, especially the 747 Boeing one <333
u/pandancat for the retro Rocky Mountain postcard + birthday wishes :D I've always wanted to visit the Rocky Mountains, hopefully once this pandemic is done and over with! Thank you again <333
u/girfoxgirl for the handmade Frozen 2 card, I love it, and I think your artistic skills are fantastic! :D Thank you as well for the 2021 wishes and the beautiful quote <333
u/vince_bong for the holiday rematch Christmas card :D Thank you for the Christmas wishes, and a Happy New Year to you <333
u/riaroochop for the hilarious birthday card, "You're one of the Gouda ones" haha! I love the Mac and Cheese bake recipe and I'll be sure to try it out soon! Your grandmother sounds like a wonderful human being :D thank you so much for your kindness and for the birthday wishes <333
u/ceri_mousk (Can a Mod help me with this user name :D) for the Happy Birthday card + birthday wishes! <333
u/ninajyang the 12 Days of Corona postcard made me laugh irl! (10 local restaurants, 9 streaming binges, 8 bubble baths; 2 quarantines, and a case of my favorite wine) bahaha! Happy Happy Belated Birthday to you and thank you again! <333
u/stephenfromreno88 always happy to get a card from you!!! your cards are always so interesting to read and I'll be sure to write back to you soon :D I also love the page excerpt on Taoism :D
submitted by talipally to RandomActsofCards [link] [comments]


A eye is growing in the middle of my hand, I need HELP!
I woke up on cold Swedish December morning just like usual, but the most unusual sight caught my eye when I were to go to the kitchen and grab my morning brew of dark coffee, I saw it and dropped my legend of Zelda coffee mug on the floor, it crashed into tiny pieces, spilling hot coffee over my feet and socks.
I was looking into my palm…
And it was looking right back at me!
Such a cyclopean horror right in the middle of my right hand, it was a dark blue eye, with a burning red iris. Looking straight at me. I was horrified and sweating, my morning routine was all out of wax.
I HAD to get dressed and go outside so I would not miss my bus to work. But the eye, the eye was all I could think of.
I eventually after moments of chock that felt like an eternity, got dressed, warm Canada goose jacket,
A blue adidas scarf, matching hat and of course black gloves, this would cover up the eye on the bus ride to work… I was lucky this predicament had not occurred in the summertime or the eye would have been impossible to cover up, without strangers looking weird at me.
And as a swede that would not do, what absolute strangers has for opinions of ourselves are of uppermost importance to the Swedish man and for the women to I suppose, possibly even more so.
I had put my face mask on of course for this pandemic time, but you must forgive me for not washing my hands, of course I would do so on the regular, but I did not what the EYE would think of that.
I wondered if I got soap in it, would it feel like I got soap in MY normal human eyes?
I stood out in the cold waiting for the bus, the ground covered in white snow, even more of it came down from the heavens. Someone had put Christmas decorations on the trees outside, it was a pleasant look reminding me of happier times.
Teenagers was vaping and smoking ordinary cigarettes waiting for the bus. All of them obsessed
with their cell phones, smart phones and dumb people was what the future generation had to offer apparently.
A boy was swiping girls on tinder, but not talking to perfect specimen sitting right next to him, a stereotypical Swedish hot blonde with baby blue eyes to match, she was of course lost in her own world of taking endless selfies all day anyway.
One of the girls posting nothing but pics of her tongue out, her tits and ass in underwear and maybe some stupid cringe quote like
“throw me to the wolves and be coming back leading the pack”
And then wondered why I boys only used her for sex and she could never find a goodman… It was a real mystery all right… Maybe she should get Sherlock Holmes to solve it.
And then like a knight in shining armor it came to save us, saving us from awkward social interaction the worst nightmare of any introverted Swede.
In Sweden you had to drink alcohol before interacting with strangers in my case an absolute vodka and some Heinekens.
Otherwise, you would look weird.
I got on in the middle of the bus, the driver’s section was blocked of protecting him but not us passengers from the virus, I scanned my card.
I tried my best to keep social distance taking an empty seat and putting my bag on the seat next to me. This was a subtle way of telling a person looking for a seat… fuck you and keep looking.
Unless there was an elderly person or a woman with a baby carriage then you would of course have to make room.
I could sense the eye through the gloves…. Looking at the passengers…. JUDGING them…. And I mean even more and harder than I and we all judge each other.
It was telling me TERRIBLE things about the people, their worst thoughts and secrets. But I knew better, I did not, trust the eye. I knew the eye to be a liar.
Thinking of ways to get rid of the eye, the eye could hear my thinking, it did NOT like that… the eye was angry.
But it was just an eye, what could it do but look and judge? It could not hurt me or any other person.
It had no body.
I work in an office, and kept to myself as much as possible during the day. This was nothing out of the ordinary I liked to sit in front of my lap top with head phones in my ear blocking out the noise of the surrounding world anyway.
I listened to some classical music, some heavy metal like Metallica and Iron Maiden, even some hip-hop like Eminem, 50 cent , Jay-Z. But no new lil drug overdose rappers. You know the kind who always get famous for a few weeks but then just dies to drugs or being shot anyway and the internet moves on to the next guy.
Some of my co workers of course asked about the rather unusual clothing choice of wearing gloves inside, I assured them it was due to the virus.
I went home after work and took a bus ride home, as uneventful as the one in the morning. I listened to an audiobook, The Stand: by Stephen King on the ride.
The eye kept feeding me lies all the time, people being murderers, sexual abusers and more….
The eye spared no one, it was constantly feeding me lies, trying to lure me into its twisted side of reality.
I got home and washed my hands… the eye did NOT
Like that.
It sent me a chock of torment and dread all through my body, the unpleasantness of a baby born dead, the suffering of Jews in Auschwitz, black men being lynched and hanged just for having a different skin color, women being raped, the torture of the Spanish inquisition, the crucifixion of Christ.
I felt it all, all of humanity’s crimes against nature and each other, against the world, against god.
For one second. Just one second. That felt like years.
Countless years of torture.
I called in sick for the next week of work, said I had possibly gotten the virus. My boss wished me to recover. But the eye told me neither my boss nor my co workers cared about me, or my wellbeing.
I wished to grab a pencil and jam it into straight into the pupil of the eye, but I was afraid what the eye might do to retaliate.
I was awake all night, no sleep, the eye was always watching, always judging , judging me and others, telling me to harm, harm myself and other, to kill, murder the innocent… BUT NO!
I must resist.
I am a man.
I control my own fate.
No man, god or eye in the hand can judge me.
I won’t allow it. Not now, not ever.
Fuck you, you cursed mouth, I curse you from the bottom of my heart, with all of my soul, I wish only that you had a mouth so you could eat shit before I destroy you.
No sleep.
The eye.
Always watching.
The eye.
Sees all.
The eye knows all.
No sleep.
For one week.
Seven days of no sleep.
Nothing to eat.
Food ran out.
Can’t go to the store.
The eye is dangerous.
The might hurt some one if I go outside.
Always inside, always lonely.
So lonely.
No one.
Only the eye is my company.
Watches, me sees me , JUDGES me.
Maybe… mad?
Maybe I am insane.
Maybe… there is no eye?
Can’t take it anymore.
Must end it.
Must go, to kitchen go.
To get meat clever. Must be free, must be free of eye. Must be free of hand…
WILL HURT MUCH… but only way.
Stomped hateful hand and eye to death. I could feel it SCREAMING… inside of my head. It is gone now.
Nurses help me… doctor help me… eat food…
For first time in days. Getting back to normal.
Tonight, finally get some sleep. Will be nice to sleep,
First time in seven days. Hand gone. Hurts. But I don’t miss it. Don’t miss it at all. Better this way…
MUCH better. Free. Finally, free from hateful eye
Now must sleep so tired…. Zzzzzzzzzz
Next day I woke up. Eye still gone, right hand still gone, happy. I am happy.
I look in left hand… there is a new EYE.
It sees all, knows all and the eyes JUDGES me and you.
submitted by FREDDEGRAN to cryosleep [link] [comments]

[Thank You] Great Big Thank you for this week's Wonderful mail

I figured with so many Thank you posts happening this month I would do mine once a week. I have really enjoyed all the mail I have received this week, my homemade display is filling up - my sincere thanks goes out to:
u/talkingroses I love the surfing Santa you sent with the animals, so fun to get a card like this all the way from Australia! And all the goodies you included too!! Can't wait until the next time it snows and I sit down in front of the fire with a cup of Australian Afternoon tea.
u/kinkyzilly3018 Was a surprise to get a Thanksgiving card mixed in with all the Christmas cards I got this week. Love your card, as always you have such a great way of putting them together. Thank you also for the stickers, I particularly like the pumpkin pie - LOVE my pumpkin pie, it is what I ask for as my birthday cake! Thank you kindly friend.
u/wingardium_levi_out your reindeer card traveled such a long way to get to me, love getting cards from the other side of the world. OOOOhhhh what a great Christmas tradition, a dip in the ocean. Closest I have come to that is the two years I lived in Texas during Christmas, we heated up our pool for half the day so we could go swimming in it Christmas day. Your way sounds so much nicer lol
u/carleen1210 your glittery snowman card is down right beautiful, love him. The 2020 quarantine bingo card made me chuckle right up until I realize I had a double bingo and needed only one more square for 2 more :/ Couldn't agree with you more about the best part of Christmas is finding the perfect unexpected gift for people. How many years have you been doing Gingerbread houses? I think my new Holiday tradition will be being a Reddit Secret Santa, I have really enjoyed picking out random things for a random person.
u/Jennnnnnnnifer such a beautiful and treasured Christmas card you sent me, thank you. I too love driving around looking at the Christmas Lights. We usually bake Christmas cookies right before we go and eat them while we drive around looking for the best lights and listening to Christmas music on the radio. It was great reading all about your holiday plans, best of luck on your 2021 goal! I have no doubt plenty of people will sign up for it :)
u/skylineprophets - WooHoo, one of my RAoC Secret Santa cards - so excited! I love that you sent me a pair of cardinals Holiday Card, I love my backyard birds, you couldn't have picked a better card had you asked what I enjoy. Many thanks. Oh my goodness, I love your story about your tradition of your Dad building you a fort for Christmas. That must have been such fun. I hope you have many pictures of the different ones.
u/bluedecemberart - I don't know what to say, your card is stunning, I can't imagine how long it took you to create these intricately cut and folded cards. The silver bow is such a nice touch. But most of all I am beyond honored that you sent me a limited print of your RAoC artwork. It is hanging right above my computer screens so I will see it every time I am on the computer. Thank you so much, I am glad to call you my dear friend.
u/gastrorabbit I love this handmade card, it looks so professional! Thanks for exchanging with me. Thank you for the Peanut Butter Cheesecake recipe. My son absolutely loves choc and peanut butter. I will have to make this for him as a surprise sometime soon, thank you my friend!
u/necropolis thank you for sending me a thank you card, its always nice to hear that a card one has sent made a small difference. I also agree that joining RAoC this year has made a huge difference in helping my mental health. On to more cards in 2021!! Your origami tree is sitting proudly on my desk, thank you.
u/lehmongeloh - I love this punny birthday card celebrating my cake day! Thank you so much for choosing me as one of the recipients of your birthday cards. I will treasure it - its Eggs-cellent!
u/PigeontheGnome first of all I love your user name, second of all, thank you for the beautiful flower thank you card. The Oprah quote is a great one in particular for this year. Good Riddance! I love all the stickers you included as well.
submitted by travel4me22 to RandomActsofCards [link] [comments]

[Thank You] to u/carleen1210 , u/Dyanthis , u/Seven_Vandelay , u/snailmailforzee and u/vlovato

u/carleen1210 : Thanks for the charming Merry Christmas card: truly elegant and pleasant. I really liked the little "Oh what a Year" card, I enjoyed reading the various points on "2020 Quarantine Bingo" on the back. I thank you for the good wishes. In Tuscany we have many fun traditions, one of these (which I have vusto several times) takes place Piezna (a small town in the province of Siena) and is called the game of Panforte (typical Sienese dessert) and it is about throwing a panforte on a long wooden table trying to get as far as possible without dropping it: a unique sight to behold. Best wishes for happy holidays and for a 2021 full of joy, health and love.
u/Dyanthis : Thank you for the beautiful and charming postcard with white triangular waves on black and vice versa - a nice graphic effect. Thanks also for your kind words on the back of the card. Best wishes for happy holidays and for a 2021 full of joy, health and love.
u/Seven_Vandelay : Thanks for the fun card from West Virginia featuring a "wise bus cat" who smokes. Thanks also for the Jim Downton quote with which I fully agree. Congratulations for the Montegrappa pen and above all for the beautiful handwriting. Best wishes for happy holidays and for a 2021 full of joy, health and love.
u/snailmailforzee : Thanks for the wonderful envelope and card with Merry Christmas greetings. The card, with the inscription of Merry Christmas made with letters of different colors and shapes each with sparkles of different colors is truly fascinating: the evening with the light makes an extraordinary effect and for this I put it on the Christmas tree with lights that turn on and off making the letters shine. The envelope is also very elegant and pleasant. Thanks for the glitters and the amazing stamps. Best wishes for happy holidays and for a 2021 full of joy, health and love.
u/vlovato : Thanks for the card with the wishes of happy holidays: the stylized reindeer with the scarf and with horns full of objects like a Christmas tree is really nice and cheerful, I enjoyed looking at it. Best wishes for happy holidays and for a 2021 full of joy, health and love.
submitted by emotion45 to RandomActsofCards [link] [comments]


A eye is growing in the middle of my hand, I need HELP!
I woke up on cold Swedish December morning just like usual, but the most unusual sight caught my eye when I were to go to the kitchen and grab my morning brew of dark coffee, I saw it and dropped my legend of Zelda coffee mug on the floor, it crashed into tiny pieces, spilling hot coffee over my feet and socks.
I was looking into my palm…
And it was looking right back at me!
Such a cyclopean horror right in the middle of my right hand, it was a dark blue eye, with a burning red iris. Looking straight at me. I was horrified and sweating, my morning routine was all out of wax.
I HAD to get dressed and go outside so I would not miss my bus to work. But the eye, the eye was all I could think of.
I eventually after moments of chock that felt like an eternity, got dressed, warm Canada goose jacket,
A blue adidas scarf, matching hat and of course black gloves, this would cover up the eye on the bus ride to work… I was lucky this predicament had not occurred in the summertime or the eye would have been impossible to cover up, without strangers looking weird at me.
And as a swede that would not do, what absolute strangers has for opinions of ourselves are of uppermost importance to the Swedish man and for the women to I suppose, possibly even more so.
I had put my face mask on of course for this pandemic time, but you must forgive me for not washing my hands, of course I would do so on the regular, but I did not what the EYE would think of that.
I wondered if I got soap in it, would it feel like I got soap in MY normal human eyes?
I stood out in the cold waiting for the bus, the ground covered in white snow, even more of it came down from the heavens. Someone had put Christmas decorations on the trees outside, it was a pleasant look reminding me of happier times.
Teenagers was vaping and smoking ordinary cigarettes waiting for the bus. All of them obsessed
with their cell phones, smart phones and dumb people was what the future generation had to offer apparently.
A boy was swiping girls on tinder, but not talking to perfect specimen sitting right next to him, a stereotypical Swedish hot blonde with baby blue eyes to match, she was of course lost in her own world of taking endless selfies all day anyway.
One of the girls posting nothing but pics of her tongue out, her tits and ass in underwear and maybe some stupid cringe quote like
“throw me to the wolves and be coming back leading the pack”
And then wondered why I boys only used her for sex and she could never find a goodman… It was a real mystery all right… Maybe she should get Sherlock Holmes to solve it.
And then like a knight in shining armor it came to save us, saving us from awkward social interaction the worst nightmare of any introverted Swede.
In Sweden you had to drink alcohol before interacting with strangers in my case an absolute vodka and some Heinekens.
Otherwise, you would look weird.
I got on in the middle of the bus, the driver’s section was blocked of protecting him but not us passengers from the virus, I scanned my card.
I tried my best to keep social distance taking an empty seat and putting my bag on the seat next to me. This was a subtle way of telling a person looking for a seat… fuck you and keep looking.
Unless there was an elderly person or a woman with a baby carriage then you would of course have to make room.
I could sense the eye through the gloves…. Looking at the passengers…. JUDGING them…. And I mean even more and harder than I and we all judge each other.
It was telling me TERRIBLE things about the people, their worst thoughts and secrets. But I knew better, I did not, trust the eye. I knew the eye to be a liar.
Thinking of ways to get rid of the eye, the eye could hear my thinking, it did NOT like that… the eye was angry.
But it was just an eye, what could it do but look and judge? It could not hurt me or any other person.
It had no body.
I work in an office, and kept to myself as much as possible during the day. This was nothing out of the ordinary I liked to sit in front of my lap top with head phones in my ear blocking out the noise of the surrounding world anyway.
I listened to some classical music, some heavy metal like Metallica and Iron Maiden, even some hip-hop like Eminem, 50 cent , Jay-Z. But no new lil drug overdose rappers. You know the kind who always get famous for a few weeks but then just dies to drugs or being shot anyway and the internet moves on to the next guy.
Some of my co workers of course asked about the rather unusual clothing choice of wearing gloves inside, I assured them it was due to the virus.
I went home after work and took a bus ride home, as uneventful as the one in the morning. I listened to an audiobook, The Stand: by Stephen King on the ride.
The eye kept feeding me lies all the time, people being murderers, sexual abusers and more….
The eye spared no one, it was constantly feeding me lies, trying to lure me into its twisted side of reality.
I got home and washed my hands… the eye did NOT
Like that.
It sent me a chock of torment and dread all through my body, the unpleasantness of a baby born dead, the suffering of Jews in Auschwitz, black men being lynched and hanged just for having a different skin color, women being raped, the torture of the Spanish inquisition, the crucifixion of Christ.
I felt it all, all of humanity’s crimes against nature and each other, against the world, against god.
For one second. Just one second. That felt like years.
Countless years of torture.
I called in sick for the next week of work, said I had possibly gotten the virus. My boss wished me to recover. But the eye told me neither my boss nor my co workers cared about me, or my wellbeing.
I wished to grab a pencil and jam it into straight into the pupil of the eye, but I was afraid what the eye might do to retaliate.
I was awake all night, no sleep, the eye was always watching, always judging , judging me and others, telling me to harm, harm myself and other, to kill, murder the innocent… BUT NO!
I must resist.
I am a man.
I control my own fate.
No man, god or eye in the hand can judge me.
I won’t allow it. Not now, not ever.
Fuck you, you cursed mouth, I curse you from the bottom of my heart, with all of my soul, I wish only that you had a mouth so you could eat shit before I destroy you.
No sleep.
The eye.
Always watching.
The eye.
Sees all.
The eye knows all.
No sleep.
For one week.
Seven days of no sleep.
Nothing to eat.
Food ran out.
Can’t go to the store.
The eye is dangerous.
The might hurt some one if I go outside.
Always inside, always lonely.
So lonely.
No one.
Only the eye is my company.
Watches, me sees me , JUDGES me.
Maybe… mad?
Maybe I am insane.
Maybe… there is no eye?
Can’t take it anymore.
Must end it.
Must go, to kitchen go.
To get meat clever. Must be free, must be free of eye. Must be free of hand…
WILL HURT MUCH… but only way.
Stomped hateful hand and eye to death. I could feel it SCREAMING… inside of my head. It is gone now.
Nurses help me… doctor help me… eat food…
For first time in days. Getting back to normal.
Tonight, finally get some sleep. Will be nice to sleep,
First time in seven days. Hand gone. Hurts. But I don’t miss it. Don’t miss it at all. Better this way…
MUCH better. Free. Finally, free from hateful eye
Now must sleep so tired…. Zzzzzzzzzz
Next day I woke up. Eye still gone, right hand still gone, happy. I am happy.
I look in left hand… there is a new EYE.
It sees all, knows all and the eyes JUDGES me and you.
The eye part 2
This eye was burning red like fire, with a yellow iris in the middle. Different eye, but some hatred for man, same judging… I could feel it in all of my body.
Began sweating, anxiety attack, heart beat and pulse running wild.
Never been so scared in all of my life!
Damn you eye, cursed eye, you hate me, and I hate you to.
Wonder if doctor had seen eye? Had anyone seen it? Would be weird if they had not…
Nurse! Maybe nurse saw it? Nurse smells good, looks good, like angel, touched my shoulder her hands were so soft…
Eye tells me she is a slut, cheating on her husband.
Do not believe eye! Eye is a liar, I know.
Nurse is good person, working hard caring for patients, she is sweet… lovely.
But has she discovered the secret, my secret!
The eye, can not let anyone find out about the eye…
Maybe I must do it? No, no I cannot I am good person… I AM! I swear, would not hurt a fly, would not hurt a nurse… hurt a woman? NOT ME!
Not ever.
But maybe… the eye would.
Must leave hospital… ASAP.
Don’t know how long I was under, but other arm healed wound from bad eye in my other hand killed it. Will kill this one to. But need help. Only one arm. Cannot hold knife by myself.
Will leave now before It does something bad. Bad eye, stupid eye, always watching, always judging, never relax, but Jonas from work has machete, will get rid of eye, once and for all.
I left hospital in a rush. Went to home. Slept. Was good. New day waiting for first bus in the morning, only me and another person, attractive woman waiting for the bus. She talks in her cellphone, smartphone, dumb woman. Talks to loud with annoying voice.
-I never let them vaccinate me or my kids you don’t know what is in those needles. She says as she lifts her tattooed hand holding a cigarette to her Botox filled lips. She got syringe marks on her arm from injection of illegals drugs, heroine or amphetamine.
I cannot see through sleeve on her white peak performance jacket of course, but the EYE can, the eye sees all. And it judges this woman… this stupid bimbo… hard judgement.
Not me of course.
Really I am!
Promise to you.
Never hurt woman. I would not.
But the eye would.
And it did.
Run fast from crime scene…
Lucky no one saw… I think.
Run, my timberland boots leaving many marks in the heavy snow. But its cool police will not find me.
Run long time. Finally arrive at work. Early. Missing one arm.
Lie. To coworkers. Accident I say. Can’t tell truth about eye.
Lie. Stupid story about alligator bite… they don’t believe me I can tell. But it doesn’t matter!
The eye is happy and its all that matter. On radio news reporter talking about dead woman found In bus stop. Near where I live….
Co-workers ask me if I saw…. Sadly, I saw nothing.
Scary when murder happens close to your own home… so scary. I tell them. I lie.
Remembering ex-girlfriend, run over with car, but was accident. Not me. I never hurt a woman.
It was the alcohol! The foot on the pedal, not me.
I am innocent. I swear!
The foot did it. BAD FOOT! Bad.
Good me. Always good boy. My momma tell me.
So proud. Never murder. Not me!
Work day go slow. After work I somehow convince Jonas to come over to his apartment top floor in apartment building many stairs to walk up.
Elevator out of function. Typical! But it doesn’t matter only the eye matters, only machete matters… soon I will be free from the evil eye.
He helps me take my glove of, he sees the eye, go and grabs machete. Eye tells me of woman from Romania, sitting outside of store begging for change…
Jonas take her home, promise of easy money, keep her in a cage. I don’t believe eye. It is a liar.
He cuts of my hand. Burn eye and hand. Can feel it screaming in my body. I got toilet, look in mirror see my face… 1,2… 3 eyes.
Purple eye in forehead. Watching, judging.
Only one way to go. Down…
This is Police Officer Magnus Svensson found this poor SOB splattered on the pavement, took a nosedive from the top floor. The man in the apartment
Jonas Johansson is suspect, he had bloody machete, a burned hand and a woman from Romania in a cage kept in his bedroom.
submitted by FREDDEGRAN to mrcreeps [link] [comments]

[Thank You] A Pile of Thanksgiving and Birthday Love

u/Scribex2: Thank you so much for the birthday card, stickers, and sweet note. It was a joy to read :')
u/josephineismyhero: Thanks for the Thanksgiving card and the stickers! The flower sticker you used on the envelope is super cool.
u/TigerLady13: Thank you so much for the Christmas card! I think yours is the first I've gotten so it was a lovely start to the Christmas season.
u/ljsweenes: I enjoyed the postcard you sent me haha. I'll be sure to be present next Sunday lol thank you.
u/blacksmithequivalent: Thank you so much for the birthday postcard and note. You are too kind!
u/frugalaccount23: Thanks for the card and the stickers! I love that you talked about birthday donuts. A Dunkin Doughnuts just opened in my town and we got some the day before my birthday! lol
u/snailmailforzee: Thank you so much for the weenie dog card! I can't help but smile when I see it.
u/fluffecoo22: Thank you so so much for the card! and the tea! and the stickers! and the hand cream! You spoiled me and I love you for it <3 Thank you.
u/suzilla10: The postcard you sent me is awesome! Your BF has some skills. Thank you I really appreciate you sharing his photography with me.
u/ninajyang: Thank you SO much for the birthday/Thanksgiving card!! I've never seen one like that and I feel like it was made for me lol.
u/aepeyc: Thank you so much for the birthday card with the cute little bird!
u/Weltanschauung_Zyxt: I freakin love the apocalypse card you sent me hahaha thank you so much for that. #TeamQuarantine
u/cupcakes_and_canter: The Hulala card you sent me is the best and I love it. I love fatass birdfeeder birds. There's a blue jay that hangs out behind my work place and he makes me so happy. Thank you!
u/libertyprogrammer: Thank you so much for the post card and quote! It made me really miss traveling..
u/swfbh234: I really like the art on the WWI post card you sent. Thank you thank you!
u/infiniteanybody5: Thank you for the post card! I've never seen Creature from the Black Lagoon but I think I need to go watch it!
Julia in the Netherlands: Thank you for the beautiful fall postcard. I can't even imagine what winters are like there.
submitted by SarcasticHulktastic to RandomActsofCards [link] [comments]

eye part 1 and 2

A eye is growing in the middle of my hand, I need HELP!
I woke up on cold Swedish December morning just like usual, but the most unusual sight caught my eye when I were to go to the kitchen and grab my morning brew of dark coffee, I saw it and dropped my legend of Zelda coffee mug on the floor, it crashed into tiny pieces, spilling hot coffee over my feet and socks.
I was looking into my palm…
And it was looking right back at me!
Such a cyclopean horror right in the middle of my right hand, it was a dark blue eye, with a burning red iris. Looking straight at me. I was horrified and sweating, my morning routine was all out of wax.
I HAD to get dressed and go outside so I would not miss my bus to work. But the eye, the eye was all I could think of.
I eventually after moments of chock that felt like an eternity, got dressed, warm Canada goose jacket,
A blue adidas scarf, matching hat and of course black gloves, this would cover up the eye on the bus ride to work… I was lucky this predicament had not occurred in the summertime or the eye would have been impossible to cover up, without strangers looking weird at me.
And as a swede that would not do, what absolute strangers has for opinions of ourselves are of uppermost importance to the Swedish man and for the women to I suppose, possibly even more so.
I had put my face mask on of course for this pandemic time, but you must forgive me for not washing my hands, of course I would do so on the regular, but I did not what the EYE would think of that.
I wondered if I got soap in it, would it feel like I got soap in MY normal human eyes?
I stood out in the cold waiting for the bus, the ground covered in white snow, even more of it came down from the heavens. Someone had put Christmas decorations on the trees outside, it was a pleasant look reminding me of happier times.
Teenagers was vaping and smoking ordinary cigarettes waiting for the bus. All of them obsessed
with their cell phones, smart phones and dumb people was what the future generation had to offer apparently.
A boy was swiping girls on tinder, but not talking to perfect specimen sitting right next to him, a stereotypical Swedish hot blonde with baby blue eyes to match, she was of course lost in her own world of taking endless selfies all day anyway.
One of the girls posting nothing but pics of her tongue out, her tits and ass in underwear and maybe some stupid cringe quote like
“throw me to the wolves and be coming back leading the pack”
And then wondered why I boys only used her for sex and she could never find a goodman… It was a real mystery all right… Maybe she should get Sherlock Holmes to solve it.
And then like a knight in shining armor it came to save us, saving us from awkward social interaction the worst nightmare of any introverted Swede.
In Sweden you had to drink alcohol before interacting with strangers in my case an absolute vodka and some Heinekens.
Otherwise, you would look weird.
I got on in the middle of the bus, the driver’s section was blocked of protecting him but not us passengers from the virus, I scanned my card.
I tried my best to keep social distance taking an empty seat and putting my bag on the seat next to me. This was a subtle way of telling a person looking for a seat… fuck you and keep looking.
Unless there was an elderly person or a woman with a baby carriage then you would of course have to make room.
I could sense the eye through the gloves…. Looking at the passengers…. JUDGING them…. And I mean even more and harder than I and we all judge each other.
It was telling me TERRIBLE things about the people, their worst thoughts and secrets. But I knew better, I did not, trust the eye. I knew the eye to be a liar.
Thinking of ways to get rid of the eye, the eye could hear my thinking, it did NOT like that… the eye was angry.
But it was just an eye, what could it do but look and judge? It could not hurt me or any other person.
It had no body.
I work in an office, and kept to myself as much as possible during the day. This was nothing out of the ordinary I liked to sit in front of my lap top with head phones in my ear blocking out the noise of the surrounding world anyway.
I listened to some classical music, some heavy metal like Metallica and Iron Maiden, even some hip-hop like Eminem, 50 cent , Jay-Z. But no new lil drug overdose rappers. You know the kind who always get famous for a few weeks but then just dies to drugs or being shot anyway and the internet moves on to the next guy.
Some of my co workers of course asked about the rather unusual clothing choice of wearing gloves inside, I assured them it was due to the virus.
I went home after work and took a bus ride home, as uneventful as the one in the morning. I listened to an audiobook, The Stand: by Stephen King on the ride.
The eye kept feeding me lies all the time, people being murderers, sexual abusers and more….
The eye spared no one, it was constantly feeding me lies, trying to lure me into its twisted side of reality.
I got home and washed my hands… the eye did NOT
Like that.
It sent me a chock of torment and dread all through my body, the unpleasantness of a baby born dead, the suffering of Jews in Auschwitz, black men being lynched and hanged just for having a different skin color, women being raped, the torture of the Spanish inquisition, the crucifixion of Christ.
I felt it all, all of humanity’s crimes against nature and each other, against the world, against god.
For one second. Just one second. That felt like years.
Countless years of torture.
I called in sick for the next week of work, said I had possibly gotten the virus. My boss wished me to recover. But the eye told me neither my boss nor my co workers cared about me, or my wellbeing.
I wished to grab a pencil and jam it into straight into the pupil of the eye, but I was afraid what the eye might do to retaliate.
I was awake all night, no sleep, the eye was always watching, always judging , judging me and others, telling me to harm, harm myself and other, to kill, murder the innocent… BUT NO!
I must resist.
I am a man.
I control my own fate.
No man, god or eye in the hand can judge me.
I won’t allow it. Not now, not ever.
Fuck you, you cursed mouth, I curse you from the bottom of my heart, with all of my soul, I wish only that you had a mouth so you could eat shit before I destroy you.
No sleep.
The eye.
Always watching.
The eye.
Sees all.
The eye knows all.
No sleep.
For one week.
Seven days of no sleep.
Nothing to eat.
Food ran out.
Can’t go to the store.
The eye is dangerous.
The might hurt some one if I go outside.
Always inside, always lonely.
So lonely.
No one.
Only the eye is my company.
Watches, me sees me , JUDGES me.
Maybe… mad?
Maybe I am insane.
Maybe… there is no eye?
Can’t take it anymore.
Must end it.
Must go, to kitchen go.
To get meat clever. Must be free, must be free of eye. Must be free of hand…
WILL HURT MUCH… but only way.
Stomped hateful hand and eye to death. I could feel it SCREAMING… inside of my head. It is gone now.
Nurses help me… doctor help me… eat food…
For first time in days. Getting back to normal.
Tonight, finally get some sleep. Will be nice to sleep,
First time in seven days. Hand gone. Hurts. But I don’t miss it. Don’t miss it at all. Better this way…
MUCH better. Free. Finally, free from hateful eye
Now must sleep so tired…. Zzzzzzzzzz
Next day I woke up. Eye still gone, right hand still gone, happy. I am happy.
I look in left hand… there is a new EYE.
It sees all, knows all and the eyes JUDGES me and you.
The eye part 2
This eye was burning red like fire, with a yellow iris in the middle. Different eye, but some hatred for man, same judging… I could feel it in all of my body.
Began sweating, anxiety attack, heart beat and pulse running wild.
Never been so scared in all of my life!
Damn you eye, cursed eye, you hate me, and I hate you to.
Wonder if doctor had seen eye? Had anyone seen it? Would be weird if they had not…
Nurse! Maybe nurse saw it? Nurse smells good, looks good, like angel, touched my shoulder her hands were so soft…
Eye tells me she is a slut, cheating on her husband.
Do not believe eye! Eye is a liar, I know.
Nurse is good person, working hard caring for patients, she is sweet… lovely.
But has she discovered the secret, my secret!
The eye, can not let anyone find out about the eye…
Maybe I must do it? No, no I cannot I am good person… I AM! I swear, would not hurt a fly, would not hurt a nurse… hurt a woman? NOT ME!
Not ever.
But maybe… the eye would.
Must leave hospital… ASAP.
Don’t know how long I was under, but other arm healed wound from bad eye in my other hand killed it. Will kill this one to. But need help. Only one arm. Cannot hold knife by myself.
Will leave now before It does something bad. Bad eye, stupid eye, always watching, always judging, never relax, but Jonas from work has machete, will get rid of eye, once and for all.
I left hospital in a rush. Went to home. Slept. Was good. New day waiting for first bus in the morning, only me and another person, attractive woman waiting for the bus. She talks in her cellphone, smartphone, dumb woman. Talks to loud with annoying voice.
-I never let them vaccinate me or my kids you don’t know what is in those needles. She says as she lifts her tattooed hand holding a cigarette to her Botox filled lips. She got syringe marks on her arm from injection of illegals drugs, heroine or amphetamine.
I cannot see through sleeve on her white peak performance jacket of course, but the EYE can, the eye sees all. And it judges this woman… this stupid bimbo… hard judgement.
Not me of course.
Really I am!
Promise to you.
Never hurt woman. I would not.
But the eye would.
And it did.
Run fast from crime scene…
Lucky no one saw… I think.
Run, my timberland boots leaving many marks in the heavy snow. But its cool police will not find me.
Run long time. Finally arrive at work. Early. Missing one arm.
Lie. To coworkers. Accident I say. Can’t tell truth about eye.
Lie. Stupid story about alligator bite… they don’t believe me I can tell. But it doesn’t matter!
The eye is happy and its all that matter. On radio news reporter talking about dead woman found In bus stop. Near where I live….
Co-workers ask me if I saw…. Sadly, I saw nothing.
Scary when murder happens close to your own home… so scary. I tell them. I lie.
Remembering ex-girlfriend, run over with car, but was accident. Not me. I never hurt a woman.
It was the alcohol! The foot on the pedal, not me.
I am innocent. I swear!
The foot did it. BAD FOOT! Bad.
Good me. Always good boy. My momma tell me.
So proud. Never murder. Not me!
Work day go slow. After work I somehow convince Jonas to come over to his apartment top floor in apartment building many stairs to walk up.
Elevator out of function. Typical! But it doesn’t matter only the eye matters, only machete matters… soon I will be free from the evil eye.
He helps me take my glove of, he sees the eye, go and grabs machete. Eye tells me of woman from Romania, sitting outside of store begging for change…
Jonas take her home, promise of easy money, keep her in a cage. I don’t believe eye. It is a liar.
He cuts of my hand. Burn eye and hand. Can feel it screaming in my body. I got toilet, look in mirror see my face… 1,2… 3 eyes.
Purple eye in forehead. Watching, judging.
Only one way to go. Down…
This is Police Officer Magnus Svensson found this poor SOB splattered on the pavement, took a nosedive from the top floor. The man in the apartment
Jonas Johansson is suspect, he had bloody machete, a burned hand and a woman from Romania in a cage kept in his bedroom.
submitted by FREDDEGRAN to cryosleep [link] [comments]

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